Dialing in e2


New Member
I’m currently on my 8th week of running 500mg/week test, and am having some trouble with my estrogen.

About 1 month ago I went to get bloods because my BP was running high. My estrogen came back at 65. I knew that wasn’t too high, but I still started my aromasin anyways because I thought that maybe it would get my BP under control.

I started with 6.5mg every 3 days, then upped it to 12.5mg every 3, then eventually upped it to 12.5mg eod. I kept increasing it because my pressure wasn’t changing, my nipples were still itchy, and I felt like I was holding onto a lot of fluid.

Fast forward three weeks later, and my e2 is at 21. Weird thing is I’m still having the high BP (started telmisartan), fluid retention, and nipples are still itchy.

2 questions…

What do I do from here concerning the aromasin? Do I stop it completely?

Also, what could be causing these side effects I’m having if it’s not my estrogen? CBC and CMP check out, the only level I forgot to check was my prolactin.
I would add in tamoxifen 20mg ED til nips quit itching then drop it to 10mg ED, drop exemestane back to 12.5mg E3D.

As far as bloat alot of it is diet related. Test also just generally causes bloat in alot of people regardless of E2. Its not a dry compound.