One of the most common beliefs concerning anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) usage is that the androgen receptor (AR) downregulates as a result of such usage. This has been claimed repeatedly in many books and articles, and it is claimed constantly on bulletin boards and the like. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Body-Weight Fluctuations on Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
Dear Lyle, I am female and following the body opus diet. I eat no carbs from Sunday at 4 pm untill friday at 4pm following a depletion workout. I want to burn bodyfat but I am gaining weight over the recomp period from fri afternoon to sunday. I am sure some of it is water […]
Diet Soda and Caffeine on Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
Dear Lyle, I have a few questions about Dan’s body opus diet. First, has there been any feedback on using glycerol before a workout while on the diet?? I take a longer than usual time to reach ketosis and then only in the trace range. I eat 0 carbs & 70% fat, 30% protein. I […]
Water Intake on Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
Dear Lyle, I went over your personal bodyopus experience on the web. One question I had was what, if at all, was your final verdict on the drinking of water while dieting on ketogenic-type diet. Last I read(and maybe I missed something), was that water may flush out the blood stream of ketones, thus leaving […]
Gaining Lean Muscle Mass Without Gaining Bodyfat
Dear Lyle, You seem to know a lot about bodybuilding nutrition so I guess you are a good one to ask this question. I am currently trying to put on as much lean fat-free muscle mass as possible. I want grow and expand while staying cut and ripped (no excess bodyfat). I was wondering, how […]
Physique Transformation Contest Tips
Dear Lyle, Great article on flax oil and protein intake. Could you please answere a couple of questions? 1. you recomended 1-3 TBSP of flax a day how do you know how much to take? 2. When you calculate protein intake are you using lean body mass or total body mass? 3. Could please give […]
How Much Time Should Bodybuilders Spend in the Gym?
Dear Lyle, I’ve read that you believe that trainers shouldn’t spend more than 4-5 hours in a gym per week. Can you explain why? I love the gym. I love going to the gym. I know that the body needs rest but only 4-5 hours a week? I go to the gym 4 or 5 […]
Last Minute Tips for Precontest Dieting
Dear Lyle, I have been doing Bodyopus since February for a Bodybuilding contest in June, June 20th to be exact. I checked out your web site on precontest suggestions. I am down to 191.6lbs at 6.5% bodyfat. I am 5’8″ tall. On your web page you have some suggestions starting 8 days before the show. […]
DNP Instead of Anabolic Steroids
Dear Lyle, I read your DNP experiences from MFW. I started doing some research and I have come to the conclusion that DNP is not something I want to mess with. I have almost the exact same lean body mass as you so this is not a flame, but why have you not increased you […]
Ask Bill Roberts #2
Clomid and HCG to Restore Natural Testosterone Levels; Propecia & Proscar to Minimize DHT; Testosterone as Hormone Replacement Therapy; Rating Popular the Popular Supplements – Androdiol, 5AD, Norandrostene, and Chrysin; Training with Rotator Cuff Injuries; Creatine and Glutamine Supplementation.