sleep issue help


New Member
I'm currently dealing with a injury and I'm using a few different things to try and heal it faster, but my sleep quality and heart rate are suffering pretty hard.

I have Knee Friction Syndrome (basically friction Burned 8 holes in the tendons around my knee) and some type of pinched nerve in my in my leg causing pain and numbness.

I've been dealing with this for a month, and added a few things to my normal cruise (180test and 150 deca) to try and help heal some of this faster. Just wondering if anyone could help figure out what's causing the higher heart rate and insomnia. Ive used all of these before, but not together, and never had these issues

Doing 3iu of hgh (2iu pm/1iu am), 250mcg BPC157 (am/pm), 350mcg TB500 (am/pm), and 10mg anavar every 6-7 hours. Also taking acetaminophen or Naproxen 2x a day

My blood pressure is fine unless I'm in tremendous pain.
have you thought about asking your doctor?
no, They have been unhelpful so far with remedies for my current condition, not to mention the fact that they we're completely unknowledgeable about any type of peptide, when i asked them about that. I highly doubt that they would know which of the PED's or peptides im taking could possibly be giving me insomnia or raising my heart rate.
Seems like a lot of things to be causing it. For me, 19nors like tren, NPP/Deca all make me sleep like shit.

Also I believe I’ve seen people report higher heat rate while on HGH. Could be a combination of everything.
I didn't have a problem sleeping on steroids, but when I started taking hgh, my sleep immediately got worse and I couldn't sleep, so if the steroids didn't affect your sleep, it might just be hgh like mine
Me personally I’d drop the anavar and the Deca immediately and run like 300 mg of test, no ai, and try and let my body do it’s thing. The peptides will help. Could probably honestly increase those doses. Good rule of thumb is to take L tryptophan when you use bpc/tb500. Helps raise serotonin levels that can be lowered with bpc
Me personally I’d drop the anavar and the Deca immediately and run like 300 mg of test, no ai, and try and let my body do it’s thing. The peptides will help. Could probably honestly increase those doses. Good rule of thumb is to take L tryptophan when you use bpc/tb500. Helps raise serotonin levels that can be lowered with bpc
Where are you finding the research claiming BPC lowers serotonin levels? This is the only thing I'm finding, and it involves one study with rats, and the claim here is that BPC increases serotonin:

Does BPC 157 Help Depression?​

It is thought that some types of depression are linked to low serotonin levels. Interestingly, it is also thought that some antidepressant drugs work by raising serotonin levels. One study has noted BPC 157 raises serotonin levels in rats. Does this mean BPC157 helps with depression?

Researchers in Croatia have noted rats injected with BPC157 appear to be better off after going through a series of unpredictable, stressful situations. This is interesting, although serotonin levels were not measured in this investigation.
10mg every 6 hours? Thats 40mg a day, why do you think you need that much? Drop that to 20mg/day MAX (even if that), you’ll see all the benefits and less side effects. I’d also drop the acetaminophen and stick with Naproxen or Ibuprofen. Long term use of it can actually worsen inflammation and is not good for your liver. Personally I’d also drop the Deca, i think its joint healing abilities are overstated especially at the low dosages such as yours, and is just gonna negatively impact your BP. Stick with TRT and peptides man and let your body heal itself, you dont need much more than that.
Seems like a lot of things to be causing it. For me, 19nors like tren, NPP/Deca all make me sleep like shit.

Also I believe I’ve seen people report higher heat rate while on HGH. Could be a combination of everything
So far, i didnt have any problem sleeping on AAS except for higher doses of tren after week 6 or so. Test and deca is my normal cruise. My blood pressure, heart rate, blood markers and sleep are usually unaffectedby this.

I have taken HGH in similar doses before, but usually, I get the side effect of my left hand falling asleep that makes me discontinue use. I'm not having that side effect this time, so it could be giving me this increased heart rate instead.
I didn't have a problem sleeping on steroids, but when I started taking hgh, my sleep immediately got worse and I couldn't sleep, so if the steroids didn't affect your sleep, it might just be hgh like mine

Im going to finish out the vial of HGH I have re constituted and try to get off for a week or or 2 to see if anything changes.
10mg every 6 hours? Thats 40mg a day, why do you think you need that much? Drop that to 20mg/day MAX (even if that), you’ll see all the benefits and less side effects. I’d also drop the acetaminophen and stick with Naproxen or Ibuprofen. Long term use of it can actually worsen inflammation and is not good for your liver. Personally I’d also drop the Deca, i think its joint healing abilities are overstated especially at the low dosages such as yours, and is just gonna negatively impact your BP. Stick with TRT and peptides man and let your body heal itself, you dont need much more than that.
its actually 30mg, i understand that your math is correct, i just dont use for the 6-7 hours of sleep time.

for pain, unfortunately, i havent been able to get relief on naproxen alone, usually the combo of acetaminophen and naproxen helps out a bit. But, i do agree that this isnt sustainable long term. I'm just trying to get through the worst of it.

The knee stuff isnt even causing any pain. I was found on accident from an MRI, but this nerve pain is something else. I'm on my 4th Xray and 3rd MRI looking for a problem, but so far, they havent been able to pinpoint the place where the nerve is pinched or compressed.
its actually 30mg, i understand that your math is correct, i just dont use for the 6-7 hours of sleep time.

for pain, unfortunately, i havent been able to get relief on naproxen alone, usually the combo of acetaminophen and naproxen helps out a bit. But, i do agree that this isnt sustainable long term. I'm just trying to get through the worst of it.

The knee stuff isnt even causing any pain. I was found on accident from an MRI, but this nerve pain is something else. I'm on my 4th Xray and 3rd MRI looking for a problem, but so far, they havent been able to pinpoint the place where the nerve is pinched or compressed.
Damn that sucks. Nerve pain is something you’re probably unfortunately gonna have to get surgery or some kind of physical therapy for.
Damn that sucks. Nerve pain is something you’re probably unfortunately gonna have to get surgery or some kind of physical therapy for.
I'm currently in Physical therapy. The therapist is a bit confused about how to treat it because we cant pinpoint the issue. They're just making me do some very basic spinal stretches, IT band stretches, and back/core strengthening exercises in hopes to try and alleviate the pain.
I'm currently dealing with a injury and I'm using a few different things to try and heal it faster, but my sleep quality and heart rate are suffering pretty hard.

I have Knee Friction Syndrome (basically friction Burned 8 holes in the tendons around my knee) and some type of pinched nerve in my in my leg causing pain and numbness.

I've been dealing with this for a month, and added a few things to my normal cruise (180test and 150 deca) to try and help heal some of this faster. Just wondering if anyone could help figure out what's causing the higher heart rate and insomnia. Ive used all of these before, but not together, and never had these issues

Doing 3iu of hgh (2iu pm/1iu am), 250mcg BPC157 (am/pm), 350mcg TB500 (am/pm), and 10mg anavar every 6-7 hours. Also taking acetaminophen or Naproxen 2x a day

My blood pressure is fine unless I'm in tremendous pain.

Describe your sleep please. Waking up a lot? Waking during REM? Lots of shallow sleep?

1. GH is bad for sleep. It causes sleep fragmentation (especially in the second half of the night) and lowers the amount of deep sleep. It also enhances REM. Some are affected more by it and some less. Some actually report better sleep, but in studies it does what I wrote above. GHRH is what increases slow wave sleep. But this is off course intra individual to a degree, depending on your personal pathologies.

1.2. GH will cause more T3 conversion from T4 and it does lower cortisol binding globulin making more free cortisol available. Although inside the fat cells it speeds up cortisol to inactive cortisol (cortison) conversion. And by lowering T4 your TSH can rise. TSH is positively associated with cortisol. More TSH, more cortisol.

1.3. Cortisol will make you retain more water which can make you sleep worse via worsening of sleep apnea (for instance). Try using more potassium.

1.4 You might have some other issues which GH worsens, like blood sugar issues, high iron/transferin saturation ...

2. Androgens worsen sleep. Stop using anavar before bed, dose only in the morning. Lower deca.
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Describe your sleep please. Waking up a lot? Waking during REM? Lots of shallow sleep?
I get about 3 hours of straight sleep. I don't have an issue falling asleep initially, but after that first 3 hours, I wake up and I'm wide awake. For the rest of the night, I might get another hour collectively, but it's in 15-20 minute increments.

I should also add that when looking at my heart rate data for sleep, my normal would be a very flat 38bpm-46bpm for the duration of sleep, but for the last month it has been 60-100bpm in spikes. Ill have an hour or so of 60-70bpm and then a 15 minute spike in the 80's and higher. My girlfriend has told me i'm not snoring or moving excessively in my sleep.
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I get about 3 hours of straight sleep. I don't have an issue falling asleep initially, but after that first 3 hours, I wake up and I'm wide awake. For the rest of the night, I might get another hour collectively, but it's in 15-20 minute increments.

I should also add that when looking at my heart rate data for sleep, my normal would be a very flat 38bpm-46bpm for the duration of sleep, but for the last month it has been 60-100bpm in spikes. Ill have an hour or so of 60-70bpm and then a 15 minute spike in the 80's and higher. My girlfriend has told me i'm not snoring or moving excessively in my sleep.

That is worrisome. Drop the GH and lower the AAS dosages for now. Then when you start sleeping normally again, try adding GH only in the AM.
anavar cranks my heart rate up. Makes me hot and wired. My favorite oral but I would put money on that being your issue. I get spikes exactly as you describe throughout the day along with a temp increase. I can only take it when it’s either in the am or I can sleep in until 830-9 am the next day. I sweat my dick off at night when I take it later in the day.

Don’t be taking OTC pain meds or anything for that matter ontop of the anavar for no reason. Isn’t worth the shot on the lipids, kidneys and liver.

This situation I find it completely useless. Stick to the pain meds and drop the anavar it’s doing nothing for you.

I also don’t believe deca does shit for healing tendons. Especially in your case with a pinched nerve. The extra fluid you’ll be cushioned with will do nothing but put pressure on the nerve. (Dealt with sciatic nerve pain from 16 till 25 years old. I’m 25…). Whenever I run NPP and get too full it starts acting up.

Work on flexibility and loosening up when you can and try and fix the core of the issue by dialing in your movements to prevent this from happening again.

Godspeed my friend.
I love Anavar but it wrecks my sleep even with just one dose take first thing in the morning. I’m using a prescription sleep aid just while I finish up my blast because the other positive effects of Var are hard to give up.
Where are you finding the research claiming BPC lowers serotonin levels? This is the only thing I'm finding, and it involves one study with rats, and the claim here is that BPC increases serotonin:

Does BPC 157 Help Depression?​

It is thought that some types of depression are linked to low serotonin levels. Interestingly, it is also thought that some antidepressant drugs work by raising serotonin levels. One study has noted BPC 157 raises serotonin levels in rats. Does this mean BPC157 helps with depression?

Researchers in Croatia have noted rats injected with BPC157 appear to be better off after going through a series of unpredictable, stressful situations. This is interesting, although serotonin levels were not measured in this investigation.
You’re right brother, it was something along the lines of BPC causing an excess release of serotonin, and the body struggling to meet the demand. The way it was explained to me was kinda like HGH causing the body to convert more t4 to t3, causing t4 levels to decline slightly in certain individuals. I know that I got anxiety from high doses of BPC/TB, and 5htp and l tryptophan mitigated it after the fact
I love Anavar but it wrecks my sleep even with just one dose take first thing in the morning. I’m using a prescription sleep aid just while I finish up my blast because the other positive effects of Var are hard to give up.
Same here I think it’s BP related
Update - I dropped HGH on Thursday night. Since then, my heart rate has stabilized. My sleep is still on and off, but it has improved. Admittedly, I've never had the best sleep, so I feel like I'm getting back to my normal.

Thank you for the advice!