Q: “I used trenbolone acetate previously with great success, but now am getting terrible tren cough from it on many of my injections. It usually only lasts perhaps 30 seconds, but is severe enough to have me wondering if I’ll live. I know I will, but it doesn’t feel like it. What is happening, and what can I do?”
A: Trenbolone acetate has the unusual property of being irritating to at least some tissues. To the tongue, it’s very spicy. And if you have even a trace of it on your hands, don’t handle your meat or potatoes before washing it off thoroughly. It’s very irritating to them, should this be forgotten.
I suspect that trenbolone acetate at very high concentration is also irritating to lung tissue.
Ordinarily, blood levels are nowhere near the level that produces tren cough. However, some individual injections may either introduce a small amount of oil directly into a very small blood vessel, or perhaps some trenbolone acetate enters immediately into the lymphatic system. The body, including the lungs, then experiences a very high level of it, and tren cough results.
Partly, whether tren cough occurs or not on a given injection is a matter of luck.
Another factor is the formulation of the injection. Higher concentration trenbolone acetate seems far more prone to causing the problem, and benzyl alcohol also seems to increase the prevalance.
To minimize the rate of tren cough, I’d stick with 50 mg/mL or at most 75 mg/mL, preferably with no benzyl alcohol. For 50 mg/mL, nothing is needed in the formulation except trenbolone acetate and vegetable oil or ethyl oleate; benzyl benzoate is optional. At 75 mg/mL, when not using benzyl acetate benzyl benzoate is mandatory. I suggest a 20% concentration of benzyl benzoate.
When tren cough does occur with a given injection, there’s nothing to do but tough it out. It always goes away relatively quickly. I’d say the worst I’ve experienced was no more than 90 seconds, and perhaps only ever one time has it gone past 60 seconds.

About the author
Bill Roberts is an internationally-recognized expert on anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). He received a bachelor degree in Microbiology and Cell Science and completed the educational and research requirements for a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at a major American university.
Bill entered the nutritional supplement industry prior to completing his doctoral thesis but his education was invaluable so far as being able to design/improve nutritional supplement compounds, since it was in the field of designing drug molecules and secondarily some work in transdermal delivery.
His education was not specifically "geared" toward anabolic steroids other than expertise with pharmacological principles having broad applications. This has allowed Bill to provide unique insight into the field of anabolic pharmacology with knowledge of points which he would not have known otherwise.
Benzyl Alcohol is nessicary addition to all steroid pereperations to maintain sterility. The lack of such a important component in steroid preparations could result in and abcess/sepsis. I little tren cough won’t kill you nor send you to the hospital, but unsterile gear will. Don’t listen to this idiot’s unsupported assumption and make sure to inculde at least 2% benzyl alcohol in your gear.
I inject about 1c of Tren E all at once only once a week and I have done about 5 cycles my entire life. I have had Tren cough 3 times. The first two times lasted about a minute but the 3rd time I had it was the worst! It lasted 15 minutes and I coughed off and on all night and my inside were so sore the next day. As soon as I pulled the needle out it took about 10 seconds to hit me and all of a sudden I was hugging the toilet and I was coughing so hard I was spitting up blood and I couldn’t breath. I threw up also! It was the worst 15 minutes I had ever been thru. I really thought I was going to have to call 911. I just couldn’t stop coughing to catch my breath. So any advice I can give is inject really slow and if you feel it rush to your throat, you better hurry and run and shut the doors and turn the water and shower on because if your wife or gf is home I promise you she will throw all your gear away!!
Im running 200 mg of tren acetate eod and have experienced the tren cough twice so far. It’s only lasted about 30 seconds to a minute but it was brutal. I had a hard time catching my breathe. The last few times I injected I went much slower and didn’t experience the cough. I hope this helps.
A great way to avoid Tren cough is to ice the muscle for 45-60 secs immediately prior to injection. This will numb the area and decrease blood flow to the small capillaries within the muscle that act as “gateways” for the oil to enter the blood stream. Its not a sure-fire trick but it greatly reduces the risk of the cough. win-win
i have faced the cough prob. with NPP, twice. first time the cough lasts for 2-3 minutes and second time it lasts for hardly 1-2 minutes.
Prep the inject site with hot water, massage, then ice after injection, throughly massaging site area.