Arimidex on trt?

So currently been using 150 mgs test c a week no AI on my ugl stuff. My source always said it was overdosed. Got my trt from a clinic now and prescribed 160 mgs a week. They sent me some arimdex as well. My e2 tends to run pretty high even on low doses. E2 usually in the 60s and really only side I got is puffy face. Should I take the arimdex and give it a try or try the pharma stuff for a few weeks and get bloods before taking the ai? Also does arimidex cause hair loss. That's one thing I don't want as I'm currently on fin trying to combat it.
If they told you to take it, take it. They will reassess your levels after
Agreed. Presumably your medical care provider will advise you more knowledgeably than internet bodybuilders.

For reference I take 0.5mg Arimidex twice a week on slightly less testosterone than you’re taking (150mg Test U/week).
So currently been using 150 mgs test c a week no AI on my ugl stuff. My source always said it was overdosed. Got my trt from a clinic now and prescribed 160 mgs a week. They sent me some arimdex as well. My e2 tends to run pretty high even on low doses. E2 usually in the 60s and really only side I got is puffy face. Should I take the arimdex and give it a try or try the pharma stuff for a few weeks and get bloods before taking the ai? Also does arimidex cause hair loss. That's one thing I don't want as I'm currently on fin trying to combat it.
Are you micro dosing? Or all in 1 shot?
I haven’t heard of Arimidex causing hair loss but I know it does affect your cholesterol levels. I believe it lowers your HDL over time
I used to take a little on cruise for 200mg for a few years, I dropped to 150mg and took less AI, using liquid arimidex so I could micro-dose, then I came to to the conclusion that AI on cruise is bad overall and that I should be running the maximum amount of test that I can without an AI, so now my TRT/cruise is 122.5mg. At 140mg of test cyp split into daily injections my estrogen was 64
Yeah I agree with everyone else if your provider said to take the arimidex take it and see how it effects your levels then they will access from there.

As far as hairloss. You’re not going to loose hair from .5mg of arimidex lol the test will make you loose hair before arimidex does.

Eventually you’ll be able to tell how much test you can cruise on without an ai.

All trial and error. Imo
So currently been using 150 mgs test c a week no AI on my ugl stuff. My source always said it was overdosed. Got my trt from a clinic now and prescribed 160 mgs a week. They sent me some arimdex as well. My e2 tends to run pretty high even on low doses. E2 usually in the 60s and really only side I got is puffy face. Should I take the arimdex and give it a try or try the pharma stuff for a few weeks and get bloods before taking the ai? Also does arimidex cause hair loss. That's one thing I don't want as I'm currently on fin trying to combat it.
check it every tot amount of time and you can check to use it or not