Dianabol-only cycle
Hi Bill,
I have got some Dianabol and was going to try your recommended 2 on 4 off approach. Is 15mg/day divided into three doses for first week then 15mg/day once a day for the last week okay?
The dose is quite low. I would divide the dose both weeks. 15 mg in a single dose does very little.
I am a little worried about water retention as I already have a little fat and don‘t want to look bloated and also get gyno, so would taking 50mg/day of Clomid during the 2 weeks help with this, and would I be better taking it for another 2 weeks after I stop Dianabol?
Yes to both: you’d have no problems with water retention whatsoever at those dosages of Dianabol and Clomid.
With this approach and dosage would I be troubled with testicular atrophy and hair loss?
No to the testicular atrophy, but you might see some slight effect on hair loss if you are susceptible.
… and another Dianabol-only cycle
Hi there,
I am thinking of doing the 2 on / 4 off cycle that you wrote about that Jim was using.
All I can get is enough Dianabol for 35mg/day for the 14 days then 20mgs/day for the rest. Should I still use the same amount of clomid and cytadren or should I use a little less?
I know that it won‘t be as effective without the injectable but as it is my first cycle is it worthwhile to do and to keep doing for maybe 4 six-week cycles?
You could omit the Cytadren entirely with that low a dose of aromatizable AAS but I would still use the same amount of Clomid. You can get some results from the Dianabol-only cycle but the total dosage of steroid is low: only 245 mg/week. This will not give dramatic results.
Retaining gains after 6-8 week cycle
Mr Roberts
You advocate the short cycle and it seems to be working very well for your friend .
I would however like to do a more traditional 6 to 8 week cycle and would like to know what your recommendations would be regarding keeping the gains, once off AAS, of strength/muscle mass. You give great advice for bringing your T production back online and honestly, I’m sure with your advice I won’t encounter that problem, but I would still like to know how you would prefer to taper off AAS use to ensure a major portion of the gains made STAY.
Clomid will help your natural T production to get back online but will this be enough to sustain the gains?
For a traditional 6 to 8 week cycle I would still recommend the same type of program of orals in the morning only coupled with Clomid. Also perhaps if possible the last few weeks of the cycle itself would preferably be Primo and/or Winstrol instead of test, Deca, etc.
Propecia, Deca, hair loss, and gyno
Dear Mr. Roberts,
I’m a 23 year old male. I’m 5’ 11″ and 185 pounds. My hair has already thinned a bit (not yet receding, some scalp visible) and here’s the real problem; ever since puberty hit me I’ve had a slight case of gyno. My nips are puffy and there’s a mass under both of them. They aren’t sensitive or anything, it just seems to run in my family. I’ve been using Propecia for two and a half months.
Propecia (finasteride) or Proscar can cause or aggravate gynecomastia by reducing DHT levels.
Two years ago, while vacationing in Europe, I did a 12-week cycle of 200mg Deca/week and 200mg Primo/week. One week after the last injection I did 50mg’s of Clomid for 2 weeks. I know that this was a light cycle but the only side effects I experienced was a slight case of acne on my shoulders (could have been from the climate change) and a little bit of testicular atrophy. My breasts were fine.
This summer I’ll be vacationing again and I was thinking of doing another cycle. Here’s my question. Which compounds and cycle would you recommend if my goals were to put on as much muscle as possible and to be able to keep it?
Primo and Winstrol (preferably injectable) would be your best choices if you want to minimize risk of aggravating the gyno, to get reasonable gains, and to recover natural testosterone production quickly. If a longer cycle is used, 400-1000 mg/week of Primo, divided into two or more injections per week, and 50 mg/day Winstrol or at least every other day if that cannot be afforded. If an alternating short cycle plan is used, 1000 mg on day 1 of Primo, and 50mg/day Winstrol for 10 days. These would not aggravate your gyno problem and would not be particularly bad for your hair, though they pose some risk.
Alternately, you could use Deca for the first four weeks along with Clomid. The Clomid would be effective against gyno, and the Deca would be easier on the hair than the above anabolics. However if you want to keep your gains, it would be best to switch to Primo and/or Winstrol for the last several weeks.
How does the Propecia come into play?
It is of use only if using testosterone.
By the way, I’m going to Greece and I’m assuming you know which compounds are available over there. You think Parabolan can be worked into the equation?
It is hard to obtain and is extremely expensive. To use an amount equivalent to Jim’s use of trenbolone acetate would cost about $120 per week or more. My understanding also is that you cannot simply walk up to a pharmacy and obtain whatever you want in Greece.
Is equipoise very estrogenic?
No, only slightly, and only after conversion to estrogen.
Is taking 1cc for week1, 6 and 2cc for weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5 a good cycle for an 18-year old just looking for a little edge?
The number of cc (by the way, 1 mL = 1 cc) does not matter, but rather the number of mg. If it is 50 mg/cc then these doses are way too low to add much muscle: they are enough to mostly inhibit your natural test production without actually doing much to build muscle.
Atkins Diet
Hey Bill,
I am on the Atkins Diet which only allows me to eat only 20 grams of carbohydrates a day and all the fat and protein that I want. Will I still be able too grow muscle at the same time? Or should I stop doing the diet and try something different to lose fat and gain muscle?
You can grow muscle if you modify the diet to where you get carbs two days per week: either consecutively (e.g. the weekend) or separately (e.g. starting Monday evening following the workout and ending the same time Tuesday evening, and from Friday evening to Saturday evening following that workout.)
Such a plan is usually called the Anabolic Diet and it works quite well. I would avoid pigging out on the carb days: eat maintenance calories or a couple of hundred above, with 1 g/lb protein, moderately low fat, and the rest being carbs.
I don’t think you’ll make good gains at all on the Atkins diet itself, never having carbs. I don’t know anyone who has and it has failed for many.
I wouldn’t go to the two-separate-carbups routine until you have adapted well to ketogenic dieting, which would require at least a month either on Atkins or on the one-carb-up per week plan.
Cutting up with Winstrol
I have been utilizing stanozolol for about ten weeks. I began after an intelligent friend suggested that it might assist in ridding me of the last of unwanted body fat. As an actor, I have no desire to be ‘big’ at all. On the contrary, I prefer to be thin. At five foot ten with a body weight of one seventy, I am the exact size that I wish to be. Presently my bodyfat levels are comparatively low, oscillating between six and seven percent. I have excellent strength, and my muscles, while thin, are extremely dense. Alas, I am still unsatisfied!
Hence the Winstrol. Needless to say, I am very impressed with the effects of this drug. So, to the point. How much is too much? Specifically, at what dosage level does the organ damage outweigh the cosmetic benefit (which in my case cashes my checks!) that I enjoy? Is it unrealistic to expect minimal damage after, say, five months of continuous use?
Problem is that with the injectable it is in your system around the clock, and any dose that is effective tends to shut down your natural testosterone production.
Now actually in your case, that might not be a bad thing if it is only partial. Having less natural testosterone and replacing it with a little Winstrol would result in better skin and be easier on the hair than natural testosterone is. Two or three amps per week of Winstrol would be at about that level.
If you were talking about the oral, if used in divided doses (taking it several times per day) then somewhere around 25 mg/day would be at that level. If you took it all in the morning then you would not suppress natural testosterone production much if at all, but you’d also get less effect from the Winstrol than if you divided the dose.
I have noticed that I require an increased dose to get the initial effects already. I now inject 50 mg daily.
This is not because of its becoming less effective, but because of it becoming harder and harder to lose more fat the leaner you get.
Although I feel fine, I am certainly aware that this is not an accurate indicator of health. I have asked bodybuilders about it, but the general mentality is one of kamikaze stupidity. They tell me that Winstrol is perfectly safe, period.
While it is safe at that kind of dosage for moderate length cycles, it may be hard on the liver if used indefinitely. I would not stay on it for years on end (besides the issue of shutting down natural testosterone production.) This is because Winstrol is 17alpha-alkylated and has been demonstrated to be cytotoxic to liver cells, which the non-alkylated steroids are not.
You might try Primo instead, or alternating with Primo: that steroid is not liver toxic and would give you a break.
Lastly, is there some insight you can impart to me on how to get to, say, four percent bodyfat? Again, being thin is of no concern to me at all. I am hoping that you will have an answer different than that of one of my extremely lean and muscular friends, who just said “Shoot more till you get where you want, man, that’s what I did.” Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you and to reading your articles in the future!
4% is not maintainable for anybody, or almost nobody: it is a peak condition. You obviously already understand diet pretty well to get where you have, and diet and to a significant extent supplementation with things like ephedrine, caffeine, yohimbine, perhaps Thyrolean, and drugs such as AAS and GH will help. Few can maintain 5% though and 6% actually is very, very good for a maintained condition. I would avoid using thyroid hormones themselves (Thyrolean is not a thyroid hormone) because while they can help achieve a peak condition, they are not suited to maintaining low bodyfat.
Even a moderate dose of GH (1 IU twice per day) would give significant help with fat loss particularly if you are over 30 or so.
Converting prohormones to injectables?
You mentioned in your article that norandrostenedione (norandrostene) or 4-norandrostenediol (norandrodiol) can be converted to testosterone or to nandrolone, by certain enzymes. My question to you is how would someone convert an OTC product like prohormones to a Testosterone like structure. Obviously a certain level of purity would be needed to make this a safe drug (purchasing through chemical supply company) to use. I have been looking into this for quite some time. I have hired people like Dan Duchaine and Pat Arnold to consult me on this idea. But everyone seems to be skirting the issue of how to do this. I believe that your mag should write a article on how to do this and put it out in a format that is easy to understand and follow.
It really isn’t practical: speaking as a chemist I can say that there is no way that the average individual, even if he spent a lot of money on equipment, would have a hope of preparing a compound pure enough for injection. Some things just aren’t practical and that is one of them.
Another impractical aspect is that chemical supply companies will not sell to individuals. Some people would be able to get around that because they own companies, but most people could not.
Contest prep cycle
I am an avid reader and sophomore molecular biology major (clean at 6’5″ 240lb, 7%BF) who needs to put on about 20+ pounds w/o excess fat gain for a contest coming up in 17 weeks. I have access to hypothetical Laurabolin, D-bol, Winstrol depot, test enanthate, HCG, and Clomid.
Would I get any benefit from splitting the 17 weeks up, say 7wks on- 3wks off- 7 wks on, or should I go 17 weeks straight because the 3wk down time wouldn’t help w/ HTPA recovery? Or would a series of three 2wks on with HCG / 2wks off, as per your last Q/A column, with the final 5 weeks on, have a greater gain potential?
Well, if looking the best possible in the contest is everything, with losses after the contest and perhaps very slow recovery of natural testosterone production being an acceptable price to pay, then the 17 weeks straight is the way to go.
You are right that the three weeks off with testosterone enanthate and Laurabolin being used (both are long-acting, especially the Laurabolin) would not help much.
You couldn’t do the 2 on / 4 off program very well with those drugs, and there would be way too much off-time given your needs.
You could do say 4 weeks on with enanthate plus Winstrol, starting with 1000 mg enanthate on the first day then 500 mg twice per week after that, and Winstrol 50 mg/day for those 4 weeks plus another 2 weeks, and Dianabol at say 50 mg/day through those 6 weeks. Then three weeks with just Dianabol at 20 mg on arising and 20 mg at noon, then 8 more weeks straight with everything.
This would be with Clomid 50 mg/day throughout.
To avoid testicular atrophy, HCG could be used every third week, with 2500-5000 IU being used three times in those weeks, and not right before the contest.
Gains would probably be similar to being on for 17 weeks straight because the body can’t grow quickly for 17 weeks straight anyway. Taking a midpoint break won’t hurt.
Given the above available items, would you modify the following hypothetical stack at all?
wk1-5 Laurabolin 400mg/wk, D-bol 50mg/day, Clomid 50mg/day (HCG on wk4)
wk6-7 test enanthate 400mg/wk, D-bol 50mg/day, Clomid 100mg/day
wk8-10 D-bol 25mg/day, Clomid 100mg/day
wk11-15 Laurabolin 400mg/wk, D-bol 50mg/day, Clomid 50mg/day (HCG on wk14)
wk16-17 test enanthate 600mg/wk, D-bol 50mg/day, Clomid 100mg/day
Yes, for a competitive stack this is pretty low dosage, particularly the Laurabolin weeks.
What benefits would incorporating Winstrol offer, and at what dosages?
If you are not going 17 weeks straight but taking a break, it has the advantage of clearing the system faster allowing the break to genuinely be a break. It also might have activities that the others do not (see article on that subject.)
Protein before workout
Hi Bill,
I was just wondering if there is any benefit to taking protein before your workout? I know protein is rarely used as fuel. So is there any benefit to protein before a workout?
There’s benefit compared to not getting any protein at all. There is benefit in the powders in that you can have a Met-Rx or something an hour before a workout and it doesn’t mess up your training, whereas a traditional meal would tend to interfere with training.
Another Equipoise question
I’m on my fourth week of cycling on equipoise (my first cycle) and have seen minimal to no results so far. I’ve been eating like an animal and working out hard six days a week. I’m in good shape to start out with. I would bet a hefty sum of money that this stuff is legit (the bottle says Equigan in a box of the same design and hologram- I also know the guy). What’s the deal?
Friends have told me you need to wait 3-4 weeks, but I’m getting nervous. Is that true? Do I only grow for two more weeks then (w/ a 6-week cycle)? Should I extend it to seven weeks. Please help, I have no one else to ask and don’t want to ruin this.
You didn’t say what your dose was but I wouldn’t expect much results with less than 400 mg/week. With that dose I would expect to see some noticeable but not dramatic results by the third week. Below 200 mg/week I would expect to see essentially nothing.
GH and bacteriostatic water
Have you heard anything about using bacteriostatic water to make Serostim last longer…it says use sterile saline, but if you use bacteriostatic will it work? Will it go bad?
The ingredients in bacteriostatic water will damage GH. Sterile saline should be used.
Treatment for infertility: testosterone or Clomid?
My urologist just put me on testosterone for infertility problems. I actually had the choice of taking I believe 150 mg. injection every 3 weeks of the testosterone or clomid. I was wondering if the testosterone will have any impact on my weight lifting. If so what kinds of things would I notice? Is there anything I can do to take advantage of the fact that I’m getting the injections? From a purely bodybuilding standpoint would I be better off with the clomid?
I’m sorry to say it but you need to find a better urologist (after scoring a Clomid prescription from this one, that is.)
While normal testosterone levels are needed for sperm production, FSH is also required. Your problem is more likely low LH/FSH and this therapy he is giving will actually worsen that, and furthermore not do much by way of raising your testosterone level either. 150 mg per three weeks is trivial (and ignores the fact that the half-life is less than a week) and for the most part will only replace the amount of natural testosterone production that will be suppressed. You’d notice a little effect for the first five days perhaps.
That is almost a placebo he is giving you. Hormone replacement therapy should be at a minimum of 100 mg/week, which is double what you are getting. I suppose his plan is to give you something that is too little to do anything either good or bad, either that or he really is not familiar with this area of medicine.
Clomid would work much better and he should be considering it and also HCG, not testosterone.
Primo Depot and inhibition
Hey Bill—
I wanted to know at what dosage and duration does Primo Depot typically cause inhibition. I know for first time users you recommend about 400mg/week and start with 800mg week 1, but the only anecdotal use I saw was at 200mg/week for maxed out natural resulting in 17 pound gain.
Well, that’s a nice result!
Perhaps at this dosage suppression is minimal so endogenous Test. works concurrently or is this the exception to the rule?
Any time you have something that is an agonist (activator) of the AR it is going to be somewhat suppressive. But you are right, I think 200 mg/week Primo is low enough to be only partially suppressive, so some natural testosterone certainly would be in there. In fact I think 400 mg is only partially suppressive, though moreso of course.
Also, what is the most effective dosing schedule for Clomid with Primo cycle of 8 weeks to retain gains?
It won’t help much while on the Primo. Won’t hurt but won’t do much since estrogen levels aren’t an issue anyway.
Basically, as a first time user looking for cycle for maximum gains and retention using Primo and Clomid and how much time to go off (after last shot of Primo) before starting a 2on/4off ‘micro’-cycle. Also I was considering in the future to do a 2on/4off with Primo and Finaplix and wanted to know the half-lives of Primo Depot and Primo Tabs?
The tabs are probably a matter of hours, and the Depot I would guess about 5 or 6 days.
I would think you could use up to 1000 mg Primo on the first day on a 2 on / 4 off cycle.
How would Clomid be used with a dosing of Primo at 800mg and 400mg (maybe also 200-400mg at week 3 of 2on/4off cycle as I saw in one of the ‘case studies’ this was done at 400mg in addition to using the morning only dosing of D-bol to help preserve gains)
It was done but it wasn’t particularly good: orals-only were later found better by the same athlete. It was effective for retaining gains but not as good for recovery.
TA seems to be the most potent anabolic for true muscle gains; is there knowledge in what manner its effect is mediated (non-AR like d-bol and Anadrol®)?
It is definitely a potent agonist of the AR. I don’t know if it has non-AR activities or not.
Wondering about “methandrostenoloni”
Hi Bill
I bought some tablets to increase my performance in the gym. They are called Tabulettae Methandrostenoloni, and are from Russia, and my Russian is pretty bad, can you tell me what they do, and what the amount that should be taken a day.
They are white and contains 0,005r(of something) whatever that means.
They are Dianabol, but the Russian stuff is typically very impure and may be half or all methyltest plus who knows what else. Communist chemistry in pharmaceuticals seems to be somewhat lacking.
I assume the .005 refers to .005 grams, which is 5 milligrams. The dose to use for a given purpose would be the same as with Dianabol.
Training split – which is best?
I have been working out for about three years, but not until the last 6 months did I ever become serious about it. I get so much conflicting advice about the frequency of working individual muscles that I am becoming unsure whether or not the intense training that I am doing is more catabolic than it is anabolic. I started out by doing full body workouts three days per week. The program I am currently employing chest and triceps, back and biceps, and legs with shoulders on different days twice per week. So, I am in the gym six days a week. I am now trying to decide if I would benefit more from doing arms, back, shoulders, legs, and chest on separate days once a week. Will be able to gain mass better from this once a week program than from the twice a week routine I am doing now?
Training bodyparts either once or twice per week works well, though once per week is rather often best for quads or lower back. Many athletes have tried both methods and/or training bodyparts every 5 days, and all these schemes will work.
The issue of whether you are “overtraining” has more to do with the total number of sets and how they are performed rather than how many days per week you train. In other words, training twice as much per workout half as often won’t help if overtraining really is an issue, and there would be no advantage per se to going to three days per week while doing the same total amount of training. If one wants to reduce amount of training that can just as well be done by reducing the workouts on the six days per week program.
In other words, you can use whatever split you prefer, and changing splits every now and then is not a bad idea if you find things stagnating.
Hormone replacement therapy with testosterone enanthate, or Deca?
Here’s my situation and question……I used various anabolics from 1986-1990. I was clean from that time on. I felt like crap all the time so I went to some docs and was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism (low test levels) in late 1996. The doc put me on 200mg of enanthate every other week.
That really is not a good dosing schedule. It means that by the time of the injection, levels have fallen by more than 75% (since the half life is less than a week.) The reason it is done this way is to minimize office visits of course. Twice per week would be much better. But that is an aside.
I have been on this since that time and have the appropriate bloodwork every 6 months. I have been concerned about long term side effects (especially hair loss) but since my test level stays within the normal range, the doc assures me that it’s no more than what a “normal” male has. With this concern and the new drug Propecia, I convinced him to put me on 1 mg finasteride daily. Since it reduces DHT I have had less hair loss.
I have been concerned about the high androgenic properties of enanthate so after finding some supportive research, I’ve convinced him to put me on 100mg of Deca a week for a trial basis of 8 weeks. This has been used to treat people (mainly HIV infected) for secondary hypogonadism. Naturally, from a bodybuilding standpoint, I’d like to continue with the Deca.
Actually, 100 mg/week of enanthate would be equally good if not better for bodybuilding purposes: probably better. The Deca is easier on the hair, skin, and prostate though. But it might kill your sex drive.
My questions are:
How do you think the Deca will affect my blood test levels?
They will drop to very low levels.
How do you think it will effect FSH and LH levels?
It will reduce them about the same as testosterone does.
Do you think the finasteride is detrimental to muscle gains since some folks advocate that it’s the androgenic properties that account for a substantial amount of the gains?
I tend to think the only detrimental effect would be if one has less drive for workouts as a result of less stimulation of the CNS from DHT. So far as muscle is concerned, DHT is not an effective anabolic, for reasons previously discussed.
Not producing enough, uh . . .
Dear Bill
I have a very fine doctor who has me on Testosterone Depot 200mg per week. This amount works very well for my sex life, I’m 54, and helps me keep my muscle mass at a point where I still manage to turn heads. I have been at this dosage for about a year.
I have noticed two things in that time, which I am sure are related to the testosterone, with which I hope you can help. I’m sure by this time I’m shooting blanks. That does not concern me as the last thing I would want at this point in life is a child. What does concern me is, though I am certainly reaching climax during sex, I am tired of hearing while my toes are curled in the agony of the ecstasy of sexual climax, “Have you cum yet”. I don’t seem to be producing a quantity of anything. Can you tell me why this is and is there anything to do about it?
I suppose it is from low FSH levels but do not know for sure. Clomid would correct this: it increases ejaculatory volume quite a bit.
I hope that you do not find the above question too embarrassing to answer for me. My next question should be easier for both of us. I have noticed sensitivity in my breast/nipple area and a very slight swelling. I can only imagine that this is the onset of the dread “gyno”. Can the dosage that I am taking of Testosterone Depot (200mg. wk} cause gynecomastia? And if so, how do I ask my doctor, who does listen to me, for Clomid and a what dose?
Yes, this is a warning sign of gyno, and can be caused by that amount of testosterone. Now doctors are legally allowed, and it is considered medically ethical, to prescribe drugs for “off-label” uses. So he can prescribe Clomid for anti-gyno. However, doctors are generally reluctant to do so if they haven’t seen that off-label use in the medical literature and they do not understand the drug.
Perhaps if he is an independent thinker, you can explain how its mechanism of action is via estrogen receptor antagonism, and it therefore can be expected to alleviate the nipple soreness problem. Some would buy that and some won’t.
Or you could ask for the Clomid because you say you don’t like the idea of allowing your natural LH and FSH to decline so much and Clomid will compensate. There is plenty of medical literature on this.
One last question. If one was to go on a heavier cycle of Testosterone Depot 200mg.ml. let’s say to 1000mg wk for 6wks. Would one return to the “normal” 200mg.wk. maintenance level when the cycle was over?
Directions for using Androdiol
I read your article prohormones and decided to try Androdiol. I’ve never used anabolic steroids, mostly because I can’t imagine how to get them. I once asked a physician to prescribe them, and she looked at me like I had lost my mind.
At any rate, your article recommends 300 mg of Androdiol (4-Androstene-3.17 diol) no more than 3 to 4 times per day to be taken with approx 10mg fat (like oil or a mildly fatty meal).
The OSMO product I received in the mail is a 100mg capsule. Directions state to take on an empty stomach and no more than once capsule per day. Can you clarify?
The 100 mg is because they are being conservative.
The empty stomach is because they do not know what they are talking about.
Dianabol tablets vs. Reforvit
Mr. Roberts,
I recently purchased some D-Ball, (Mexican Reforvit) and was set to begin my cycle when I happened upon some odd data regarding this form of D-Ball. The article I read seemed to indicate that taking the liquid orally was as effective as tablet form. Is this true? Also, if it turns out to be true, would using both methods of delivery be effective, or would it increase the side effects involved with D-Ball?
Carlos D.
It is the same orally whether in a tablet or liquid. There would be no advantage or disadvantage to combining the two oral forms.
Homemade injectable prohormones?
Dear Bill,
I read that the enzymes would get overloaded after a 300mg dose of prohormones so anymore than that would just be wasted. And that got my hopes down because I was thinking of taking 100 pills at a time of the prohormones. I figured taking 100 grams at a time would produce a nandrolone spike equivalent to a shot of deca but this news about enzymes pissed me off.
It’s just as well – 100 grams at a time is WAY over the top.
So I was wondering if I could get better results if I made some kind of sterile injection that would work.. Can you PLEASE give me details on how to make an injectable form of this shit. Man I would really appreciate it. I don’t care how much I would have to inject I just want some of that fuckin nandrolone floating around in my system. Also, would injecting it bypass the enzyme pathways or whatever so more would work?
P.S. I would worship you like a God if you responded and even told me everything you know concerning this issue. Like dosages to put in the needle and shit…thanks man :)
I don’t think it is practical. You would have to:
1) Isolate the prohormone from the cornstarch and other fillers and purify it by recrystallization, or chromatography followed by recrystallization. You would need to be able to verify purity.
2) dissolve in absolute ethanol,
3) filter to a submicron level,
4) inject into a stoppered vial with bacteriostatic water.
While these sorts of things can be done by a pharmaceutical company I do not believe such a preparation be done at home. You would have to improvise with inferior methods and materials and would probably wind up hurting yourself.
The benefit of injectables would be that you would avoid the major losses of prohormones that you get with oral use from first-pass metabolism through the liver.
By the way, there are or were pre-made sterile prohormone injectables, so if you have got to do this, maybe you can buy it. Cornholio was touting his “it’s not an injectable” injectable a while back, but I see that it isn’t on the Synthrax web site now. The comedy team of Trozzo and Ghandour also were hyping their “Impact 250” a while back but I don’t know if it is currently available. The website that was selling it doesn’t seem to be on the Internet anymore. Maybe they wised up and decided not to sell this stuff – it probably would have given them big legal problems and perhaps jail time, so that would have been a wise choice.
Anavar and Primo
I have both Anavar and Primobolan tabs. I was wondering what would be a good dosage for both Anavar, and Primobolan, and if I should stack them, if so how? This would be my first cycle. I also read that with Primobolan you can basically keep a good fraction of your gains, is this true?
It is partly that there is no illusion of gains that aren’t there from water retention, and therefore no impression of losses that really weren’t muscle losses anyway. It is also true that actual retention may be better because of less inhibition of natural testosterone production and faster recovery.
Anavar is probably twice as effective per milligram as Primo or moreso. You would need at least 100 mg/day Primo oral for much effect, 50 mg/day oxandrolone, or a combination such as mg/day oxandrolone and 50 mg/day Primo. The expense of this is why most people do not do oral-only cycles.
Pro bodybuilder AAS use
Hello Bill,
I am writing to ask if you could enlighten me on what Pro Bodybuilders take in terms of steroids on there ON and OFF seasons, how long do there stacks last, what and how much do they take? I know a lot has to do with diet, training, and maybe even supplements but I want to know how they put on so much mass and hardness over the years. Does genetics play a key role as well? I have noticed and read a lot of your replies to the novice bodybuilder about steroid use and find it interesting but I really would like to know what the pros do.
Best Regards,
Pro bb’ers today tend not to have “off seasons” with respect to drug use, but only to dieting.
Genetics is very key. A guy who with little training and no drugs would have an excellent 220 lb physique—and there are such individuals—will be awesome with training and drugs, and a guy of the same height who would have been 140 with little training and no drugs has utterly no chance of ever matching him.
Pro AAS use varies from the gram per week level to utterly idiotic doses which probably offer no more benefit than 4 grams per week would, which in turn offers not a lot more than 2 grams per week, except in the sense that someone who has gone as far as they can go with 2 grams may be able to squeeze out an extra 5 lb over the next year by going to 4 grams. It is a definitely a question of diminishing returns, and rather pointless if one is not at the level where lower doses have already done as much as can be done.
Certain absurd dosages appeared on the Internet recently and while there may be individuals who use those amounts, they aren’t the norm among pros and really betray ignorance and a foolish belief that more will always do more. It is rather like health food freaks who imagine that taking 10,000 times the RDA of vitamins is better than taking 10 times the RDA and will make them live longer. There is no drug (or nutrient) that continues offering increased therapeutic benefit as the dose is increased indefinitely. All drugs reach a point where higher doses provide no further therapeutic effect because all receptors are saturated and the number of receptors is maximally upregulated (if that is a factor.) Extra drug then has nothing to bind to – more receptors cannot be activated because they are all activated already – and the extra drug does no good at all.
About the author
Bill Roberts is an internationally-recognized expert on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at a major American university.
Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral thesis but his education was invaluable so far as being able to design/improve nutritional supplement compounds, since it was in the field of designing drug molecules and secondarily some work in transdermal delivery.
His education was not specifically "geared" toward anabolic steroids other than expertise with pharmacological principles having broad applications. This has allowed Bill to provide unique insight into the field of anabolic pharmacology with knowledge of points which he would not have known otherwise.
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