Q: “So that I don’t have to inject as many mL of anabolic steroids per week, I’d like to combine the materials of a stack into a single preparation. What combinations are good, what sorts of combinations are pointless, and which should I avoid? What’s a reasonable maximum total concentration?”
A: It is of course possible to combine different anabolic steroids into a single injectable product: Sustanon is an example pharmaceutical product that does this.
It’s an area to be careful with in a few regards, though. First, the mixture is irreversible. If you’re unhappy with the blend, the entire batch can be wasted. For example, I was familiar with boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) and acquired some boldenone acetate for use in short cycles. I made the mistake of incorporating it into a blend as the first thing I did. While I thought that such combination generally was bad practice, at that moment I just didn’t have the patience to make separate preparations. Weighing all the materials out at the same time and making a single solution was easiest.
However, what I didn’t know was that the boldenone acetate would turn the entire thing into a far-too-painful injection.
There are many other examples of how a combination could go wrong.
So as the first thing, a mixture really should be only of materials familiar to you, and with ratios that have proven themselves suitable to you and your particular purpose.
Secondly, it’s undesirable to reach an overly high total concentration. Generally I think 250 mg/mL is a reasonable maximum, but pushing to 300 is of course known and can still be reasonable. But beyond that, I really would say no. Still higher total concentrations are very likely to cause injection site pain.
Basically, you can have good results with any combination that, as individual materials, you’ve found to be good and which stays within the above total concentration.
The most efficient use is where one or more of the materials is ordinarily at low concentration. For example, testosterone propionate is ordinarily at no more than 100 mg/mL, but a still lower concentration than this may be desired for reason of being less painful. Testosterone acetate, likewise, is typically at only 100 mg/mL concentration. If wishing a more concentrated, short-acting testosterone combination, testosterone propionate plus testosterone acetate is a very efficient combination, allowing 150-200 mg/mL total.
A pointless use is combining different esters of the same steroid where there’s no need for increase in attainable concentration. For example, there is no point in combining testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate in the same injection.
Sustanon might appear a counterexample to that, and in terms of medical practice it is. Its combination of esters allows having both some prompt benefit and some benefit for the entire duration between office visits. Neither a short-acting ester alone nor a long-acting ester alone could do this. However for self-use, more frequent injection such as two or three times per week, combined with frontloading, provides prompt and continued benefit without requiring any combination of esters.

About the author
Bill Roberts is an internationally-recognized expert on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at a major American university.
Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral thesis but his education was invaluable so far as being able to design/improve nutritional supplement compounds, since it was in the field of designing drug molecules and secondarily some work in transdermal delivery.
His education was not specifically "geared" toward anabolic steroids other than expertise with pharmacological principles having broad applications. This has allowed Bill to provide unique insight into the field of anabolic pharmacology with knowledge of points which he would not have known otherwise.
Hey Bill. I’ll start by saying thank you for your work and sharing of knowledge. My question is regarding your suggested option of blending testosterone acetate with propionate for a higher concentration per ml of carrier oil. What would be the benefit of this combination vs just adding another 100 mg per ml of a single ester testosterone? Also would I be correct in saying the more estered steroids blended in a ml of oil means more ester taking up weight in the ml, equating to less hormone per ml? Sustanon like testosterone blends being a fine example? This belief has kept me away from sust and it’s false label as a “superior testosterone product” over single ester preparations.
Thank you sir, Alex.