Is 2 On, 4 Off Best?
You used to write about straight cycles. Now you are writing mostly about 2 on, 4 off. Is that the best way to go? Then why aren’t any professional bodybuilders using it?
“Best” depends on what one’s goals are.
Being on a substantial dose of steroids only 17 weeks per year is obviously not “best” for someone who wants to compete with the most muscle mass he can possibly attain. Such cycles would not be “best” for, say, Leonardo DiCaprio if he wanted to shed all that baby fat and put on a little muscle, yet retain the baby skin. Two on, four off cycles are appropriate in certain cases, and straight cycles are appropriate in other cases, and where maximal results are desired with no thought to health, it is appropriate not to cycle at all. The long term consequences of that, however, should be understood.
Sustanon Cycle
Dear Bill,
I am starting my first cycle. I have Sustanon 250. How much should be taken, and for how long?
What are your goals? For fast gains, and if antiestrogens are being used, 1 gram per week would be quite appropriate though that is likely to give problems with acne and, if you have the genetic tendency, to accelerate male pattern baldness.
I think that 500 mg/week is about the minimum for reasonable gains. Some will get gyno even from 250 mg/week if they don’t use antiestrogens.
I was told my muscle gains from Sustanon 250 would not result in a major loss of muscle after doing this cycle. Is this so?
Only if you recover natural testosterone production quickly.
Would you stack this with anything?
Sure: Clomid, Cytadren, possibly also Proviron, some Dianabol.
Currently 230lbs ,12% body fat. Just looking to do a light cycle, not looking into heavy steroid use!
As you will see from looking in the New England Journal of Medicine study on testosterone use, 600 mg/week cannot be called “heavy.”
Hi Bill,
I had to write this in response to your comment about insulin in your web magazine where you were asked if insulin is an effective anabolic on its own. I understand if you were trying to downplay the effects of insulin so as not to glamorize something that can be dangerous…
No, I would not state falsehoods for such a purpose.
…but insulin by itself does just as good a job as steroids at putting on a lot of muscle. From experience I had no roids (when I used to do them) so a friend of mine told me about insulin. I used 10 IU of Humilin N and 10 IU Humilin R as soon as I got up and 10 more IU of just the R after training. Body weight shot up 20lbs in four weeks and bodyfat stayed the same.
Forgive me if I consider that anecdotal. I know many people who tell me that their bodyfat is the same, while in fact, they obviously have gotten a lot fatter.
Now Oliver Starr has reported something similar to what you are saying, except with strength gains and very definite muscle gains. So I cannot say you must be wrong. However, it is not clear to me that insulin was the only drug he was using at the time. Without a definite statement that that was the case, I personally would consider it unlikely that that was the only drug.
I didn’t get noticeable strength gains.
Therefore, there could not have been much gain in contractile protein in the muscles, now could there have been? Whereas with steroids, even with avoidance of water retention, you would see a strength increase. So I don’t know how you can consider this experience to be equally effective as steroids.
Andro and the Bench Press
Hello Bill,
I am currently using Andro to build a base for future juicing. This advice was given to me by someone who can bench 620 and has the world record for bench in the IPF until it was taken away for being caught.
Surely it was not taken away for using prohormones… so perhaps his success was attributable not only to genetics, training, and prohormones.
I am taking 100 mg of androstenedione along with 100 mg of 4-andro- with 1265 mg of tribulus before workouts, and the same before I go to bed. On light lifting days I spread this out over 4 meals. Should I use more andro? Should I take it at different times?
I would drop the androstenedione totally. I would use 300 mg 4-androdiol at a time, but wouldn’t use it past the late afternoon. E.g., I might take it on arising, at noon, and at 4 PM.
I need 100 pounds on my bench (300 right now) and would like some advice on how I can do this before this fall (7 months)
I would use a program such as most powerlifters use, in which you start with light weights (e.g. 60% 1RM) for high reps at the beginning of the cycle, and end with heavy weights (e.g. 90% 1RM) for low reps towards the end of the cycle, finally ending with pyramids (5,4,3,2,1) to 1RM starting at about 70% 1RM. I would train one day per week as above, and the second time bench was trained would be with the Louie Simmons type speed training. I would consider using German Volume Training at the start of the cycle for two weeks if I also wanted to move up in weight class. I would also take the assistance exercises very seriously, particularly overhead press and dips, and triceps exercises (e.g. skull crushers, decline skull crushers, California presses (see Poliquin’s description) and close grip bench presses if triceps are a weak link.
GHB and Drug Tests
Dear Mr. Roberts
I have a serious problem I just took a drug test. Does GHB show up on a drug test? Thanks!
The only things found on drug tests are things which are specifically being looked for. I have not heard of GHB being looked for, but can’t say that no one is doing so.
I can say that it would be quickly eliminated from the body, and so the test could catch you only if you had used it quite recently, perhaps only within one day, and I’d be surprised if it could be detected past several days.
Sustanon and Short Cycles?
Dear Mr. Roberts,
Meso-Rx has helped me understand a lot more about AAS! I purchased the World Anabolic Review from you guys and it was also helpful. My question is, how can I use Sustanon in your short cycle theory? Are you saying 500mg on week 1, nothing week 2, nothing on week 3,4,5, and 6, then restart this cyle on week 7
The problem I have with answering this is, all those I know who have done the short cycle plan have used short acting injectables. Any answer I give is only in theory, though some parts of the theory are well-understood (such as the half life of the drug.)
I would not expect 500 mg of Sustanon on day 1 to give inhibition problems in week 3. With 1000 mg, I don’t know. Maybe yes, maybe no.
The problem is, 500 mg injected once as the only drug cannot be expected to give very impressive gains.
If I take the Humulin-R, how much is needed to mature muscle cells?
I wouldn’t take over 10 IU at a time myself.
How many carbs should I take, how much protein?
I don’t agree with the Duchaine theory of 10 g of carbs per IU of insulin. I tried insulin (which is legal to do) and did fine with only 4-5 g carbs plus 6 g protein per IU. Oliver Starr did fine with very low carbs and a lot of protein.
I would surely keep protein intake at least 1 g per pound of bodyweight, or 2 g per lb. if on a substantial cycle.
I am a 265 pound bodybuilder and compete around 225. I am 5’8″. Also, I can get growth hormone – the new Protropin. How much should be taken?
GH is problematic in that 1 IU twice per day is the most that has been found to be generally safe medically, but while that may be of long term benefit to older individuals it surely does not give any rapid gains. 2 IU twice per day seems to be the minimum for substantial gains, but prolonged use can be expected to lead to side effects, some of which are irreversible.
I personally, if I had a prescription, would only use it at 2 IU twice per day for a limited number of weeks per year, not on a continuous basis.
It’s worth considering that even that relatively low dose (by bodybuilding standards) will cost at least $12 per day and perhaps much more. Its cost effectiveness, then, is not as good as that of AAS.
Dear Mr. Roberts,
1. Which 2 anti-estrogens would you recommend stacking, if you have got low levels of testosterone (4ng/ml) and pretty high levels of estrogen (estradiol) 50pg/ml?? What about Proviron and Clomid?
An estrogen receptor antagonist (actually, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, to use the correct term) such as Clomid or Nolvadex, along with an antiaromatase such as Cytadren (if the side effects don’t bother you) or Arimidex (if you can afford it.) Proviron can be effective, but is inhibitory on LH production because of its androgenic activity. Thus it can be appropriate during a cycle where one is inhibited anyway but I don’t recommend it post-cycle.
2. What is an optimal estrogen level(s) for men? I read, that some estrogen is necessary, but how much?
I don’t know what the minimum is. One might even have a level in the serum measured as being “zero” but nonetheless have significant levels in localized areas of the body. All I can say is, it is known that some estrogen is needed for normal function of the HPTA, and it is known that doses of antiestrogen such as have been recommended in bodybuilding have been effective in restoring HPTA function. I would not suggest a “more is better” philosophy by using doses of antiestrogens higher than that: it could be counterproductive.
Difficulty with Fat Loss
Dear Bill,
I had been on Phen-Fen for 3 months and lost 35 pounds. I had kept it off for 2 years and then decided to get liposuction done for the trouble spots in my legs. The liposuction worked for the areas I wanted it to, but I gained 25 lbs. back and can’t lose it. I want to train for Ms. Fitness, but it seems like no matter what I do nothing is working. I watch my diet and work out 6 days a week with weights and aerobics. Still nothing. I have been taking Ripped Fuel – 1 capsule, 3 times a day. When I took the recommended dose I was up all night. Please help, I don’t know what else to do.
Adipokinetix is similarly effective to ephedrine, but won’t keep you up all night, although the caffeine will have some tendency towards that if you take it in the evening. Kava kava (a natural herb) will counterbalance the effect of caffeine, and to a large extent, can counterbalance ephedrine. It also may help in losing fat or in preserving muscle on a low calorie diet, though that isn’t certain by any means. There is some suggestion of it in the literature. I personally haven’t used it enough to say from personal experience, and know no one who has. But its efficacy in making one relaxed and in alleviating nervousness is clear.
The other women competing in fitness contests are certainly on drugs these days. This would include thyroid, anabolic steroids, and sometimes GH.
The simple fact is, women are not designed genetically to carry less than about 15% bodyfat naturally. If a woman wishes to get down to 8% or so for a fitness contest, it generally cannot be done without drugs.
Most anorexics are still over 20% BF even if they reduce their weight to only 70 lb. That surely indicates something about female genetics for retention of fat.
I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis in my spine, what is your take on Ipriflavone. and the benefits regarding osteoporosis. I am a 40 year young female, and developed osteoporosis from a hysterectomy when I was young, and neglected taking hormone replacement.
It may work. There is good evidence in the literature that it does.
I would also suggest that your doctor look into prescribing raloxifene. After some time during which the value to you of the raloxifene alone is determined, I would suggest that your doctor consider prescribing tibolone as well. This compound is also an antiosteoporotic, but with at least one of its mechanisms of action different than raloxifene. (The drug is also excellent for treating postmenopausal symptoms, and really deserves to be used much more than it is.)
Orals-only 2 on, 4 off?
What would be an ideal cycle for someone wishing to reach their natural limits, but not exceed it. Oral only though, injectables are not a option. I was thinking 20 mg d-bol / day on a 2 week on 4 week off cycle as you have stated before.
That is a conservative plan which will give some gains, especially if repeated a number of times.
Could someone’s natural levels be reached using such low doses?
Well, one’s approximate natural potential can be reached with no drugs at all.
Would dosages have to be increase as the user approaches their natural limit?
No, only if one wanted faster gains.
Will there be any reduction of natural hormonal output from such a dose?
If doses are divided including doses at night, then yes during the two on weeks, but not during weeks 4-6, especially if Clomid is used.
If it isn’t taken past the early afternoon, natural hormonal output might not be reduced much even during the “on” weeks. In that case, there would be no real need to cycle 4 off weeks out of every 6 weeks. I might do 6 or 8 weeks on, 4 weeks off on such a plan, were it legal
Would you need to taper down in last week even though you have only been using to 2 weeks?
No, but you’d have better results by taking some Dianabol on arising, and 4 hours later.
Where to buy steroids?
Mr Roberts,
I am wondering if there is any way to order steroids from you. Can you recommend anyone you know?
No, I don’t have any steroids, nor do I sell them, nor do I put anyone into contact with anyone who does.
Stacking Questions
Mr. Roberts,
I have a few questions I would greatly appreciate a response to:
1. Is Reforvit-B the same strength mg for mg as Dianabol? (i.e. 25mg of Reforvit-B = 25mg of D-bol)
2. I will be doing a few short 3 week cycles followed by rather long (9 weeks) breaks between. Given the choice of either Deca (400mg/wk) or Primobolan Depot (400mg/wk) which would you recommend for these cycles and why?
Deca if avoidance of hair loss is more important, Primobolan if minimization of inhibition problems is more important.
I have to question the 3 week idea. It misses the advantage of the 2 week cycle of avoiding inhibition of the pituitary, which doesn’t seem to begin until week 3, and misses the more-time-making-gains advantage of longer cycles.
3. If I decide on Deca at 400mg/wk, which of the following would be a prudent choice as an additional compound:
a) Primobolan Tabs @ 100mg/d
Waste of money, at least at typical prices. (In some countries the price is low.)
b) Primobolan Depot @ 200mg/wk
OK, but no particular reason to stack with Deca (adding another 200 mg/week Deca would be at least equally effective.)
c) Reforvit-B @ 20mg/d
OK, and stacks very well with Deca and may be cost effective, and has advantage of short half life.
If I stacked 400mg/wk of Deca with Winstrol Depot, how much Winny would you recommend a day (or every two days)?
50 mg/day.
4. Finally, if I decided on Primobolan Depot at 400mg/wk, would you recommend adding Reforvit-B or Winstrol Depot and at what dosages?
Sure: 25-50 mg/day, and 50 mg/day, respectively.
Glycemic Index Concerns
Dear Bill,
I am trying to find a carbohydrate powder mix that is from complex carbs and very low on the glycemic index. All of the meal replacement use maltodextrin for a carbohydrate source and all the carbohydrate powders I have seen are made from glucose polymers or a combination of glucose polymers and fructose.
Don’t take glycemic index seriously. It is only valid when the substance in question is the only food being taken at that time. E.g., a baked potato is very high glycemic, but if eaten with steak, it does not cause any problems of a spike in blood glucose.
I would however avoid products containing fructose or sucrose.
Are Androgens the Same?
Does the type of androgen I take really matter or are they all good for what I’m looking for since I’m not entering competition.
To a large extent, “androgens are androgens.” The exceptions to this are in differences in metabolism (see previous article) which results in, for example, Deca being less prone to cause hair loss, or Dianabol to be capable of causing gyno, etc., or in effectiveness in non-androgen-receptor-mediated mechanisms affecting growth. E.g., Primobolan and Deca seem very ineffective in such effects, whereas Anadrol is indisputably quite potent. This is also true in non-AR mediated effects such as effect on erectile function: e.g., Deca can be a disaster there, while Winstrol is at least equivalent to natural DHT.
Winstrol and Women
Dear Bill,
I’m a female, slightly overweight and have been working out for about 6 months. When I first started working out my trainer got me started on Winstrol. I only took it (blindly) for about a month (in moderate doses), and the time I was on it, I was having no problems losing weight and getting results I was looking for. Now that I am trying to lose the weight naturally, it’s not near as easy. I still have the Winstrol and have considered taking it again. But before I do, I am trying to educate myself about it, the risks (especially being female), and so forth. I am not even sure if Winstrol is the right anabolic steroid.
It is very variable among women how much steroid can be tolerated before virilizing effects appear, such as facial and body hair growth, lowering or hoarsening of the voice. I would be very leery of more than say 12 mg Winstrol per day and would keep it down to 8 or even 4 if such amounts are satisfactorily effective for your purposes. But there can be no guarantees that any dose will entirely avoid virilization.
Winstrol is a relatively good choice. Primobolan and oxandrolone are the other two relatively good choices for women.
Bovine Growth Hormone
Mr. Roberts,
I have been researching bovine growth hormone and am giving thought to using it. Do you know if it would be effective in the human body?
The results could be disastrous: you can develop an immunological response against the bovine GH that will result in your body destroying your natural GH as well. I would not touch this one with a ten foot pole.
Hepatitis and Deca?
Mr. Roberts,
I have a friend in his sixties who has been diagnosed with hepatitis C. This gentleman is losing weight aggressively. Would Deca help this condition? I believe that his physician would not prescribe it even if it was helpful because of the stigma associated.
There have been medical studies where oxandrolone was found beneficial to individuals with alcoholic hepatitis. E.g., J. Parenter. Enteral Nutr. (1995) 19(4) 258-65.
Deca might work equally well but since oxandrolone is what has been studied, that would be the one most likely to be prescribed.
GH and Winstrol
Mr. Roberts:
A friend of mine has some extra growth hormone and Winstrol tabs. I will be able to get about 180 tabs and about 30-45 IU. respectively. What do you think will be the most effective way of taking these two together for maximal results or do you think it would be better to start with something like Deca and finish with Winstrol and GH. And what would you suggest as a dosage for GH. I read that 2-4 IU per day is sufficient.
I rather question if 2 IU per day is sufficient except for long term results in older people.
You didn’t say how many mg per tab your Winstrol tabs were. They are available both in 5 mg per tab and 2 mg per tab. I am going to be optimistic and assume you have the 5 mg tabs.
Considering that you would need about 10 tabs for moderate effect, you have enough for 18 days. So I’d suggest saving it for a taper.
You might use Deca for say six weeks, then either continue using Clomid or begin using it, and start with the Winstrol tabs at 50 mg/day (25 mg on arising, and 25 mg four to six hours later) in week eight. If they are only 2 mg tabs, then perhaps 5 tabs on arising, and four tabs for the second dose, for 20 days.
You have enough GH for about 22 days. I don’t know whether it would be most efficient to use it during gaining weeks, or dieting weeks. It does help a lot with dieting. I personally, were it legal, would use it with the Winstrol and would diet off fat gained during the Deca cycle, which I would hope would be held to no more than 5 lb.
Androdiol Injection?
Hey Bill.
I read an article by Bruce Kneller where he said that Androdiol was damn close to pure testosterone in action, 90% as anabolic and more androgenic. To get past the bioavailability problem I would like to know how to make a sterile injectable from pure Androdiol powder in a base of your choice.
Patrick Arnold, in a less-restrained moment, wrote an article in Dirty Dieting describing how to make a testosterone suspension in propylene glycol. Perhaps you can find one of the 900 subscribers to that defunct newsletter who could show you the article.
Other than that, it might be soluble in oil at 25 mg/mL or so, but preparing a sterile solution would not be a trivial matter for the average individual.
Of course, Derek “Eunuch” Cornelius of Synthrax Imitations plans to release a sterile prohormone preparation in a vial – and naturally, he intends that you simply pour it on your skin, rather than inject it. So perhaps you will be able to buy such a product in a few months, in a brief window of opportunity before the Feds shut the whole thing down.
Synthesis of Steroids from DHEA?
I am a chiropractor. I have read for years that DHEA can be converted into Dianabol and testosterone. I would like to find this information for EDUCATIONAL purposes only. Can you tell me how its done or direct me to the information.
Dr K. K.
Goodman and Gilman, or most any biochemistry text, describes the biological conversion of DHEA to testosterone. Biologically DHEA cannot be converted to Dianabol.
To find a chemical synthesis, one can use Chem Abstracts, which will be at the science libraries of major universities, or one can often find the reference for synthesis of a drug in the Merck Index.
Neither synthetic procedure is practical for home use. In fact, even though I am a chemist, were it legal to do such chemistry, I would still rather buy the pharmaceutical product. The money spent would be well worth the effort saved.
Ephedrine and Clenbuterol
If one was to have used ephedrine before clenbuterol, will clenbuterol’s effect be minimized because of the down regulation of the Beta receptors caused by the previously taken ephedrine?
No, because very little such downregulation occurs from typical ephedrine use (it would undoubtedly occur if it were used around the clock, though.)
Prohormones and Psoriasis
Dear Mr. Roberts,
Is there any link between any prohormone usage an outbreaks of psoriasis? After an 8 week cycle of approx. 800mg 4-AD/day, I cut down the 4-AD dosage to 300mg/day and combined it with ECA just before a workout. This was for another 8 weeks. I now have an outbreak of psoriasis, and am wondering if anabolic pro-hormones may have precipitated it. I am 38 and have never had *any* psoriasis until now.
Androgens, in rare cases, have been known to exacerbate psoriasis.
Clomid for Older Men
Dear Bill,
I am a 52 yr. old man who has been weight training for about 6 years but haven’t made any significant gains in the past 2 years. or so. I believe that part of the problem we older guys have with muscle gain/retention and fat loss has to do with decreased testosterone levels. After reading your and another’s information regarding Clomid I have been wondering if this might not be a way to bring test. levels back to a more youthful level and allow a more steady and “natural” growth over time?
I personally think that Clomid may perhaps be a very good idea for older men. The issue that is unknown is, Is clomiphene estrogenic or anti-estrogenic in the prostate?
If it is estrogenic then it could not be recommended, because estrogenic activity in the prostate exacerbates prostate problems. If it is antiestrogenic, then overall it would be practically a miracle drug. This really ought to be studied, but somehow I doubt any researchers will do so as a result of reading my column. :(
Another Oral-Only Cycle
Dear Mr. Roberts,
I can get a hold of Dianabol 5mg tabs, Anadrol®-50, Halotestin 2.5 mg tabs, and Winstrol 2mg tabs. I am about 190, 6’2″ and need to put on about 20 pounds of mass, and then cut that. Could you please tell me how many of each tab I should take, if I did a Anadrol®/Halotestin/Winstrol cycle, and a Dianabol/Halotestin/Winstrol cycle.
I would use either Anadrol®-50, one tab per day (perhaps divided into half a tab before workout, and half a tab after workout) or Dianabol, 50 mg/day (five doses of 10 mg.) I would not use the Halotestin nor bother with the Winstrol. I would not stack the Anadrol® with the Dianabol unless I wanted to feel ill and get gyno.
Increasing Arm Size and Overall Strength
Dear Bill,
I really need some help. I am 6’3″ , I weight only 150 lbs., I currently have been working out 2 times a week, because that’s all I have access to. My bicep size is currently 11 1/2″ flexed. I need to gain more muscle and get stronger for the military (spec/ops). Can you please give me some advice on a 2 day’s a week work out plan , and what kind of supplements to buy.
When I used a two day per week program (which worked quite well for me), I trained chest, squat, and deadlift on one day, and shoulders and upper and mid back on the other day. It is also possible to train deadlift on the second workout instead of together with squats.
As for supplements, the meal replacement products are convenient if you cannot readily get 6 good moderate calorie, high protein meals per day. Protein powder is also convenient in such cases.
Creatine is of some value. Ephedrine, caffeine, and Adipokinetix are of some value for fat loss, and the first two are of some value in allowing more intense training if taken before workouts. Androdiol is somewhat effective in allowing more intense workouts.
These are about the only supplements that I would consider (well, also flax oil.)
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Dear Sir,
I’ve been on HRT for 1 year now and it seems that I will have to replace with lifelong use of testosterone enanthate (Testoviron250mg) which is the only drug I have access to. Considering these facts, I wonder how to set intervals of injections in order to gain some weight – mainly muscle mass. Should I bridge between several cycles or would it be more reasonable to inject regularly without changing intervals or dosages?
You will need at least 100 mg/week to maintain muscle mass, assuming your natural testosterone is low (and it certainly will be if you stay on HRT). I personally would just take the same dose every week: this would give the most effect per total grams taken. However, I might, for fun, take a gram per week every now and then to make some fast gains.
I would also take HCG since I would not want to suffer testicular atrophy.
Looking For a Better Cycle
I just finished a six weeks cycle of Deca & Winstrol tablets (Deca from 100mg/week to 350 mg. Winstrol 10md/daily) The gains were not dramatic. I’m planning to rest for 8 weeks and then start with a new cycle, maybe Sustanon. Could you please suggest a cycle?
You would need 4-5 times those doses to get moderately good results (relative to the first figure given for Deca.) With Sustanon, were it legal, I would consider 500 mg/week, or if I had antiestrogens, 1 gram per week.
Dianabol and 5AR
Dear Sir,
You stated that Dianabol cannot be converted into a DHT- by the 5AR. Yet it (anecdotally) causes significant hair loss although it’s not DHT itself (unlike Anadrol which is DHT).
Anadrol has no internal double bonds in the A ring, but nonetheless it has an additional sp2 carbon in the –2 position, compared to DHT, and therefore has a significantly different molecular shape (the –17 methyl also considerably affects the overall shape, not just that particular area.)
Is it converted to DHT- by some other enzyme, or is it that androgenic by itself?
It is androgenic by itself.
Is there a way to prevent Dianabol from causing hair loss without preventing it to attach to AR altogether (rendering it useless)?
Only if one had an effective topical antiandrogen. Unfortunately, none are presently available, though at least one exists as an experimental drug (and forget the idea of synthesizing it: it is no simple synthesis.)
Yet Another Oral-Only Cycle
Dear Bill,
I was wondering what the best way would be to do a cycle of Anavar if I had 120 of the 10mg tablets?
I myself, were it legal, would use 20 mg/day for 60 days in a single dose in the morning, and wouldn’t expect a whole lot out of it. But neither would I expect significant inhibition.
Could you please explain what are the real effects of Clomid? I searched pharmacology books which stated that it only inhibits estrogen by binding in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary, which would prevent the normal modulation by negative feedback and thus increasing GnRH and LH/FSH secretion.
That is correct.
According to this, bodybuilders taking steroids wouldn’t have the desired results when taking Clomid, because it just wouldn’t prevent gynecomastia development (it only inhibits the hypothalamus/pituitary estrogen receptors),
That is incorrect.
…neither would it stimulate testosterone production (since testosterone is the main hormone controlling the negative feedback for men).
It is not a question of stimulating: it is a question of reducing inhibition. And estrogenic inhibition (the estrogen being produced from testosterone) is a very large part of inhibition. Androgenic inhibition does also exist, however.
Lagging Muscles
Dear Bill,
What can I use to promote the growth of muscles that are lagging behind (arms especially).
Well, we will find out in a while whether the recent hoopla about PGF-2 has any merit or if it is another DNP-like fiasco. One cannot say in theory — observational data is needed.
Other than that, I can only suggest training, and focusing even harder on increasing pressing and pulling/rowing/ chinning strength than on direct arm exercises.
Women and Steroids
Dear Mr. Roberts,
My wife has been thinking of doing a cycle or two after her recent pregnancy to shorten the time it takes to gain back strength/fitness and loose body fat. My wife can find no information whatsoever about cycles for women, what drugs are the safest for women to use, and how to avoid side effects. I realize that a majority of the people out there using steroids are men but if my gym is any indication, the number of women using them is staggering. My gym is in a very upper middle class area of Texas and is frequented by highly educated career moms. Most of the women that have opened up to my wife are college graduates with one or two children who used steroids to speed up their athletic recovery after pregnancies. These women need information. Do you think you can add a women’s section to your web page?
Not really. I personally don’t have a good view of it and am not comfortable with it, and also I don’t have any great deal of observational evidence to contribute in this area. Don’t forget, I have essentially a medical background (however, in pharmaceutical sciences, not MD) so I tend to be quite concerned with risks vs. benefit. There are just countless experimental drugs, for example, that do work, but aren’t worth bringing to market because they have too many problems.
With women and anabolic steroids, it is an ill-defined gray scale, with side effects often beginning even before much effectiveness in building muscle or losing fat takes place. This is unacceptable performance for a drug from my point of view. Because of individual variability, some women will be fortunate and will be able to use levels of drug which are effective for them but which don’t cause problems with side effects. There is no way for anyone to predict a given woman’s sensitivity to these drugs.
Both World Anabolic Review and Anabolic Reference Guide, 6th Edition (though I don’t think there ever were editions 1-5) give about as good a treatment of the matter as has been done, and all I can add to that is to say that some women will suffer permanent side effects even from the minimum doses these books recommend. I would strongly advise women not to exceed the maximum doses they recommend unless they don’t mind virilization and are sure that they will never regret losing their natural voice, growing a beard, etc.
Another Women and Steroids Question
Mr. Roberts,
I have a friend and she wants to take roids, I said only Primobolan, but she does not want to get stuck! So she wants to take Winstrol tablets. Is this okay for her? If you know what kind of tabs she should take, could you let me know. Please help me, I don’t want her to get hurt or do the wrong stuff.
Winstrol tabs are about equally safe (or unsafe) as Primobolan. Why not take a cautious approach and start at 4 or 5 mg per day, and increase only if results simply aren’t satisfactory. I would be concerned about going past 12 mg/day or so.
Oxandrolone and Gyno?
Dear Sir,
I’m 18 years old and recently did a cycle of Oxandrolone SPA, I took two 2.5 mg tabs a day for 8 weeks. So I was doing 5mgs a day 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 around 5pm,I was eating 6 meals a day and consuming a ton of whey protein. I read how mild Oxandrolone is and most guys on the various boards laugh at it and the potential for gains yet I was quit pleased with the results. Good strength gains and 15 solid pounds in bodyweight. The only problem is, believe it or not I got gyno, Is this possible? Does my age have something to do with it? My nipples got thick and heavy looking the way they were 4 years ago when I was going through puberty. Can you explain this?
Assuming that this really was oxandrolone and not, for example, Dianabol being sold as oxandrolone, the only possible mechanism is that oxandrolone upregulated (increased) your levels of aromatase, the enzyme that converts your natural testosterone to estrogen. Thus, your estrogen levels could have increased if natural testosterone was not suppressed, which it probably wasn’t.
This would only be likely to cause gyno in a person very sensitive to it.
Call me a skeptic, but I tend to think you would have gained much of what you did without the oxandrolone. Many people do, particularly at your age.
High Fat, Low Carb for Competing Bodybuilder
I am about to enter my second bodybuilding competition as an NPC amateur. The first show, I dieted rather traditionally. I’m sure you know the scheme of things. THIS time, I am trying the controversial “High fat/Low carb” diet. I have read about it. I am sticking to it, but have never actually talked to anyone or had the opportunity to ask an experienced individual about it. With that in mind, my question to you is simply, what are the pros and cons of this way of dieting?
I think that the high fat/low carb diet is suitable for those individuals who are what Dan Duchaine calls “dieting retards,” not in reference to their intellect but to their genetics. If a person has poor insulin sensitivity in their muscles but their fat cells are sensitive to insulin, then such a diet may be great for them. People with superior genetics — which would include all successful competitive bodybuilders — generally do not do as well on such a diet as on diets with carbs.
This is perhaps the reason that very few, if any, top bodybuilders use such diets, yet they are effective for many “average” individuals.
Jim’s Experiment
Really enjoyed the article about Jim; there was a marked difference in his lats, arms and chest. He needs to work on those legs, which I’m sure he plans to do. I see some tough squat workouts in his future!
Hack squats anyway (he has a back problem). He did make excellent gains on his upper legs, judging from the measurements, but still has a ways to go, and he needs to ditch those long shorts, to be sure. He indeed plans on bringing up his “wheels” quite a bit.
Nelson Montana had an article on (which you have probably read) wherein he used low androgenic steroids in small doses for short cycles. Says he kept his gains and didn’t have any side effects. I believe it and it appears Jim will have the same results.
During the “clean” weeks, yes.
By the way, I must say that the claim that oral Winstrol is more potent milligram for milligram than Anadrol® is one of the most ludicrous assertions I have ever seen concerning steroids. I am sure he is sincere, and is reporting his own experience, but that experience must have been with fake Anadrol.
I took Nelson’s advice and extrapolated it out to my 19-nor-androstenedione use. Am only taking 50 mg doses before workouts, which means 4 times/week. Since I am 56 and not on HRT, the 50 mg seems to work very well.
I’ve avoided any side effects but made very good gains. My strength has gone up appreciably and I’ve lost body fat. I couldn’t be happier. I didn’t expect miracles in the first place but this is as close to one as I could get.
Best regards,
The diones are good choices for women but not for men. Norandrostenedione is probably a very good choice for you, perhaps the best one.
Dear Mr Roberts,
I lift 5-6 days a week, anywhere between 1-2 hrs a day. On Monday I do back and bis, Tuesday is chest, tris, and shoulders. Wed is leg day. Then the cycle starts all over again. I enjoy working out everyday, because as a college student it gives me something to do, and it helps me to stay motivated. I have heard though that you can work a muscle too hard to the point of making it smaller. Is this true, and if it is what are some signs that you are doing too much?
It is true, though it is more common that gains simply aren’t good. The sign to look for is poor gains. As long as you genuinely are making good gains overall, as opposed to backsliding and then regaining lost ground in a futile progression, then don’t worry.
Generally most advanced lifters do best training bodyparts no more than once or twice per week, with once per week being more common these days. You are training just a little bit more than twice per week.
As for amount of training, if you are taking long rests between sets the total amount of work you are doing may be fine. If you are taking brief rest, you are probably doing too much work. I recommend between 40 and 150 (approximately) total reps per bodypart per workout. More than that I think is very likely to be overtraining.
Also I am looking for some good back exercises, I don’t do much, and need to.
Yates Row, one arm DB row, medium narrow grip chinups (palms towards you), medium wide grip pullups (palms away), shrugs, and if available, the Hammer Strength row and pulldown machines.
Testosterone and Drug Tests
Alright, now I’m really confused. I had been informed that you could take a low dosage(250 mg) of testosterone(enanthate) and still be able to pass a drug test. Isn’t synthetic testosterone use judged by a certain ratio because your body produces it naturally? If so, what is this ratio and is 250mg of test. enanthate. too much for a urinalysis test conducted 4 days from then?
Yes, it generally will be too much, first because 250 mg/week of enanthate may well raise testosterone levels above the normal range, and secondly, because the resulting suppression of LH will result in abnormally low amounts of epitestosterone, and the maximum 6:1 ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone may be exceeded.
Variation on Short Cycle Plan
Mr. Roberts,
I’m an Italian Body Builder, and I’m 23 years old I’ have planned to follow this type of cycle:
WEEK 1 AND 2 :
– 150 Mg of Testosterone Proprionate Injected every morning
– 250 Mg of Cytadren
– 50 Mg of Proviron
WEEK 3,4,5, and 6 , 0,5Mg of Arimidex ( this cycle for 6 months)
Then switch in your integrated drug , training and nutrition program for another 6 months, that I have found in Meso-Rx of December ’98. I want to start on September ‘ 99. Now I’m 90 Kg with 10% of body fat , I have planned to compete at 95-98Kg in November 2000 . Do you think that is a good choice?
Vincenzo B.
Your substitutions are a perfectly good idea.
However, I would not do the alternating cycle immediately before the contest, but continue drug use right up to the contest — in other words, finish the program with say an
8 week cycle.
Jim’s Future Plans
Is Jim planning to go off steroids after he has gained a certain level.
Will the gains fade away with similar training routines and “natural” supplements, e.g. creatine, protein shakes etc
He should be able to remain well above the level that he could have achieved naturally, but this may be significantly less than what he achieves while on steroids. It would be a reasonable expectation for him to wind up splitting the difference between his natural limit and the peak that he achieves while on drugs.
Primobolan/Anavar Cycle
Dear Bill,
I am a decathlete, and I am about to begin a cycle of Primobolan and Anavar. I also have methandriol, but don’t know much about it.
Avoid it: it is estrogenic.
I only want to gain about 10 lbs. of quality muscle, and of course, get stronger. I was planning a pyramid cycle of about eight weeks, but would like to know if you think I should do something different. Also, should I use Clomid even though this is a mild cycle. I did have gyno problems as a teenager.
Clomid will reduce your degree of inhibition but really is not necessary with these drugs. I think you are unlikely to get gyno (although see other letter for a case of someone who did).
I would also prefer a straight cycle to pyramiding upward in dose.
Three Weeks On, One Week Off?
Dear Bill,
My friends have been using a 3 weeks on/ 1 week off approach with Halotestin and Sustanon 250. They claim that after 3 weeks the liver gets very efficient at removing product and taking a week off recharges the receptors. They have been doing this for about 3 months with excellent results and plan to continue, with a possible modification of products used (i.e. Anadrol® 50). Is there any validity to their theory?
There are no off weeks in this cycle whatsoever, because much of the decanoate component of the Sustanon will remain in the system in the supposedly “off” week.
There is also no validity to the concept of “recharging the receptors.” If I were you, I’d ask them to provide you with a photocopy of a single paper from a medical journal or text supporting such a theory.
Cheaper Version of Jim’s Cycle
I am interested about this idea of a very brief 2 week cycle followed by a 4 week “clean phase.” I would like to try something like this but I cannot afford to take all of the drugs Jim took. Would it be possible for me to take only one or two steroids in this same type of cycle and still obtain results? If so which ones would you recommend and how much of each should I take daily? I am 5’9″, 195 lbs., about 11% bodyfat. Thank you for your time.
Well, one won’t make the kinds of fast gains that Jim did (13 lb. in two weeks) with low dose steroids. Right now the most economical choice for you would be a single A-50 per day. I overheard in a conversation between the butchers at the supermarket that these are going for as little as $2 per tab. This, by the way, is the same supermarket that Dave Palumbo shops in: after learning from him what an excellent source of information these grocery workers were, I decided to shop there myself.
About the author
Bill Roberts is an internationally-recognized expert on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at a major American university.
Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral thesis but his education was invaluable so far as being able to design/improve nutritional supplement compounds, since it was in the field of designing drug molecules and secondarily some work in transdermal delivery.
His education was not specifically "geared" toward anabolic steroids other than expertise with pharmacological principles having broad applications. This has allowed Bill to provide unique insight into the field of anabolic pharmacology with knowledge of points which he would not have known otherwise.
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