How to combat deca dick before and after cycle


New Member
Hey guys

Just a quick question im about to use deca for the first time,stacking with test enathate.I have heard a lott of talk about the so called deca dick associated with deca so it has got me thinking. I heard the ratio of 2:1 test to deca should stop any sexual dysfunction is this true or does it vary amongst individuals. For PCT i have clomid and nolvadex on hand.Im looking at hitting 750mg enanthate and 400mg deca weekly. running deca for 10 weeks and the test for 12 weeks with PCT start 2 weeks after last test shot. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
The only thing I know of is that ppl try to combat this by running test (at levels higher than the deca) with 19Nor based steroids (nandrolone and trenbolone).
IMO you cant fight it! i personally dont like anything about deca! sdtack your test with d-bol or a-drol if you dare but i dont know what your goals are.
deca dick usually happens for two reasons - not enough test or to high of a dose to long

run the test higher than the deca - about 100-200 mgs and dont run the deca over 12 weeks max - also it always help to run the test 1-2 weeks past the deca

otherwise a little cialis helps when needed
If you're running your test at 750mg and your deca only at 400mg I highly doubt you'll have problems. My first cycle I ran deca at 400mg with test only at 500mg and my second cycle I ran deca at 500mg and my test at 600mg and neither times did I have any problems. Granted, this is all circumstantial from person to person so I can only speak from my own experiences. I agree with taking d-bol or a-drol because that will help kick start your cycle considering it will take roughly 5 weeks before the test and deca kick in. Make sure your PCT is spot on though, that's the key to coming back on quickly. What are your goal for this cycle though? And hows your diet looking and your workouts?
JUst finished a cycle like that and got the dreaded deca dick . Ran about the same amounts that your going to . I will never but that shit again . But it may not affect you at all . You never know , everyone is different . Good luck
the trouble with deca is it fucks with your estro/prolactin/ progestin levels - each person it fucks with differently - and you never know which level is bad - so it is even hard to recover from sometimes - I have never had deca dick myself - but I have had hard recoveries before -

one solution is to run your PCT and then if you are not recovered ina month or so after finishing run it again - at times I have kicked my system back into gear by running a second course of HCG - or another course of clmid or nolva like this - about one month after the first PCT

I have had some luck with a small test cycle or even dbol cycle following PCT with a bad recovery
Once I ran 400 mgs of test a week for 8 weeks and then a minor PCT and incredibly I was back good to go

I guess you could overeact and run HCG/a-dex and dostinex with your deca - that would be expensive bro
ive done deca and even at low doses running dex and hcg always had issues. like you say everybody responds to everything just a little different. personally ill never do it again!
My father wuld run deca @ 600mg a week with no test up to 6 months with no problems.
Yea 2 things

1-as a safety measure Test needs to be taken higher than deca taken in consideration deca's mechanism of action. Don't know how that is though, but more of 4 doctors of mine who prescript drugs for high level bodybuilders said that.

2- get a blood test done to check your Prolactin levels, preferably during the cycle. Prolactin is a naaaasty guy kills your libido AND make some of your free testosterone "not free" so it cant be used. even if u are at 2600 ng/dl of total testosterone if your prolactin levels are high u will not take as many advantages as u can.

to combat prolactin levels, best thing out there is DOSTINEX (cabergoline). use half a pill a week for 4 weeks u should be more than fine =) . worked for me running Test E 630 mg week and Deca 500 mg week, my prolactin levels DID get high and dostinex worked
What about a Test Suspension/Deca cycle...Test Sus you will have get the test instantly and keep the deca to a minimum and you will get more outa your test and cut off the deca a week or two before you stop the suspension, Idk the exact half life of deca, just a quick idea..please comments...