General Announcements Before getting to the Q&A’s, let me say that I hope everyone had a safe and healthy holiday season. If you were in a mass phase, hopefully you gained the 7-10 lbs. that the average person gains during the holidays (I didn’t). If you were dieting well, it’s time for a new Year’s […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Don’t Confuse Me with the Facts: Doctors Have Their Own Opinions on Steroids!
This was a difficult article for me to write. My intent is not to accuse the medical community, as a whole, of grossly misleading the general public about the effects of anabolic steroids. This is mainly because there are now a growing number of doctors that are approaching the problem in an appropriate way. That […]
Dan Duchaine – The Steroid Guru Interview with MESO-Rx
MESO-Rx: What is your current “receptor theory”? And what implications does this have for cycling and tapering? Dan: As much as I find Bill Roberts entertaining and, in my newsletter, I talk about how much research – mostly in vitro studies – shows an up-regulation of steroid receptors when there are high dosages of steroids around, […]
A “BIZARRE” Look at Steroid Contradictions
The perfect way to open this article is to tell you about my conversations with the many university and college Health/Physical Education department heads I talked to in order to guest lecture at their respective institutions. I would tell them they may not want me to lecture because I have a slightly controversial approach. I’m […]
Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review, Part 9
9. Discussion of Major Methodological Issues in Anabolic Steroid Research As noted previously, any attempt to evaluate and summarise the psychological and behavioural effects associated with the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is complicated by the numerous methodological shortcomings of many of the investigations, including inappropriate sampling strategies, lack of adequate control groups, use of several […]
Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review, Part 8
8. Prevention and Treatment of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse The use of educational intervention programmes for the prevention and treatment of anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse has been examined in several studies. Hallagan et al. (1990) propose that education is the most feasible alternative for curbing steroid use by adolescents. On the otherhand, Bents et al. (1990) found […]
Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review, Part 7
7. Psychological Dependence and Withdrawal Effects of Anabolic Steroids For the most part, individuals use anabolic-androgenic steroids to significantly improve appearance and/or performance beyond what would be expected from training alone. Also, individuals using anabolic-androgenic steroids appear to believe that higher doses and continued use result in greater gains, a belief that receives support from […]
Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review, Part 6
6. Anabolic Steroids, Athletes and Behaviour Very few scientific studies are available of either the personality and psychological characteristics or the changes that might be incurred as a result of heavy resistance training in competitive weightlifters and bodybuilders (Harlow 1951; Henry 1941; Thune 1949). Further, there is little understanding of the extent to which resistance […]
Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review, Part 5
5. Steroids and Mental Health Research and anecdotal information suggested some time ago that steroids have among their many side effects various mental disturbances including schizophrenic symptoms and manic depressive illnesses even though estrone was used successfully in both males and females in the treatment of depression and other mental disturbances occurring with menopause and […]
Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review, Part 4
4. Anabolic Steroid Therapy and Moods Hermann and Beach (1976), in a review of the psychotropic effects of androgens, concluded that ‘…androgen deficiency appears to cause a slowing down of both physical and mental functions, a reduction in libido and potency, and a tendency towards moodiness and depression. Conversely, androgen excess seems to stimulate physical […]