Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co. Toremifene Raws - Janoshik Test

What’s your point… because a few members here suck the dick of a scammer, which has absolutely nothing to do with deus or QSC, therefore deus pointing out scammers aren’t tolerated means that actually they are…. Because a few members who aren’t even posting in this thread support a source who has nothing to do with this….. so again, what is your point.

Saying you can't tolerate scammers and ordering from that specific scammer multiple times kind of goes against your message of not tolerating them.

Of course, here's the screenshot that I posted earlier in the thread: Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co. Toremifene Raws - Janoshik Test

Your screen shot is talking about purity, not a mislabeled product.

We did the necessary to fix it, by promising you reshiping the item once available. You weren't patient, your loss now.

Promising a reship and then saying too bad once they put you on blast is the wrong thing to do. That's not how it works. It's also how you lose two customers instead of one.
Saying you can't tolerate scammers and ordering from that specific scammer multiple times kind of goes against your message of not tolerating them.

Your screen shot is talking about purity, not a mislabeled product.

Promising a reship and then saying too bad once they put you on blast is the wrong thing to do. That's not how it works.
Thank you for pointing out it was missing some context, here is the preceding email, the one that prompted their response:



Now with these emails back to back, do you feel this is rock solid? I don't think it could be more clear. I explicitly expressed my concern that the Toremifene may come back fake/mislabeled. They explicitly said they would provide a refund if this occurred. They are now refusing to do so when they were caught trying to scam someone who they probably bet wouldn't actually pay for testing.

Really the only acceptable resolution should be a complete refund for the "Toremifene". I think that anyone with any self-respect would also opt to cover the shipping and testing fees for my troubles. But of course, we're dealing with a self-admitted scammer.
If I am correct why are you bothering to post anything after that? What's the deal with you trashing another source in their own thread? Obviously you have something to gain(customers) by doing so.
You are correct about top colours not being a sufficient identifier for whom a batch belongs to, although they can be linked to a product by using Janoshik's option to take pictures of the samples, and Deus Pharma had received bluetops which QSC can confirm. The picture of their blacktops with the paper in the background has been used by various chinese sources before them, so it may be another generic stock photo QSC edited (thanks to the user pointing this out to me).

I've appreciated your no bullshit posting style in the past so this bullshit attempt to defend them now is disappointing. Do you want (selected) sources that scam the community to be protected in their own thread source-board-style suddenly?

I 'obviously' don't compete with QSC's market segment at all but if the rep considers QSC untouchable due to the lack of alternatives publically present here and the Meso rules not having lying and scamming as bannable offenses (posting a sources full tracking info including their city is intentional doxxing however, as he censored this in the past), what do you suggest a community with the intended purpose of harm reduction should do? I don't want the rep to fuck off, I want to pressure him into realizing he can utilize QSC's capabilities in a way much less harmful to the community (and its wallets) without scamming and needing an excel spreadsheet to keep his lies all in a line.
You call members here stupid but you take funds from them when items out of stock so you the stupid shit really!

Scam people and make threat to people, you are a dangerous to everyone little shit!
Your posting history tells everything about you, just joined, 5 messages of trash about us, stupid troll (welcome to the ignore list)

What was agreed is that I reship the item not refunding him, but he choosed to change his mind and going public playing the victim and act like this after our agreement
View attachment 165058
This is after I requested the refund that you promised, and you refused. I didn't "agree" to a reship, I agreed to accepting a reship when the alternative was nothing.

Of course all of this only came about because I actually tested the product. What other products do you mislabel? How many clients have been scammed and don't know it? What an incredible coincidence it is that the Toremifene I ordered was swapped with Clomid, another PCT drug.

That's what this is about. You're mislabeling and scamming customers. If it were just about the money to me I'd tally up all the expenses and send you an invoice right now. Let's not forget that in March I ordered 500g Deca, 500g Raloxifene, when I asked for tracking later, you told me the Ralox was out of stock. You take orders for products you don't have, and you ship fake/mislabeled products to fill them. When you find out a customer might actually test what they receive, you just opt not to ship at all.

If a raws provider is willing to scam people who have the resources to test their products, are we supposed to believe they won't scam small customers who are lured in by the cheap prices?
Well my posting history is a bit different but you’re still a scumbag selective scammer and have been found out so I sincerely hope no one from Meso ever buys from you again because you’re the scum of the earth.
People will continue to because cheap prices speaks louder than quality customer service.
If a raws provider is willing to scam people who have the resources to test their products, are we supposed to believe they won't scam small customers who are lured in by the cheap prices?
This is something I called out in his thread early on. He even brags his product is so cheap no one will test it. Great operating model if your intent is to scam.
Is your argument that we should tolerate scammers? I admit I'm not used to Meso but that is not what I thought the consensus was here.

As for @ExtremePIP, I will say this. I have ordered from him. I cannot recall how many times, I would guess 3. The first order went perfectly. The second order I specifically went to him for the high purity EQ, as labs from various peers showed EQ raw quality was going downhill and we wanted to stock up. This delivery was lower than the advertised purity. I let him know, but this is where he went absent. When he returned he said he would do whatever it takes to correct this mistake, offered me a refund or replacement with more product. I took his offer on the product replacement and took a few other items from him at the same time. He shipped and delivered the order promptly.

If we're comparing the two of them, I personally was 'wronged' by both, however @ExtremePIP did propose various solutions, including the most simple cold hard cash offer, whereas @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals promised a refund and then took that offer back when we sought to action it.

Since I was brought up in this thread - I just wanted to clarify.
Deus came up to me and asked for my high purity EQ. My factory sent a good amount and many sources were using my EQ, but he didn't receive the quality promised. Deus let me know and showed me Jano's test, like he said I offered a few different modes of refund, he chose a reship and an extra 2kg's of another item; which I offered.

Basically, in customer service, the customer should always have the right to get what is asked for as long as it is reasonable and they have proved that they were ripped off.

Also, thank you Deus.
Fucking a; I'm on like my 7th kit from Quigdao, does this mean their kits are garbage? My IGF-1 levels did come back quite lower at 315 on 5ius ED, compared to Goodlyfe's 374 at 5iu.

I assumed everyone just bought from them, then repackaged their own to resell.
Fucking a; I'm on like my 7th kit from Quigdao, does this mean their kits are garbage? My IGF-1 levels did come back quite lower at 315 on 5ius ED, compared to Goodlyfe's 374 at 5iu.

I assumed everyone just bought from them, then repackaged their own to resell.
This whole debacle isn't over Qingdao's quality but rather their lack of customer service and neglect of a reshipping policy
This whole debacle isn't over Qingdao's quality but rather their lack of customer service and neglect of a reshipping policy
Good to know.l

My first order with them was 10 kits, and it was rather quick, being they were from their domestic source. No issues at all.

But am I correct in my assumption that many sources on here get from Quigdao and just resell with new labels?
Good to know.l

My first order with them was 10 kits, and it was rather quick, being they were from their domestic source. No issues at all.

But am I correct in my assumption that many sources on here get from Quigdao and just resell with new labels?
Not a lot of sources will disclose where they get their raws from. Just so you know PPL, DO, Dyna, ST are all just middlemen like UGLs for raws. Why would they disclose where they get their raws that they cost them pennies while they charge you triple the price? I do believe that some of them do resell Qingdao's stuff
Good to know.l

My first order with them was 10 kits, and it was rather quick, being they were from their domestic source. No issues at all.

But am I correct in my assumption that many sources on here get from Quigdao and just resell with new labels?
No, because they lack the capabilities to ship large quantities (hundreds of kits) safely and efficiently and we all witnessed what happens when there are issues with product quality or shipping. (Decent) HGH/peptide vendors want to work closely with a factory/source that is receptive to feedback regarding quality improvements and willing to take a loss when they fuck up.