Well-known Member
Fuck that workout my god. Those Keiser machines are legit. Used the squat one and the runner during pro day training. Fucking torture devices man.Leg workout #2 of block
All sets are to near exhaustion 3 sets each
Jumping Squats Smith machine 155 175 195
Frog jumps
Superset 2
Keiser a300 running machine -resistance varies and changes during sets
Depth jumps
Superset 3
Jumping deadlifts - hammer strength machine
155 175 195
Superset 4
Jumping split squats on a300 belted squat machine - resistance varies
Single leg barbell hip thrust - 95 115 135
Single standing leg calf raises - 50 60 70 dumbbells
Rep speeds and timing of reps for each exercise are too intricate to detail without me having a seizure lol
Also, I enjoyed 14 mangoes yesterday
Have a terrific day people.
My hips are killing me. Like inner near hip flexor area. What should I do? TB and BPC or do I actually need to like stretch and stuff?