Q: Will my hair loss increase when I take greater amounts of steroids? And if I only experience minor hair loss using large doses of anabolic steroids like winstrol, masteron and tren (steroids known for hair loss), would small doses of AAS known to cause minimal hair loss cause much if any at all?
A: Hypothetically: Some events are more “on/off” than being strongly dosage dependent. In other words, one is past a threshold or one is not, and it may not make much difference how much one is above the threshold.
I lost a substantial amount of hair — not so much receding but rather thinness on top — in my 20s and certainly by the time of starting using anabolic steroids at 36, and I’m not at all convinced that the further loss is necessarily substantially more than it would have been had I not used steroids.
Now, there’s no knowing what “would have” happened.
But I’m quite sure that had someone compared seeing me at those ages and now, they’d find the current condition quite in line with expectations, NOT knowing that I’d used steroids.
So in my case I think my hairloss has been more a matter of natural testosterone already being sufficient to put me past the threshold, and higher yet levels not really doing anything much if at all towards accelerating things further.
However, different people definitely are different in this regard.

About the author
Bill Roberts is an internationally-recognized expert on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at a major American university.
Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral thesis but his education was invaluable so far as being able to design/improve nutritional supplement compounds, since it was in the field of designing drug molecules and secondarily some work in transdermal delivery.
His education was not specifically "geared" toward anabolic steroids other than expertise with pharmacological principles having broad applications. This has allowed Bill to provide unique insight into the field of anabolic pharmacology with knowledge of points which he would not have known otherwise.
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