Subject: Androstenedione and Estrogen
Dear Pat,
I’ve been reading Tim Patterson’s comments over at Testosterone.net and he claims that one of his sources, “Deep Throat” as he calls him, has evidence that a major supplement company is suppressing studies that the andro products convert more to estrogen than they do to testosterone.
That man has “evidence” for everything short of the disappearance of JFK, Jr.
I just sent an e-mail to him challenging him to produce the studies, or to do some of his own and try and duplicate the results that he claims were achieved in these other studies. I’m a bit skeptical and tend to think that maybe he’s coming down so hard on the andro products because Biotest doesn’t sell any andro products. What is your opinion on the conversion of andro to estrogen?
I can’t understand some people’s motivations and why their attitudes change week to week on things.
I would guess that androstenedione aromatizes the most, followed by norandrostenedione. Androdiol and Norandrodiol both must first convert to testosterone and nortestosterone respectively, before aromatization can occur.
Subject: Impossible to Gain Weight?
Would you please help me? I am 36 and 130 lbs. and workout 3 times a week. I also take supplements from time to time, but is almost impossible to gain any weight. What is that I am doing wrong? Please help. I get very discouraged. Thank you.
You may want to try a prohormone supplement for a while. Since it seems most everything else has failed. Androdiol is inexpensive and at doses of 300 to 600mg a day you may see some change. Try to divide your doses into 3 a day, each with meals. Good luck
Subject: Drug Isomers and Bioactivity
Isn’t it true thought that some isomers can have toxic side effects, for example, the morning sickness drug given in the 70’s – one was active, one toxic. L-Dopa. which is used to treat Parkinson disease, one isomer has side effects. There are many more examples in which chiral drugs depending upon the (S) or (R) isomer that one is beneficial the other is toxic.
Yes John. So what? Isomers of a same chemical structure often have different effects from one another. One example is methamphetamine; the d-isomer will get you high and speeded out while the l-isomer (active ingredient in Vick’s inhalers) is useful mostly only to clear your nostrils.
In the case of 4-androstenediol, neither 3alpha or 3beta isomers are toxic, nor do they differ much in bio-activity. Those are the facts supported by research.
Subject: Does Androdiol Convert to DHT?
Dear Patrick,
I recently read an article you wrote about prohormones (“Prohormones, All You Need To Know“), where you said:
“Well, unlike androstenedione, which can readily convert to DHT and its derivatives (5-alpha reduced compounds), 4-AD doesn’t convert to DHT. It can’t.”
I was interested in this because I’ve been looking for the most powerful prohormone I can take that won’t cause excessive hair loss.
A few days later, however, I came across a Q&A session that quoted you as saying:
“4-androstenediol is a much better precursor to testosterone than 5-Androstenediol so it should thereby increase DHT levels to a higher extent and exacerbate hair loss more.”
I’m a little confused. If 4-AD can’t convert to DHT, does it indirectly raise DHT levels through some other method? Basically, though, I’d just like to know how great the risk of hair loss is with 4-AD. I’m currently taking 19-Norandrostenediol, but I’d like to add 4-AD if the risks aren’t too great.
What I said is that 4-AD cannot directly 5-alpha reduce. However after it converts to testosterone, that testosterone can then convert directly to DHT.
I would stick to the nor version if you are overly concerned about hair loss.
Subject: Testosterone propionate for a Beginner
Hi Pat,
I just got my hands on testosterone propionate, I’ve never done steroids before and the person I bought them from tells me do inject 600 mg a week to start. And to divide it in two days a week. I told him I’m looking to stay pretty moderate. So what I need to know if this is how much I have to take to see good results or can I do 400mg a week and still see good results. There’s not much info on propionate like there is on Deca, Winstrol, and d-ball. So I could use the help. thanks a lot.
Being a novice to steroids you could probably take 300mg a week and see great results. If you choose to do cycles later on then you can use higher dosages. However there is no point to go all out the first time around.
Subject: Diminished Effects After First Cycle
In 1997 I used 13 amps of G.H. ( Saizen from Sereno ) , and I could not believe in it’s effects – it was amazing! I lost more fat than I lost in my whole life, my strength went up like crazy, I got much more vascularity, and I gained some good muscles . But in 1998, I used it again twice (in January and in July). It was the same G.H. and the same quantity, but the the results could not even be compared to the first cycle that I did in 1997. I want to know if this is normal? Why did I get outstanding results in my first cycle and now I use this and basically nothing happens? Is there something I can do about it? I want to use GH again but I want to have the effects I had on my first cycle! What can I do to achieve this?
Unfortunately it is normal for a lot of bodybuilding drugs, steroids to some extent, and clenbuterol to a LARGE extent.
One last question: When I use GH, I cut out all the sugar in my diet, including orange juice and anything that contains any type of sugar. Tell me please, am I right or wrong to do this?
GH tends to raise one’s blood sugar and make one pre-diabetic sometimes so eliminating simple carbs might be a wise thing to do. However for some that are not dieting and trying to bulk up they eat the simple carbs in a high calorie diet and take insulin along with it. This is tricky business and potentially dangerous however.
Subject: Naturally-Occurring Plant Sterols
I want to know what is in fact Natural Sterol Complex; what are its advantages, side effects, how does it work, and does it have anything to do with steroids?
What is in that product? Probably beta-sitosterol and a slew of other naturally occurring plant sterols. These products are essentially worthless for any bodybuilding purposes. They resemble anabolic steroids vaguely because of a shared 4 member ring structure. Biologically however they are totally different.
Subject: Testosterone Esters
I am writing to you to see if you could shed some light for me on Primoteston and Omnadren. How powerful and safe are they compared to other steroids? And would it be a good idea to use it with testosterone enanthate?
For all intents and purposes those three testosterone ester products are about the same.
Subject: Cyclodextrins and Glutamine Peptides
Hi Pat!
I just noticed that Sport’s One has released a series of cyclodextrin products. Is LPJ associated with the Sport’s One product? I heard that LPJ will be providing the product to various companies. Is Sport’s One included? Can you tell me which companies are included?
LPJ does not manufacture cyclo products for Sports One. Sports One cyclo products are made from beta-cyclodextrin which is much less water soluble and makes an inferior product to hydroxypropyl-beta- cyclodextrin (HPBCD). LPJ uses HPBCD for its cyclo products.
Companies that carry LPJ cyclo products are OSMO, Supertech, Kaizen, and Ergopharm.
Speaking of glutamine peptides, do you know of a quality source where I can obtain the pure peptide form. Glutamine, no matter how pure, is suppose to be hydrophillic and breaks down to ammonia- either on the shelf or on its way to the stomach (because of the moisture). Also can you indicate which other singular aminos are hydrophilic. I already know ALC is very- I had to throw out 3 bottles of the powdered form because it turned rock solid. Does this mean ALC is ineffective orally because of the moisture in the mouth and stomach? Maybe a hardened pill form is better than either powder or capsule (in this case).
The correct scientific term for a substance that attracts and binds water is hygroscopic. Many aminos are hygroscopic as are many peptides. Some turn hard when they pick up the water. However, unless the substance is reactive with water (like glutamine), it should still be good to consume.
Subject: Steroids and Fat Loss
Dear Mr. Arnold,
My name is Ken & I’m 19 years old, 5’9, 260lbs. I’ve been working out on & off for about 4 years and I have definition in my biceps and traps but have fat everywhere else. I am considering investing in one cycle of Deca-Durabolin or Cytomel just to get rid of the fat. I am trying to find a steroid with the minimum amount of side effects, moderately high muscle gain and high fat loss. Can you please give me your opinions on which ones might do this for me, or any other opinions?
Steroids do not cause fat loss. They can only preserve muscle mass during caloric restriction. Bodybuilders in the cutting phase generally use non-aromatizable steroids such as Primobolan, trenbolone, Winstrol, or Anavar.
What you have to be most concerned with is your diet and high activity level (aerobics can help). Good luck!
About the author
Patrick Arnold, widely considered the "father of prohormones", is an organic chemist known for introducing androstenedione, 1-androstenediol, and methylhexanamine into the dietary supplement market. He became infamous for creating the designer steroid tetrahydrogestrinone, also known as THG and "the clear".
Arnold manufactured THG, norbolethone and desoxymethyltestosterone (DMT) for athletes in the BALCO doping scandal. The designer steroids, which were legal at the time of their creation, were difficult for anti-doping authorities to detect.
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