sleep issue help

Update - I dropped HGH on Thursday night. Since then, my heart rate has stabilized. My sleep is still on and off, but it has improved. Admittedly, I've never had the best sleep, so I feel like I'm getting back to my normal.

Thank you for the advice!

Glad we could help. For people with sleep issues, GH before bed is iffy at best. Maybe if your problem is not enough REM it might help, otherwise it's just going to remove a good portion of slow wave sleep, making you sleep lighter and more fragmented.

You still taking anavar in the PM? DHT's are also quite heavy on the CNS activation side of things and you'd want them as low as possible before bed. You also don't need 30mg's for collagen synthesis (if that's why you're taking it). I think 5 - 10mg is all you need just for that purpose.
Glad we could help. For people with sleep issues, GH before bed is iffy at best. Maybe if your problem is not enough REM it might help, otherwise it's just going to remove a good portion of slow wave sleep, making you sleep lighter and more fragmented.

You still taking anavar in the PM? DHT's are also quite heavy on the CNS activation side of things and you'd want them as low as possible before bed. You also don't need 30mg's for collagen synthesis (if that's why you're taking it). I think 5 - 10mg is all you need just for that purpose.
I didn't know that about HGH. The general consensus I have seen online is that GH helps with sleep, and in my experience with it (taken it 2 times before for about 3-4 months) It has helped to make my sleep feel improved, but if it actually was improving anything could be a toss up.

I am still taking anavar in the PM and yes, it is for collagen synthesis. 10mg caps were the lowest dosage i could find, so aside from making an oral solution, taking 20-30 mg was the easiest for dosing those caps.

I didn't want to drop more than one thing at a time so I could try and pinpoint exactly what was causing my heart rate to be so elevated. Now that i know that HGH was causing the elevation, I can start to drop the night dose of anavar to see what effect that has.
You’re right brother, it was something along the lines of BPC causing an excess release of serotonin, and the body struggling to meet the demand. The way it was explained to me was kinda like HGH causing the body to convert more t4 to t3, causing t4 levels to decline slightly in certain individuals. I know that I got anxiety from high doses of BPC/TB, and 5htp and l tryptophan mitigated it after the fact
What is consisered high dose?
I'm currently dealing with a injury and I'm using a few different things to try and heal it faster, but my sleep quality and heart rate are suffering pretty hard.

I have Knee Friction Syndrome (basically friction Burned 8 holes in the tendons around my knee) and some type of pinched nerve in my in my leg causing pain and numbness.

I've been dealing with this for a month, and added a few things to my normal cruise (180test and 150 deca) to try and help heal some of this faster. Just wondering if anyone could help figure out what's causing the higher heart rate and insomnia. Ive used all of these before, but not together, and never had these issues

Doing 3iu of hgh (2iu pm/1iu am), 250mcg BPC157 (am/pm), 350mcg TB500 (am/pm), and 10mg anavar

I'm currently dealing with a injury and I'm using a few different things to try and heal it faster, but my sleep quality and heart rate are suffering pretty hard.

I have Knee Friction Syndrome (basically friction Burned 8 holes in the tendons around my knee) and some type of pinched nerve in my in my leg causing pain and numbness.

I've been dealing with this for a month, and added a few things to my normal cruise (180test and 150 deca) to try and help heal some of this faster. Just wondering if anyone could help figure out what's causing the higher heart rate and insomnia. Ive used all of these before, but not together, and never had these issues

Doing 3iu of hgh (2iu pm/1iu am), 250mcg BPC157 (am/pm), 350mcg TB500 (am/pm), and 10mg anavar every 6-7 hours. Also taking acetaminophen or Naproxen 2x a day

My blood pressure is fine unless I'm in tremendous pain.
Your Pain will trigger adrenaline/cortisole release, as d and t will decrease glucocorticoid receptors and binding affinity on Gr (especially nandrolone ) this will mean your adrenal gland will either produce cortisole or if not able to Do this adrenaline.
When adrenaline takes over to modilize bloodsugar your systole will raise while diastole Stays low.... bp like 140/64 ht like 80 this can be an indicator for adrenaline overflow. Also check Smell sensivity with high adrenaline you will get upset by every little smell
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When adrenaline takes over to modilize bloodsugar your systole will raise while diastole Stays low.... bp like 140/64 ht like 80 this can be an indicator for adrenaline overflow. Also check Smell sensivity with high adrenaline you will get upset by every little smell

This is interesting as I'm also dealing with an elevated pulse pressure half the time. Is this a known medical fact, does it have a name?

*An elevated pulse pressure also has other etiologies ...
This is interesting as I'm also dealing with an elevated pulse pressure half the time. Is this a known medical fact, does it have a name?

*An elevated pulse pressure also has other etiologies ...
Not really it could be adrenal fatigue leading to such a state you mentioned.
You would need to Check cortisole and acth, i would also recommend adrenaline, noradrenaline, aldosterone and 17 oh progesteron

17 oh p ist the base for its metabolite 11 desoxycortisole wich is metalbolized to cortisole. Maybe you can ad some progesterone to deliver Substrate for progesterone steal to elevate c <- check this out

The Bad Adrenalin <> cortisole relation by itself has no clinical Term but i know it from Personal experience and lots of others in my group cuz My cortisole is almost 0 by default .
The Process by itself is of course known.
Not really it could be adrenal fatigue leading to such a state you mentioned.
You would need to Check cortisole and acth, i would also recommend adrenaline, noradrenaline, aldosterone and 17 oh progesteron

17 oh p ist the base for its metabolite 11 desoxycortisole wich is metalbolized to cortisole. Maybe you can ad some progesterone to deliver Substrate for progesterone steal to elevate c <- check this out

The Bad Adrenalin <> cortisole relation by itself has no clinical Term but i know it from Personal experience and lots of others in my group cuz My cortisole is almost 0 by default .
The Process by itself is of course known.

How are you checking catecholamines? Urine metabolites? Aldosterone and ACTH are also a bit more complex to check ...

Did you mean to include a link there?
How are you checking catecholamines? Urine metabolites? Aldosterone and ACTH are also a bit more complex to check ...

Did you mean to include a link there?
You can check urine for A but also bloodwork. Then what u want is <50 pg ml
acth is bloodwork too same for aldosterone.
Aldosterone then also can be cross checked via sodium <> potassium ratio for rough estimates.
Aldosterone will raise sodium while pushing potassium out.
Acth/cortisole is best beeing measured at around 8 o clock. When your cortisole is like 8-15 ugdl you should be relativelly fine. When acth is in range whilst doin this reading (lower end ) probably everything should be fine.
Dhea should be measured too low c often goes Hand in Hand when having secondary adrenal insufficiency (no acth)

If acth still elevated then we maybe got a Problem. If acth and cortisole lower end -> adrenal fatigue/ insufficiency
There are 3 forms but i dont wanna bore the shit out of you

I get them checked by my endo.

As English is not my mother language i unfortunatly dont understand your last question?
I'm currently dealing with a injury and I'm using a few different things to try and heal it faster, but my sleep quality and heart rate are suffering pretty hard.

I have Knee Friction Syndrome (basically friction Burned 8 holes in the tendons around my knee) and some type of pinched nerve in my in my leg causing pain and numbness.

I've been dealing with this for a month, and added a few things to my normal cruise (180test and 150 deca) to try and help heal some of this faster. Just wondering if anyone could help figure out what's causing the higher heart rate and insomnia. Ive used all of these before, but not together, and never had these issues

Doing 3iu of hgh (2iu pm/1iu am), 250mcg BPC157 (am/pm), 350mcg TB500 (am/pm), and 10mg anavar every 6-7 hours. Also taking acetaminophen or Naproxen 2x a day

My blood pressure is fine unless I'm in tremendous pain.

Hey there sleepyhead, here's a fun fact: taking acetaminophen before bedtime might not be the best idea because it can actually stimulate your brain and make it harder to catch some Z's. And naproxen while it's great for pain relief, one of its common side effects is actually sleep disturbance.
I just wanted to say thank you for all of the replies. I am finally over the worst parts of the pain hopefully, and my sleep and resting heart rate has gone back to normal since im just back to just TRT dosed test.

Thank you
IMO drop the deca and drop the anavar before bed. I'd just take 20mg anavar once a day, or 10mg am and 10 mg at noon or something. Add in the HGH and continue to BPC and TB 500.

Rest is going to be CRITICAL. Is it casted or immobilized in any way? Do you have physical therapy going? Have you seen a doctor yet? I think all of these things are immediate next steps. The physical therapist may be able to do ultrasound therapy or something else to increase blood flow and speed up/improve the healing. I found it extremely helpful for my tennis elbow and carpal tunnel surgical wounds.