Hi Lyle, My question has to do with the ECA stack (great article on it by Bryan Haycock). I was wondering if yohimbe and/or grapefruit (naringenin) would enhance the stack further. In Dan Duchaine’s book, yohimbe was referred to “letting off the brake where ECA was like stepping on the gas” and I read that naringenin has […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Twinlab Ripped Fuel and Fertility
Dear Lyle, I take a supplement called Ripped Fuel by Twinlab. I heard that it can affect a woman’s ability to reproduce. Is this true? Answer: Oh good an easy one finally. To answer this let’s look at the ingredients in Twinlab’s Ripped Fuel: MaHuang: this is herbal ephedrine. It acts as a beta-agonist meaning […]
How Does DNP Work for Fat Loss?
Dear Lyle, I am new to this life style, and I do not know a lot about these supplements. You were saying something in a letter about DNP. What the hell is that. I am somewhat like how you described in the letter. I am not at my desired body fat ratio 6’1 185-190 lbs. […]
Poor Results on BodyOpus Diet
Dear Lyle, I’m sorta frustrated with the BodyOpus diet since my results were bad. In 6 weeks of dieting, I lost very little bodyfat, only 3 lbs. I ate 13 kcal/lb. and tried to keep carbs below 15 g and protein at .8 x my bodyweight. Carbup was mostly high glycemic carbs after workout with […]
Importance of Depleting Muscle Glycogen on Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
Dear Lyle, I’ve been following the Body Opus diet for a couple months now, but not too precise. What I mean by that is that Monday and Tuesday training I’ve substituted, with Mike Mentzer’s advice to those who do not make continual gains, the consolidation routine. I do this by working out only every Monday […]
Cyclical Ketogenic Diet and High Intensity Activity
Dear Lyle, My name is Kirk. I’m a 29 year old amateur. kickboxer. I suffered a nerve injury and wasn’t able to train. In this time I put on a lot of weight and have not been able to take it off. I, like yourself have been lean but not as lean as I would […]
Ask Bill Roberts #3
Brain Effects of Oxandrolone and Methenolone; Use of hCG and Clomid Without Steroids; Best Steroid for Gaining Muscle & Getting Cut; Basic Nutrition Plan; Recommended Dosage of Primobolan; Nolvadex and Cytadren as Anti-Estrogens; Norandro and Drug Tests; Best Prohormone Stack; Androstene and Older Men; Pro-hGH and Creatine
Ask Patrick Arnold #3
Substrate Solutions’ Norandrodiol; Norandrodiol and Nandrolone; Different Forms of Norandrodiol; Growth Hormone and Insulin; Banning Prohormones; Pro-HGH and Vespro’s Reply; Propecia and Aggresiveness; Prohormone Stack and Saw Palmetto; Synthol and MCT Oil; Differences Between Diones and Diols
Ask Charles Staley #3
Dear Charles, I’m trying to get my metabolism up. My husband sold me on the idea of quitting my daily 45 minute cardio workout, and replacing it with weight training so I could put some muscle on. Now, it’s a month later and I haven’t lost any fat and think I even lost a little […]
Ask Lyle McDonald #3
Dear Lyle, My name is Kirk. I’m a 29 year old amateur. kickboxer. I suffered a nerve injury and wasn’t able to train. In this time I put on a lot of weight and have not been able to take it off. I, like yourself have been lean but not as lean as I would […]