Doc put me on Lisinopril and metoprolol

Anyone of you guys take these? Been on 10 mg of Lisinopril for two years now. Dr wants me to up it to 20 mgs now. Been having episodes of svt as well. Been having them since I was 12 but kind of never looked into it. 32 now and about to have a kid so been focusing more on my health. She prescribed me metoprolol as well to help with that I would assume. Also going to be seeing a cardiologist for a ultra sound and possibly monitor to wear to catch one of these episodes.

Been hearing a lot about telmisartan. Should I see if she can put me on that instead?
Anyone of you guys take these? Been on 10 mg of Lisinopril for two years now. Dr wants me to up it to 20 mgs now. Been having episodes of svt as well. Been having them since I was 12 but kind of never looked into it. 32 now and about to have a kid so been focusing more on my health. She prescribed me metoprolol as well to help with that I would assume. Also going to be seeing a cardiologist for a ultra sound and possibly monitor to wear to catch one of these episodes.

Been hearing a lot about telmisartan. Should I see if she can put me on that instead?

Ask about telmisartan and nebivolol.

Lisinopril is still good cause it should help with your angiotensin system.

The problem. With nebivolol is I don't see much literature about it being utilized for SVT.

You could talk to the cardiologist and say you want to maintain athletic performance but again. He would know.
Ask about telmisartan and nebivolol.

Lisinopril is still good cause it should help with your angiotensin system.

The problem. With nebivolol is I don't see much literature about it being utilized for SVT.

You could talk to the cardiologist and say you want to maintain athletic performance but again. He would know.
Thanks man. Didn't know it hindered performance. I'm a firefighter as well so def need my cardio. So are you saying swap the Lisinopril for telmisartan.
Thanks man. Didn't know it hindered performance. I'm a firefighter as well so def need my cardio. So are you saying swap the Lisinopril for telmisartan.

I am saying it should help achieve the same goal we want. May help with hypertension secondary to "AAS abuse"

Since you are seeing a specialist just ask him what he thinks.
I am saying it should help achieve the same goal we want. May help with hypertension secondary to "AAS abuse"

Since you are seeing a specialist just ask him what he thinks.
Thank you appreciate the help. Yea def cruised and blasted in my younger years. Now 32 I mostly do self prescribed trt 150 mgs test c a week. Don't blast anymore. Is this something I should bring up to my cardiologist?
Thank you appreciate the help. Yea def cruised and blasted in my younger years. Now 32 I mostly do self prescribed trt 150 mgs test c a week. Don't blast anymore. Is this something I should bring up to my cardiologist?
You can tell him and he may order an Echo. It would be important
Thank you appreciate the help. Yea def cruised and blasted in my younger years. Now 32 I mostly do self prescribed trt 150 mgs test c a week. Don't blast anymore. Is this something I should bring up to my cardiologist?
When it comes to heart stuff, I wouldn't want to take chances. Being able to work with a cardiologist is great, I'd be transparent with him so he has as much information as possible to work with
When it comes to heart stuff, I wouldn't want to take chances. Being able to work with a cardiologist is great, I'd be transparent with him so he has as much information as possible to work with
If I tell him though can't he denie my insurance and I have to pay everything out of pocket?
If I tell him though can't he denie my insurance and I have to pay everything out of pocket?
If you're concerned about that, reach out to an online hrt clinic real quick, tell them your situation and you self prescribe that dose but you want to get is as a prescription instead. They'll do that no problem. He can't deny you for taking something a physician prescribes you and you get from a pharmacy
If you're concerned about that, reach out to an online hrt clinic real quick, tell them your situation and you self prescribe that dose but you want to get is as a prescription instead. They'll do that no problem. He can't deny you for taking something a physician prescribes you and you get from a pharmacy
From the US can you do that here? I always thought it was such a process and had to show blood work of low t

From the US can you do that here? I always thought it was such a process and had to show blood work of low t
Yes, super simple. That's what I did. They run your blood work of course to monitor you, but they aren't going to make you stop taking your current test to show low t or something then get on theirs. Just test and see that 150 is a good dose for you and then mail your script to you

It's a pain from what I've heard if you try to go through a Dr at a hospital or something. But use a dedicated hrt clinic. Tons of them out there. Check out something like transcend or something.
Yes, super simple. That's what I did. They run your blood work of course to monitor you, but they aren't going to make you stop taking your current test to show low t or something then get on theirs. Just test and see that 150 is a good dose for you and then mail your script to you

It's a pain from what I've heard if you try to go through a Dr at a hospital or something. But use a dedicated hrt clinic. Tons of them out there. Check out something like transcend or something.
Oh awesome. And you can't get in trouble saying your already using ugl gear? Is that what you use transcend?
Oh awesome. And you can't get in trouble saying your already using ugl gear? Is that what you use transcend?
Nope, they work with bodybuilders a lot so just tell them you've been doing it yourself but want to have a script and do it right now. Way different than working with a pcp or something. No issues with it, they'd just rather see you having a legal script and gear you know is clean.

Yea they're gonna do an ultrasound my doctor said. But if I tell him can't they deny my insurance?

They can't abandon care because you are on TRT or anything like that. It is not a transplant and it's against the law. They are supposed to promote transparency to ensure safe and optimal health care.

Plenty of meth heads get echos even taking it the day prior

They can't abandon care because you are on TRT or anything like that. It is not a transplant and it's against the law. They are supposed to promote transparency to ensure safe and optimal health care.

Plenty of meth heads get echos even taking it the day prior
Hm I thought insurance won't cover meds like BP meds if they say it was caused by the testosterone
Haven't taken the metoprolol yet cause I had some questions for my doctor. Anyone here on metoprolol?

My thing is I believe she prescribed it to me for high bp and svt. I only get svt every few months. My resting heart rate is like 60s so not sure if the medication will make it a low lower making me feel lousy and like I will pass out
Haven't taken the metoprolol yet cause I had some questions for my doctor. Anyone here on metoprolol?

My thing is I believe she prescribed it to me for high bp and svt. I only get svt every few months. My resting heart rate is like 60s so not sure if the medication will make it a low lower making me feel lousy and like I will pass out
Uhhh I would wait to see the cardiologist
Uhhh I would wait to see the cardiologist
She only prescribed me 25 mg. Currently on 10 mg Lisinopril as well and she upped that to 20 mg so started that. When I'm up and moving through the day I can feel my heart beating fast but right now just sitting down I checked my heart rate and it was around 60s so not sure what to do