About Carrier Oil and Acne


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About Carrier Oil and Acne

I open this topic because I have not found (or have not been able to) information about it.

What is your opinion that the type of oil can influence some side effects such as acne?

Do you think that choosing MTC or GSO has any relevance when it comes to suffering more or less acne? Of course assuming the exact same concentration and type of steroid is used.

Does anyone have personal experience on this?

Thank you!
Unfortunately no clue at all what oil works better compared to others because it's just lately I started to care, but I can say for sure that there is a difference. I've been using a lot of different test vials/ brands and got cystic from some and not a single zit from others, same dose and lifestyle more or less.
I dont think the carrier oil has much to do with acne, I think its mabe different compounds or estrogen. I get horrible cystic acne from test an dbol or test an decca and none on other compounds.
Good afternoon.

About Carrier Oil and Acne

I open this topic because I have not found (or have not been able to) information about it.

What is your opinion that the type of oil can influence some side effects such as acne?

Do you think that choosing MTC or GSO has any relevance when it comes to suffering more or less acne? Of course assuming the exact same concentration and type of steroid is used.

Does anyone have personal experience on this?

Thank you!

If anything at all, this is most probably related only to individual intolerances, causing an autoimmune reaction / inflammation which manifests it self as a breakout. Skin conditions can be a reaction to one or the other, but in regards to aas causing acne, I'd wager that most of the time it's the androgen it self and not the carrier oil. Some androgens have a higher binding affinity to AR's in the sub derma layer then others and this causes those deep cystic acne. And with some other androgens it's a reaction to higher estrogen.

I've learned to distinguish between estrogen acne and "AR" acne. Estrogen are more topical and small, really easy and simple to determine when my e2 is too high. HCG, test, dbol, cause these ones. And androgen acne are the more deep, larger ones. Boldenone and dhb cause these ones for me.

How come you're thinking about carrier oil in regards to acne?
If anything at all, this is most probably related only to individual intolerances, causing an autoimmune reaction / inflammation which manifests it self as a breakout. Skin conditions can be a reaction to one or the other, but in regards to aas causing acne, I'd wager that most of the time it's the androgen it self and not the carrier oil. Some androgens have a higher binding affinity to AR's in the sub derma layer then others and this causes those deep cystic acne. And with some other androgens it's a reaction to higher estrogen.

I've learned to distinguish between estrogen acne and "AR" acne. Estrogen are more topical and small, really easy and simple to determine when my e2 is too high. HCG, test, dbol, cause these ones. And androgen acne are the more deep, larger ones. Boldenone and dhb cause these ones for me.

How come you're thinking about carrier oil in regards to acne?

Hello @Jin23

Thank you for answering and giving your opinion.

In response to your question, if I'm honest, I don't know what to think anymore.

But if the carrier oil does not have any influence on acne, I am convinced that the ester does have an influence (it is only my opinion and experience).

I explain:

I did a Blast of about 400mg. Testosterone Cypionate + 400 mg. of Primobolan for 12 or 13 weeks. Zero side effects, my perfect skin, hematocrit at 54/55.

After the Blast, I started TRT with Testosterone Undecaonate 130mg. weekly approximately. After 5-6 weeks of starting TRT the pimples that you describe (as deeper androgenic) started only on arms and shoulders. Also, my hematocrit went up to 57.

I have stopped TRT for 4 weeks and am thinking of starting another Blast with Cypionate and Primobolan like the first one I did.

I don't know if I'm talking nonsense, but that's my experience and I'm trying to clear up any unknowns, because what happened to me seems very strange.
Hello @Jin23

Thank you for answering and giving your opinion.

In response to your question, if I'm honest, I don't know what to think anymore.

But if the carrier oil does not have any influence on acne, I am convinced that the ester does have an influence (it is only my opinion and experience).

I explain:

I did a Blast of about 400mg. Testosterone Cypionate + 400 mg. of Primobolan for 12 or 13 weeks. Zero side effects, my perfect skin, hematocrit at 54/55.

After the Blast, I started TRT with Testosterone Undecaonate 130mg. weekly approximately. After 5-6 weeks of starting TRT the pimples that you describe (as deeper androgenic) started only on arms and shoulders. Also, my hematocrit went up to 57.

I have stopped TRT for 4 weeks and am thinking of starting another Blast with Cypionate and Primobolan like the first one I did.

I don't know if I'm talking nonsense, but that's my experience and I'm trying to clear up any unknowns, because what happened to me seems very strange.
Pretty sure it’s hormones fluctuations coming off the blast.

When i switched to t Undecanoate i made sure to add testosterone enanthate to let the Undecanoate ester build up

Steroidplotter is great for making the calculation on a mix of test u test e

On test Undecanoate i have no acne while test enanthate gave me some (pinning every 3.5 days for test e and u )
Hello @Jin23

Thank you for answering and giving your opinion.

In response to your question, if I'm honest, I don't know what to think anymore.

But if the carrier oil does not have any influence on acne, I am convinced that the ester does have an influence (it is only my opinion and experience).

I explain:

I did a Blast of about 400mg. Testosterone Cypionate + 400 mg. of Primobolan for 12 or 13 weeks. Zero side effects, my perfect skin, hematocrit at 54/55.

After the Blast, I started TRT with Testosterone Undecaonate 130mg. weekly approximately. After 5-6 weeks of starting TRT the pimples that you describe (as deeper androgenic) started only on arms and shoulders. Also, my hematocrit went up to 57.

I have stopped TRT for 4 weeks and am thinking of starting another Blast with Cypionate and Primobolan like the first one I did.

I don't know if I'm talking nonsense, but that's my experience and I'm trying to clear up any unknowns, because what happened to me seems very strange.
That could have been caused by fluctuating T levels.
Hello @Jin23

Thank you for answering and giving your opinion.

In response to your question, if I'm honest, I don't know what to think anymore.

But if the carrier oil does not have any influence on acne, I am convinced that the ester does have an influence (it is only my opinion and experience).

I explain:

I did a Blast of about 400mg. Testosterone Cypionate + 400 mg. of Primobolan for 12 or 13 weeks. Zero side effects, my perfect skin, hematocrit at 54/55.

After the Blast, I started TRT with Testosterone Undecaonate 130mg. weekly approximately. After 5-6 weeks of starting TRT the pimples that you describe (as deeper androgenic) started only on arms and shoulders. Also, my hematocrit went up to 57.

I have stopped TRT for 4 weeks and am thinking of starting another Blast with Cypionate and Primobolan like the first one I did.

I don't know if I'm talking nonsense, but that's my experience and I'm trying to clear up any unknowns, because what happened to me seems very strange.

How long after the blast did you wait and start pining TU? Hematocrit can go up from a loss of water and from hemolysis, both of which occur with dropping androgen levels.

The acne you experienced, I concur with the users above me. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to acne flair ups. I'm a bit surprised that you got deep acne (or whatever the right terminology is) but hey, what I wrote above is just my personal experience and reaction and in no way am I saying that that's a rule ... Again, I would look at the hormonal fluctuation instead of the ester or the oil but I'm also not saying that an immune reaction / inflammation to the oil is an exclusion, just that it's less likely.
How long after the blast did you wait and start pining TU? Hematocrit can go up from a loss of water and from hemolysis, both of which occur with dropping androgen levels.

I waited 1 month.

Right now I am 4 weeks off TRT completely and my acne has improved remarkably.

When I was on TRT, 4 weeks ago, I had blood work done and my Testosterone level was 15, hematocrit was 57.

Next week I'll do a new blood test (I'll be off for 5 weeks now) to check how everything is.
I waited 1 month.

Right now I am 4 weeks off TRT completely and my acne has improved remarkably.

When I was on TRT, 4 weeks ago, I had blood work done and my Testosterone level was 15, hematocrit was 57.

Next week I'll do a new blood test (I'll be off for 5 weeks now) to check how everything is.

Your acne situation would have (probably) resolved either way. But let me get this straight, you went off of TRT and are doing PCT now?
Your acne situation would have (probably) resolved either way. But let me get this straight, you went off of TRT and are doing PCT now?

No, I am not doing PCT.
I've just been off TRT for 4-5 weeks to get my blood work done again.
I am curious to know the results of the analysis.
I too am curious if there is differences between oils causing acne.

There isn't any direct link I can think of except individual tolerance/allergies towards certain oils.

There is however, some data to support that thicker carrier oils allow for a more stable release and thus more stable blood serum concentrations of androgens.

If androgen spikes are causing the acne then it is possible this may be a factor, though I would guess that for most people the difference is negligible and unlikely to be a major cause of acne.
I waited 1 month.

Right now I am 4 weeks off TRT completely and my acne has improved remarkably.

When I was on TRT, 4 weeks ago, I had blood work done and my Testosterone level was 15, hematocrit was 57.

Next week I'll do a new blood test (I'll be off for 5 weeks now) to check how everything is.
you were using testU for your trt right ? there is still a fair amount of exogenous test in your body and there will be for another 2 months or so.