The “Secret” to Getting Huge Revealed
Dave, what is the secret to getting huge? Does it mean taking huge amounts of steroids?
I am addressing this topic because this is the most prevalently asked question. My answer to you is in the form of the question, “how many people do you know who take large amounts of steroids yet look no better than they did before they started?” And the answer to that question is “TOO MANY!” The problem is that people think that if you take 1000mg of testosterone a week, you will get huge. What they forget is the most important part of the equation : THE FOOD! NO protein, NO carbs, and NO fat means NO muscle. If you are taking adequate amounts of “STUFF” and you still aren’t growing, don’t assume that you need to take more stuff. EAT MORE FOOD (especially protein) and EAT MORE FREQUENTLY! I cant stress this enough. The difference between the massive bodybuilder and the mediocre bodybuilder is that the MASSIVE one views eating as a JOB (not as a luxury).
Growth Hormone Vaccines
What’s the deal with this new growth hormone vaccine that is being put out by Genentech? How does it last for up to a month?
According to my sources, Genentech’s new GH Vaccine is not actually growth hormone. Basically, upon injection, it blocks the hormone somatostatin. Somatostatin is the hormone responsible for inhibiting the production of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) from the hypothalamus which in turn inhibits the release of GH from the pituitary gland. By blocking the Somatostatin hormone, you essentially enable the pituitary to produce unlimited amounts of GH (i.e. there is no shut off mechanism). The problem with this approach is that the amount of GH released is a very person-specific event. In other words, one individual may produce a lot of GH and another may produce very little (it becomes a genetic thing). I liken this product to attempting to increase testosterone levels using hCG. Why worry about how much GH the individual can produce naturally, when you can just administer the GH (in a known amount) using the current GH formulas that are out there? I don’t foresee that the bodybuilders will replace the use of GH with this new product. They will probably just add it into their stacks or they will use it when in an off cycle.
Micronized Water-Based Steroids
What have you heard of the new “micronized” water-based steroids (Winstrol and testosterone suspension)? Is this a better formula? AND why doesn’t it settle out?
The term micronization refers to the crushing or pulverizing of the Winstrol or Test suspension powder into a very fine dust that once suspended in sterile water forms a milky looking colloidal mixture (i.e. the steroid tends to remain in suspension much longer without settling out).
Micronized creatine, on the market, is a similar theme to the micronized Winstrol and suspension we a talking about. It mixes in water more thoroughly, and thus is absorbed better through the GI tract thus causing less diarrhea and bloating.
The Ultimate Precontest Stack for a Competitive Bodybuilder
Dave, what is the ultimate “STACK” for a precontest, dieting, bodybuilder? Please include dosages.
Given the current available anabolics (and starting from a point at around 8-10 weeks out), I would have to say that the following would be an ideal anabolic combination:
- 1000mg Sustanon per week (necessary to maintain base of muscle mass)
- 200mg Primobolan per week (great on low calorie diets)
- 50mg Winstrol every other day (hardening agent)
- 400mg Deca per week (keeps the joints feeling good)
- 50mg Anadrol per day (keeps the strength elevated, meanwhile, the hunger-blunting effect is welcome)
- 2-4 IU GH per day (fat burner and muscle preserver)
- 2-4 clenbuterol per day (fat burner and strength increaser)
How to Kick My Nubain Addiction
I have a question, I use Nubain 4-6 times a day it is an addiction for me. I want to stop using it. I am also currently taking 4.5iu of Serostim a day and I use it yr round. I would be able to use 9iu of Serostim a day yr round if I could get off of Nubain. My question is will I be able to quit Nubain cold turkey? And will I see more of a significant result using 9iu of Serostim a day instead of 4.5? I don’t want to waste my money if its not going to have more of a dramatic effect. What do you think?
Stick to the 4.5IU GH (Serostim) per day. That’s plenty to grow with (with little side effects). IF you want to get off the Nubain as well, get down to small amounts (.15 cc) spaced every 3-5 hours. When you get to that point, switch to Ultram (they are pills). They will kill the withdrawal symptoms then and take Ativan or Valium for the anxiety. It should take about 1 week of doing this to be totally off (3 days for the physical withdrawal to go away and another 4 days for the mental desire to wane).
How Do I Use Synthol?
What are the best bodyparts to inject Synthol into? How often and how many CCs per injection?
Synthol is used to enhance or augment a weak or lagging bodypart. The muscles that respond best are the small, rounder, muscle groups such as the biceps, triceps, and calves. Usually, 3cc amounts of Synthol are placed DEEP into the muscles 2-4 times per week for the first 3-4 weeks. Thereafter, 3cc amounts are injected on a once per week basis for the next 20-24 weeks until the size increase has become permanent.
About the author
Dave Palumbo graduated with a BS in Biology/Anthropology from Franklin and Marshall College (1990) and attended 3 years of medical school at New York Medical College in Valhalla, NY (1990-1993). While competing as a top nationally-ranked NPC bodybuilder for nearly 15 years, he earned the nickname “Jumbo” because of the enormous 300+ ripped pounds of muscle he displayed on a routine basis. Nowadays, Dave preps physique athletes for competition, he owns his own supplement company, SPECIES: Evolutionary Nutrition, and he runs the extremely popular bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sport media site known as RxMuscle.com.
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