Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, and Insulin
Dear Bill,
How does clenbuterol compare to ephedrine? And how do I use insulin?
Clenbuterol works the same way as ephedrine. However, unlike ephedrine, which is out of the body in a few hours, clenbuterol lasts for days. So you are on it 24 hours a day. No one chooses to be on ephedrine 24 hours per day, because it interferes with sleep, and so clenbuterol is more effective.
Also, for the same effect on fat cells, clenbuterol accelerates heart rate less, so one can use effectively a higher dose. (Not a greater quantity, but a dose giving a greater effect on fat cells for the same effect on tachycardia.)
It results in severe downregulation of beta receptors, which moderate ephedrine use does not do. Thus, it is particularly effective only for a short time.
While I can’t recommend it, because of the risk, those who do use insulin often start with 4 IU at a time with 8-10 IU still being in the moderate range (still able to kill you though.)
Traditionally 10 grams of carbs are taken per IU, shortly after the injection (within half an hour.)
However, Oliver Starr has reported that protein can also be used to avoid hypoglycemia. So for say 8 IU, if say 55 g whey/casein protein is taken, perhaps considerably less than 80 g of carbs is needed. Oliver survived his experiment with almost no carbs. However, you might not. It would be safer to follow the traditional approach, but that will tend to make you fat.
Light Cyle Avoiding Hair Loss
Hi Bill,
This summer I plan to reach 7-9% body fat using a low calorie diet and ECA stack. I then plan to take one of the following steroids to achieve the harden/density look and lower my body fat some more: Winstrol V, Deca, or Primobolan. This use of steroids is strictly for the harden/density look, not to gain size. I also want to use the steroids to suppress my appetite while burning fat. My BIGGEST concern is HAIRLOSS. I’m 25 with a little thinning of the hair.
I would like to take one of these steroids (no stacking) at a low dosage for 10-12 weeks. Since I never did steroids before, what do you recommend for a cut routine without me worrying about HAIRLOSS? What dosage do you recommend per week?
If hair loss is a big issue, then Deca is the ONLY choice (or nandrolone phenylpropionate, if available, or Laurabolin: all are nandrolone esters.)
For dieting, even 200 mg/week will help.
I read that Primobolan produces DHT and will not be productive on a low calorie diet unless stacked. Is that true?
It neither produces DHT nor is it unproductive unless stacked. But it will cause more hair loss than Deca, for the same effect on muscle.
Using Steroids for Improving Strength/Weight Ratio
I would like to achieve the level of strength to accomplish a one-armed pullup (meaning one arm on the bar, one arm “tied behind my back”). From experience with two-armed pullups I have found that I can increase the number of pullups possible much more quickly by dropping weight than by increasing mass/strength (to a limited extent). Because of this, it would seem that a cycle designed to facilitate one- armed pullups should minimize the amount of mass gained; yet it cannot be so mild a cycle (or cycles) that it produces inadequate strength gains. Oxandrolone is the first steroid to come to mind, because it is supposedly excellent for strength gains with limited mass, but you have dismissed it as worthless. Is there any other way a cycle can be designed around this goal or is it a problem that can only be addressed by training (and generic strength cycle recommendations)?
Oxandrolone isn’t “worthless” if the dose is sufficient. It is just that even, say, 40 mg (which is very expensive) will give only a moderate effect.
I don’t think there is any real dissociation between gaining strength and size in a cycle. However, a lot of powerlifters are quite successful with dosages considerably smaller than used in bodybuilding. Of course, they will not be trying to gain weight or size.
Thus, probably, since the one arm chin requires high strength to weight ratio, fairly moderate doses, such as 500 mg/week test, would probably be all that you would find beneficial to that goal. Perhaps even only 250 mg/week.
It would also be advisable to do exclusively low rep training (four reps or less.)
Blue Nitro, GBL, GHB, and Proviron
Does Blue Nitro ring a bell? It claims to be made of 2(3H) Furanone di-hydro with some other stuff like K+ etc. and is just like Renutrient. Is is harmful?
This is gamma-butyrolactone (GBL.) It works by being converted to GHB.
Is there any better fast acting, sleep aid with a short half life that is prescribeable or obtainable? I have heard of Restoril but, like all other benzodiazepenes it can stay with you longer than one might want.
GHB, which this delivers, is quite a good hypnotic (sleep-inducing drug) but the problem is that it does not belong to any pharmaceutical company. Also, like almost all drugs, overdoses can lead to severe problems including death, and unfavorable interaction with other drugs, particularly alcohol, is possible.
GBL is I think not considered a drug, but overdose would be equivalent to overdose of GHB.
Question 2- do you feel that Proviron will compete detrimentally with Test and anabolics at the receptor site like Dan Duchaine has stated?
No, and he admitted he was wrong. That is a positive thing that can be said about Dan Duchaine: while he may make a lot of mistakes, perhaps as a result of having no scientific or medical education, he doesn’t try to cover them up: when he gets new information and learns better, he admits his mistakes publically and works to get the new information out. It would be good if more people did that.
An Impressive Steroid Collection, and a Cycle Question
Dear Mr. Roberts,
I have spend the last have year accumulating a large amount of quality steroids. I have already checked authenticity and it is all real. { Laurabolin 50ml bottle 50mg per cc, Norandren 50ml bottle 50mg per cc, Deca 10vials with 2ml/100mg, 6 redijects of Sustanon, Equipoise/Ganabol 50cc bottle 50mg, Finajet made by a chemist using Finaplix pellets and using a machine to grin them up and added to an oil 30cc, 126 i.u.’s of growth hormone, 65 amps of 50mg winstrol depot by zambon, 100 50mg amps of primobolan, 200 25mg proviron, and plenty hcg.}
After learning a great deal about steroids and have tried previous cycles combining Dianabol, winstrol, test cypionate. This cycle was 12 weeks and my diet and training were par. After a lay off because of a broken hand I am ready to return to the gym and with the aid of a quality cycle, I wish to bring my 5’10 170lbs frame to a 190-200lbs frame that is shredded and ripped. I have luckily inherited a good muscular physique, I have a 6pack year round. My size and physique has diminished during my absence from the gym, but hopefully I CAN MAKE QUALITY GAINS THAT I CAN RETAIN! My goal is to get no bloating or realisticly keep it to an absolute minimum, and pack on chiseled slabs of muscle and increased strength. I am interested in your 2week on/4 week off suggestion and would love to know what you think about which steroids I should cycle, when to cycle them, stacks, how many cycles since the large quantity, which amounts to administer, and any insight into anavar and clomid as an additional supplement?
Syril B..
Laurabolin: could be used at low dose, say 200 mg injection at start of clean weeks, for support during off weeks. Cannot be used at high doses in heavy weeks, because half life is too long, and drug would remain in the system at inhibitory concentrations during the off weeks.
Norandren or Deca Durabolin: same story, but half life is not as extremely long as Laurabolin
Equipoise: same story
Sustanon: faster out of the system, and could be used during the heavy weeks, though moderation would be needed, else levels will be high in off weeks. It might be possible to get away with 500 mg on day 1, and 250 mg on days 4 and 7. That, though, is speculation.
“Finajet” preparation: Fast acting and well suited to heavy weeks. 50 mg/day would be an effective dose, with advanced users perhaps benefiting from going to 100 mg/day.
GH: It would be beneficial both in the off weeks and in the on weeks. It is unknown how best to use it only part of the time (assuming that one does not want to use it continuously.) One possibility would be to use it half-a-week-on, half-a-week-off. That way, at least some of each gaining week, and some of each off week, would have the GH. I plan to have an update soon discussing that.
Winstrol: Fast acting, and a good choice for the heavy weeks. An amp a day will add significantly to most stacks for many users.
Primobolan: Probably the best choice for support during the off weeks. 400 mg to kick off the first off week, and perhaps 200 mg in other off weeks, optionally.
Proviron: If there is no other antiestrogen used, then at least 1 mg Proviron per 10 mg testosterone should be used. I would recommend Clomid as well. In fact I would not expect the off weeks to give good recovery without the Clomid.
HCG: not necessary on the alternating cycle plan. Natural LH production remains sufficient.
Anavar: in the off weeks, 20 mg/day does very little but may help avoid losses.
Using Steroids to Get the Model Look
Dear Bill –
Thank you for the info. I am currently following a high protein, med carb diet. I need to get the model’s build for acting and modeling. Does Deca-Durabolin (Deca, Norandren, Laurabolin) work on a restricted calorie diet? Or do more calories have to be consumed?
To gain a lot of muscle, more calories have to be consumed. But if one is going to be dieting to lose fat, if AAS are used, including Deca, there will be a lot less muscle loss. A novice might even gain muscle while losing fat — but not as much muscle as he would if he ate above maintenance calories.
I was thinking of stacking Winstrol V with Laurabolin or Primobolan. What are your thoughts?
I’d use the Primobolan myself instead of Laurabolin if I could afford it (and if it were legal.)
If I should change my diet, should I use the BodyOpus plan?
It is one of many good dieting plans.
Arnold, Hair, and Acne
I have a question that I’m sure many bodybuilders have often wondered about: How come Arnold S. never got gyno, balding of the scalp, water retention, or had one zit on his body after all the dianabol he took to become Mr Olympia??? I don’t think bodybuilders had knowledge about antiestrogens or estrogen blocking agents back then.
I don’t know how much Arnold used. Those who have claimed to know, have cited rather modest amounts by today’s standards.
As for the hair loss issue, if one does not have the genes for male pattern baldness, AAS use does not lead to hair loss.
Acne on the body can be avoided with careful cleansing, particularly with salicylic acid preparations (sold as facial cleansing pads) and perhaps the tanning he did also helped (UV light can kill skin bacteria.) Probably he also had a low predisposition to acne.
Steroid Use and Erections
Dear Bill,
I have read that when using steroids, there can be a tendency to have increased frequency of erections.
It could be quite embarrassing to have erections throughout the day while at work. Does this mean that the erections are spontaneous, with no stimulus needed? Or does it just mean that it is easier to be stimulated? Also, is it related to specific steroids and dosages? Should this be a concern for the average user?
Generally, there is no problem.
I do know of a couple of cases where Proviron or Andriol caused this problem to a degree that was a problem, requiring the user to wear his equipment vertically, but all other steroids did not.
Apparently it is a DHT-dependent effect, and Proviron, which has a structure rather like DHT, also apparently can trigger it.
It need not be a concern for the average user.
Mood and AAS
Dear Bill,
I am considering doing an eight week cycle of sus 250. This will be the first AS cycle I have tried and I was just wondering how it will make me feel physically and mentally.Will i feel nervious, tense, or weird.
There will probably be no change in mood, other than possibly improved feeling of well-being, probably improved energy, and possible a slightly shorter temper. Nervousness, tenseness, or weirdness don’t normally occur.
Laurabolin vs. Primobolan
Could you explain the difference in effects of laurabolin vs. primobolan (proper dosages of each as well) and which one would you suggest using if i’m a first time steroid user? I have been lifting for about 3 years, if that makes a difference? Thank you
Laurabolin is much longer acting, and takes many weeks to clear out of the system. It might be somewhere around 50% more effective per milligram than Primo. Unlike Primo, it can convert to estrogen,
which can lead to gyno or increased inhibition of natural testosterone production. On the bright side, it is less likely to lead to hair loss in those with the genetics for male pattern baldness.
A mild cycle would be 400 mg/week Primo, or 250 mg/week Laurabolin.
Dear Bill.
A friend of mine have been cycling steroids for 3 years, he had good gains when he first started out , but after on and off for 3 years with just 1 month break between the cycles, he thought it didn’t work that well anymore. So on his latest course he stacked the steroids with some long acting insulin just for 3 weeks, and he made big gains overall. I also know that insulin is common among professional bodybuilders.
Is the insulin the strongest hormone in the body? Does it affect the increase in muscular size and strength? Does it work alone without the combination of steroids? What’s the best, long acting Vs short?
Insulin, by itself, is not an effective anabolic. (If it were, diabetics such as Mary Tyler Moore would be huge.)
Insulin, in combination with androgen and resistance exercise, may trigger maturation of satellite cells (small, more or less useless cells that are held in reserve, which do not contribute to muscular strength) into mature muscle cells. The advanced steroid user may have plateau’d in that respect, and adding insulin can give new gains.
I don’t think anyone knows whether short or long acting is more effective for building muscle. They seem to be about equally effective. A problem with long acting appears if it would continue acting while asleep: one might die if insufficient carbs had been taken.
Permanency of Gains from 2 on / 4 off Cycle
I wondered if you have any knowledge WRT the permanency of the gains that you mention in your 12/1/98 article. i.e. the subject might gain 25 lb of LBM and lose 4 lb of fat after the five 2 week cycles are complete, but where is he 5 months later?
I don’t know.
Alexander Fillipides has had athletes do these sorts of cycles for up to a year or more consecutively, but I never asked him what results remained after anyone might have gone off drugs for five months after that. I would expect substantial losses, but not to levels below one’s natural limit.
Can he continue to do these 2 week cycles for several months for years?
Being on only one third of the time, the total on time per year is rather similar to traditional, rather conservative cycling: e.g. two eight week cycles per yeat. People have done that for many years consecutively.
Or could he hypothetically stop using anabolics and keep that LBM gained through the anabolic stimulation?
If he did not get past what he could have attained naturally sooner or later anyway, then he need not lose anything once testosterone levels are back to normal. If he is bigger than he ever could have gotten naturally, yes, he will lose much of that. I am basing this on results from traditional cycling.
I am currently cycling creatine. I have used it before and have read many things on how it should be cycled and taken. I have not found any material on a good way to ingest it though. Everyone says to dissolve it in grape juice—-IT DOESN’T DISSOLVE!!! It just floats to the bottom. I have began to just put 5 grams on my tongue and then wash that down with grape juice…will this work? Will the creatine take up in my body by ingesting it that way? I don’t want to waste my time and money doing it this way, so your input is greatly appreciated.
About 16 ounces of water are required to dissolve 5 g of creatine. This dissolution might not be a quick process, but if you drink the undissolved material along with the water, it will dissolve eventually in the stomach. The same would apply for grape juice.
Propecia, DHT, Testosterone, Viagra, and Sex Drive
I am a 34 year old male that has been taking propecia for 11 months. This product is working quite well, however, it has not been without a price. My sex drive and performance has suffered. My doctor has prescribed viagra at my request, that I use along with propoxy. This combination allows me to have great sex, though my desire still lacks somewhat . I believe propecia has lowered my testosterone levels, which I will have checked this week. My question to you is: What combination of anabolics may be used in a cycle to acheive great gains, improve sex drive, and not countereact the progress of finasteride,
Propecia probably has not lowered your testosterone levels: in fact it has probably given a small increase. However, it has decreased your DHT levels, and DHT (or a DHT-like steroid) appears necessary for erectile function.
Nandrolone is the only anabolic that will mimimize hair loss problems, or prostate problems, either of which I would suppose to be the reason for using the Propecia.
Why Trenbolone Acetate in Recent Article?
Hey Bill,
regarding your recent article and mentioning trenbolone as one of the drugs taken: I’m just wondering if I’m reading this right. Last I checked, Parabolan is no longer available, and about the only way to get ahold of some REAL trenbolone acetate is to get those cattle implants and try to extract the tren with a kit. Purity is dubious. Am I misinformed, or what’s the deal? I know you’re not responsible for helping me find drugs, for crying out loud, but why not suggest some more easily obtainable stuff, like Equipoise or Halotestin (stenox) ???
I reported trenbolone acetate use because that in fact was what was used by the athlete in question. I agree that, were it intended to be advice, it would be lacking in that regard for many, since that substance is not generally available.
That drug was used because of its high efficacy and short half life, which allowed it to clear the system quickly during the off weeks and allow recovery of natural testosterone production.
Testosterone propionate would be another choice. Unfortunately, for many it is not available.
Nandrolone phenylpropionate would be another choice: it, too, is hard to find.
AAS and Fat Loss
I am 26 (male) and have worked out on and off since I was about 12. I am 5’11” and about 190 lbs. I’ve never used steroids and I was wondering what a good cycle for a first time user would be. Also, I am interested in any supplements or steroids that in some way (directly or indirectly) deplete fat. Is Winstrol really effective in this instance? Is there an advantage to administering through injection over oral? What dosages are effective? What other steroids or natural supplements might be effective in this area?
All AAS will help reduce muscle losses when dieting, and will tend to speed metabolism somewhat, and will affect fat distribution.
About the author
Bill Roberts is an internationally-recognized expert on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at a major American university.
Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral thesis but his education was invaluable so far as being able to design/improve nutritional supplement compounds, since it was in the field of designing drug molecules and secondarily some work in transdermal delivery.
His education was not specifically "geared" toward anabolic steroids other than expertise with pharmacological principles having broad applications. This has allowed Bill to provide unique insight into the field of anabolic pharmacology with knowledge of points which he would not have known otherwise.
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