I have never heard of an enhancement drug that is more polarising than trenbolone. Some love it, others hate it, and many have a love/hate relationship with it. What is there to love about trenbolone? And what is there to hate? The following are descriptions of trenbolone collected from forums, social media, and interviews with bodybuilders themselves (names have been changed to protect the not so innocent). The following may sound a bit “reefer madness” but this is what bodybuilders say, so please don’t shoot the messenger.
A brief history of trenbolone in bodybuilding
Trenbolone acetate was discovered in 1963 and was introduced for veterinary use in the early 1970s. It is likely that bodybuilders began using it soon after its release, but I have not been able to verify trenbolone use among bodybuilders at this time. There was a brief period (from 1980-1997) when trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) was manufactured for human consumption in order to treat muscle wasting, malnutrition, and osteoporosis. The French company Negma that produced Parabolan ceased its manufacture suddenly and without explanation. Some bodybuilders hypothesise that it was discontinued because it had significantly more side effects than other drugs manufactured for these purposes. Older bodybuilders discuss using Parabolan in YouTube videos. The special place of trenbolone in the mythology of bodybuilding was established at this time.

"In the late '90s they discontinued it [Parabolan] and there became this whole ‘holy grail’ thing because people would still find original old Negma Parabolan and say ‘wow, it's the best thing I've ever used’. Then they [enhanced bodybuilders] just started using veterinary preparations of trenbolone acetate. It's not been until close to 2010 that it's become readily available on the black market through Chinese dealers. But now that it's here it's so ubiquitous" [Mark].
In the last 10 years tren has become more easily accessible than ever before. Studies conducted before this increase, or at the very start of it (e.g. Ip et al, 2011; Perry et al., 2005), found that approximately 20% of bodybuilders had used trenbolone in the last year. Based on my observations and what bodybuilders have told me, I think there are even more using tren today. Trenbolone has become one of the most popular anabolics in bodybuilding because of its tremendous physical benefits (and despite its many harms).
Physique effects: ‘The God of all steroids’
Bodybuilders describe trenbolone as ‘the most powerful anabolic’, and sometimes as ‘the perfect anabolic’. There are many reasons it is experienced as beneficial: one is its legendary power. Trenbolone is described by bodybuilders as many times more anabolic than testosterone (research has demonstrated it has 3 times the binding affinity of testosterone; Yarrow et al., 2010). Trenbolone is so effective that some bodybuilders suggest that you can’t successfully compete in the sport of bodybuilding without using it (although this is debated).
Building the body of the bodybuilder takes extreme control and discipline. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the power of trenbolone is harnessed in order to make this building process easier.
"It [trenbolone] is so powerful it allows for so many holes in your approach to training and nutrition. It makes it an incredibly popular drug" [Sean].
Trenbolone is also popular because it’s such a versatile drug. Trenbolone is reported as both preventing fat gain during bulking, and preventing Trenbolone is also popular because it’s such a versatile drug. Trenbolone is reported as both preventing fat gain during bulking, and preventing muscle loss during cutting. That is, bodybuilders describe using trenbolone to achieve a ‘lean bulk’, or a bulk that entails little fat gain. Furthermore, bodybuilders use trenbolone in order to maintain, or even gain, muscle whilst cutting.

Another benefit of trenbolone is that it is a ‘dry’ compound in that it does not cause water retention like other anabolic steroids can. Trenbolone is dAnother benefit of trenbolone is that it is a ‘dry’ compound in that it does not cause water retention like other anabolic steroids can. Trenbolone is described as producing a particular look, which whilst achievable using other compounds, is particularly facilitated by trenbolone:
"Ridiculously cut, very, very veiny, big shoulders and big traps" [Jock].
Trenbolone is described as making shoulders ‘pop’, and as producing a ‘3D effect’ or a ‘comic book effect’. Trenbolone was described by one participant as well-suited to changing bodybuilding ideals:
"Recently it's gone from big massive jacked dudes to sort of the model look. ... It's good for the compounds like tren, people are going to buy it more. Guys don't want to be massive bulky anymore. They want the dry compounds. That's my impression based on what I'm seeing and hearing and reading" [Jock].

The power, versatility and particular aesthetic of this compound make trenbolone extremely popular. But at what cost?
Unintended physical effects: ‘It’s an extremely toxic drug’
Whilst trenbolone can be experienced as extremely beneficial physically, it has many unintended physical effects, or side effects. Trenbolone is described by bodybuilders as having the same side effects as other AASs such as organ damage, an impact on cholesterol and blood pressure, Whilst trenbolone can be experienced as extremely beneficial physically, it has many unintended physical effects, or side effects. Trenbolone is described by bodybuilders as having the same side effects as other AASs such as organ damage, an impact on cholesterol and blood pressure, acne, hair loss and sweating. However, trenbolone is described as producing these side effects to a much greater degree than other anabolic androgenic steroids. That is, per milligram of compound, the harms of trenbolone are described as far greater than other anabolic androgenic steroids.
"You have blood pressure spikes, blood noses … It is a whole other level above everything else [Jack]."
"It [trenbolone] causes damage to the liver, it blocks a bile duct, you can get acid reflux, upsets your blood pressure. I had to come off because my blood pressure got dangerously high and I had some side effects that weren't very conducive to staying alive, shall we say [Rocco]."
"It’s an extremely toxic drug with a very wide range of far reaching issues from direct kidney damage through to brain damage. It cannot be taken safely [Sean]."
The increased sweating caused by AAS can become extreme with trenbolone use, with individuals describing it as embarrassing [Scott], and as looking ‘suspicious’ at work[social media post].

Trenbolone also has other side effects which it shares with 19-Nortestosterone. One of those is neurotoxicity. There is much talk in enhanced bodybuilding communities about the neurodegenerative effects of trenbolone, which are frequently compared to the effects of Alzheimer’s. Trenbolone is described as causing a build-up of plaque on the brain. Several bodybuilders complained about the impact of trenbolone on their cognitive functioning.
"I swear tren made me dumber while on it. Like my IQ dropped to half [social media post]."
"I wasn't able to really think as well at super-high dosages of tren which I'd never had with any other compound [Brax]."
One of the reported benefits of trenbolone (and other 19-nortestosterones or their derivatives) is that it does not aromatise like other anabolic androgenic steroids. However, it still holds the risk of feminising the body through changes like gynecomastia and lactation (which are in the case of trenbolone caused by prolactin rather than estrogen).
There are some physical effects which were described as largely compound specific. That is, these physical effects appear only to be described as resulting from trenbolone. Firstly, trenbolone can cause a dry, persistent cough upon injection. This is known as ‘tren cough’. Secondly, trenbolone is said to result in body odour and urine having a distinct smell: ‘like a fucking corpse’, like ‘vinegar’ or like a ‘barnyard’ [social media comments]. A third effect that I have only seen attributed to trenbolone is a decrease in cardio fitness.
"If I take Tren my cardio will go down and down and down and down. You can barely do cardio [Tony]."
Effects on sleep and energy: ‘Trensomnia’, ‘trenergy’ and ‘tren lethargy’
Trenbolone has a complex relationship with energy levels. For some it reduces energy, but for others it is energising:
"I absolutely love the way tren makes me feel! … I felt like superman for the entire cycle. All around better mood and energy through the roof [social media post]."

An increase in energy with trenbolone use is so common that the term ‘trenergy’ is used to describe it. Trenbolone can help people feel energised and productive. But this energising effect can also be experienced as a negative:
"It feels like I’m sped up inside in an uncomfortable way and it gives you no respite [Jock]."
People who use trenbolone sometimes report an inability to relax or ‘switch off.’ Trenbolone is described as impacting on the quality and the quantity of sleep:
"It [tren] super stimulates your nervous system, so it's very hard to sleep on the stuff [Alan]."
"fuck the lack of sleep yo absolutely awful 2-3 hours a night at most times really hard on you [forum post]."
The negative impact trenbolone has on sleep has been dubbed ‘trensomnia’. This lack of sleep is exacerbated by the fact that sleep may also be disturbed:
"It [tren] always gave me horrible nightmares and really vivid dreams, like dreams to the point where, if something happened in the dream I'd literally wake up jumping just because it was that like realistic, or I'd wake up screaming, or something [Brax]."
The vividness of dreams and nightmares on trenbolone is frequently noted. Insomnia and sleep disturbances undoubtedly contribute to what has been dubbed ‘tren lethargy’.
"These last two weeks [on trenbolone] I have zero energy. Whilst my strength is still there whenever I require it, I find it so difficult to muster the energy to get out of my chair, or climb a flight of stairs. Every activity of daily living is unbearable and its causing in its own right, a form of depression. Every ounce of energy or drive has been depleted from me [forum post]."
While a reduction in the quality and quantity of sleep undoubtedly contributes to tren lethargy, other contributing factors could include the decreased cardio fitness that accompanies trenbolone use, and the liver damaging effects of trenbolone.
Mental and social effects: ‘Tren: Like being God, but also with a mental illness’
The mental effects of trenbolone are some of the most frequently mentioned effects. I’m going to discuss them along with the social effects because they are so interconnected. People have incredibly varied responses to trenbolone and nowhere is that better illustrated than with regards to the mental and social effects.

Some bodybuilders describe trenbolone as ‘euphoric’. The term ‘alpha euphoria’ will sometimes be used to describe the strong sense of self, and the conviction that can come with trenbolone use. But others have described the fact that when they began to use trenbolone ‘things got dark’ [Brax].
Trenbolone can have a wide range of psychological effects. At one end of the spectrum of responses is calmness and confidence.
"Tren makes me very calm. I find myself sociable on it and feeling alpha ."
"… it's one of those things that actually mentally makes you feel like you are stronger, more confident. … you get that feeling after about three weeks [of trenbolone use] that if you would run in front of a bus that the bus would break down instead of you getting hurt [Mark]."
Accounts of calmness and confidence from trenbolone are comparatively rare, and do not mesh with how other bodybuilders describe it. Indeed, individuals will often begin these accounts with a comment that acknowledges that they are not the norm:
"I must already be fucked up in the head because when I take tren it makes me feel more calm, collected, and plus I'm always pumped because I'm looking better every day ."
Most bodybuilders describe trenbolone as increasing anxiety and paranoia.
"A lot of people report really severe anxiety attacks when using tren, and it’s what stops a lot of people from using tren because they literally cannot cope with the panic attacks that it gives them … for some the increased anxiety is permanent [Sean]."
"You see people talking to one another or whispering and you assume it's about you ."
"Tren is brutal. The anxiety and always being on edge, overthinking everything. You're fighting with yourself all the time ."
Some bodybuilders describe trenbolone as making them more ‘assertive and focused’ [social media post], or ‘not quite as tolerant’ [Calum].
"I'm fine on tren until someone starts giving me BS [bullshit] then the tren just takes over the conversation [social media post]."
While some experience an increase in assertiveness, most describe trenbolone as increasing aggression:
"Prone to fight, fuck, argue, maybe not seek conflict but almost perceive everything as a potential conflict [social media post]."
For most aggression was controllable and did not result in any incidents:
"I wasn't beating people up, or anything, but I started feeling like I wanted to [Alan]."

Others were unable to control their increased aggressiveness. Many described instances of road rage as a result of trenbolone use:
"I find tren is okay up until eight weeks and then your fucking brain falls out the back and road rage is really bad for me. I’ve chased people and fucking screamed at them, thrown shit at their car [Colin]."
Not only do trenbolone responses range from assertiveness to aggression, but also from independence to detachment. While some describe feeling more independent on trenbolone, others felt this to a greater, and more disturbing, extent.
"it just made me kind of emotionally distant from everything and everyone, and even my Mrs and my kids, and that was horrible for her [Dave]."
"For me the most disturbing thing was my coldness, particularly towards my family and my loved ones. I was cold, I was distant, and I just didn’t care. They were just there, there was no real emotional attachment, that was really unnerving. These are my kids, these are people I love, so why am I so detached from them? [Sean]."
This emotional distance could manifest in a more calculating way than other anabolic androgenic steroids:
"It’s not just the fact that you are short tempered and you’re grumpy, it’s the fact that you are very calm and calculating how you are going to remove this person from your life. It’s not just like a rage, there’s a cold calculation about it … it’s unnerving … I have had anger issues with cheque drops and stuff like that where it’s just been anger, it’s just been a frustrating sort of rage, it’s not been this cool, cold undertone of calculating what I’m going to do to get my revenge [Sean]."
Trenbolone could exacerbate existing mental health issues:
"I will be the first to admit that many people into fitness/bodybuilding tend to either have OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder] tendencies and or body image issues. Lots of us all have had at least some type of traumatic experience. Adding tren to the mix can really make this shit flair up ."
"I have anxiety anyway, tren kicks it into overdrive [social media post]."
But then for some others trenbolone decreased their pre-existing mental health problems:
"Tren makes me god. Suffer with anxiety for 15 years don't give a shit about anything on tren 😅 [social media post]."
There are many who state that trenbolone merely exaggerates personalities so that if you are not an aggressive person naturally trenbolone will not make you aggressive. But others describe trenbolone as completely changing their personalities:
"Tren made me a different person, anti-social and aggressive toward damn near everybody. I didn't realize how much it changed my personality till I came off ."

Trenbolone is a risk boundary for many enhanced bodybuilders primarily because of the mental and social effects. That is, many enhanced bodybuilders describe trenbolone as taking things too far.
"It's just not worth it. Who cares about an extra couple of pounds of lean mass when you want to punch some guy? [Tony]."
Effects on sexuality: ‘Tren dick’, kinkiness and ‘rape-like’ sex
The mental health effects of trenbolone also have an influence on sexuality. The aggression caused by trenbolone can manifest as sexual aggressiveness.
"I feel like fucking on Tren is like one of the only good outlets for that fury. Great to let it out and not feel like you'll go to jail for it haha [social media post]."
"When you're on tren your brain is literally on kill/fuck mode. Every social interaction has only those 2 outcomes 😂 [social media post]."

Trenbolone can result in a significant increase in sex drive, and sexual thoughts can become all-consuming and uncontrollable for some who take trenbolone:
"i can not run tren because of this i can have sex 8-10 times a day and it still will be hard to semi all day long i have had some boners last well over 6-8 hours straight which is bad.my wife gets so sore we can not have sex and it gets to the point i can not sleep or work or anything because i am thinking the dirtiest nasty sex stuff you can think of. i can see how someone could rape someone while in this state it is out of my control and i would never ever rape anybody so i have to stop the tren [forum post]."
The emotional distance that is characteristic of trenbolone use manifests as ‘rape-like’, ‘animalistic’ or ‘primal’ sex.
"When I was on Tren I turned into a rapist ... No emotional contact at all, it was just get it in there and do as much damage as I can and then job's done and that was it. … It’s totally emotional disassociation from the female and it turns you into a rapist, as simple as that [Rocco]."

Not only is sex drive increased, but sexual ‘adventurousness’ or ‘kinkiness’ is increased and sexual interests may broaden to include people that would not have been considered potential sexual partners before trenbolone.
"I was on Trenbolone and working in a nursing home and I was giving an old lady a shower and that, and I was feeling like, oh gosh, I could almost like - you know [laughs], I had that feeling like, oh, you know, maybe we could have a bit of a play here. Like isn't that fucking crazy? Of course I didn't, but yeah [Jock]."
"Multiple guys have said they're definitely straight but on Tren they've done things with men and then once they're off the Tren they feel disgusted [Tony]."
The term ‘tren dick’ is a great example of the variable and even contradictory effects trenbolone can have. This term is used to describe both (1) a constant erection (or ‘tren boner’), and difficulty reaching orgasm, and (2) a ‘limp dick’, or erectile dysfunction.
"I had the nickname ‘roll-up’ because the girl I was sleeping with - she told everyone that she had to roll it up to get it inside of her [Scott]."
Effects on sexual relationships: ‘Tren: the relationship killer’
The increased anxiety and paranoia caused by trenbolone could manifest as sexual possessiveness and jealousy:
"If you think your girlfriend is being loyal to you while you’re on tren then it’s fake gear ."
Trenbolone can place considerable strain on relationships, and even end them. This is probably not surprising considering its mental and sexual effects. While the increased amount of sex, and the increased aggressiveness of sex, may be enjoyed by some partners, it may not be appreciated by others.

Trenbolone is also described as leading to sexual infidelity:
"it does seem to lead me astray in terms of I seem to find extra need to look elsewhere when I'm in a relationship [Robert]."
Trenbolone use can, and frequently does, result in the end of relationships and is known in the enhancement community as ‘the relationship killer’:
"That stupid fucking drug is what caused me to leave my wife. I was saying to myself that she doesn't make me happy because I felt nothing while around her and when I told her that I was done with the marriage she was in tears and devastated and I didn't feel an ounce of guilt, and I told myself that that means that I had made the right decision. Because if it was the wrong decision then I would have felt awful seeing her cry. But the whole time it was the tren keeping the feelings away :( … Once I had stopped the tren and it had all worn off what I had said had caused permanent damage to the marriage... I'd give anything in the world to go back and not break her heart. I'd live a thousand lives in hell … I hate tren!!!! [Tony]."
Trenbolone can ruin lives:
"6 weeks in [to a trenbolone cycle], 10 Year relationship/marriage was thrown away, I was constantly horny, after a night of drinking I came onto my wife's cousin, I punched every wall in the house, to which I received a DVO and AVO order, than lost custody of my two children, and lost my job as an armed guard ."

The place of trenbolone in bodybuilding culture: A love/hate relationship
Many enhanced bodybuilders choose not to use trenbolone. Some may try it and find that the harms outweigh the benefits. Indeed, some I spoke to described ‘hating’ trenbolone, and several felt that harsher legal penalties should apply to trenbolone than other anabolic androgenic steroids. Some enhanced bodybuilders feel that the benefits of trenbolone are not worth the risk and never try it.
The bodybuilders who do use trenbolone sometimes describe having a ‘love/hate relationship’ with the drug. It is described as ‘the god of all steroids’ [website], and ‘the nectar of the gods’, but also as ‘the devil in a bottle’ and as ‘making a pact with the devil’ . It has an ‘almost mythical reputation within bodybuilding circles’ [website]. I think there may be a few reasons for this:
- Trenbolone was so elusive during the years between the discontinuation of Parabolan (1997), and the beginnings of easy to access trenbolone from Chinese suppliers (c. 2010) [Alan].
- Bodybuilders have such a conflicted relationship with trenbolone.
This conflicted relationship is evident in bodybuilding humour.
"Tren is very hard on the heart. I’ve ended up in cardiac arrest, but I was lookin’ shredded in that hospital bed ."

Spend any time in bodybuilding communities and before long you’ll see someone say ‘up the tren’ (i.e. increase the dose of trenbolone). ‘Upping the tren’ is presented as the solution to all problems. For example, if a bodybuilder complains of experiencing side effects from enhancement drug use, others will suggest they ‘up the tren’. This phrase is even used for problems completely unrelated to bodybuilding e.g. ‘Car won’t start? Up the tren’. One research participant explained the humour of ‘up the tren’ through two uses of the phrase:
"Up the tren - this is an absurd option and I am making fun of people who take risks when it’s not necessary, I am making fun of that.

"Up the tren - if your life is going badly then you may as well look like a freak, I am laughing at how that silver lining is something bodybuilders can relate to but other people can’t.
"Both are delivered with an implied understanding that it’s an absurd suggestion.
"Neither is seriously suggesting to up the tren [Bjorn via messenger]."
Trenbolone humour suggests that bodybuilders sometimes acknowledge the absurdity of trenbolone use.
So, should you use tren?
There is no denying the effectiveness of trenbolone as an anabolic. But as many bodybuilders have told me, you can achieve the same look with other compounds. Although the process may take longer, many suggest that bodybuilding should be about the journey, not the destination.
Ask yourself, is tren worth the risk?
Sure, you may be one of the lucky ones that experience few or no side effects from trenbolone use, but these individuals do appear to be in the minority (further research is needed).
It seems most people experience some side effects from trenbolone use, and some experience debilitating side effects that ruin their life.
The really worrying thing is that often people don’t know trenbolone is having a negative impact on them.
"Often you don’t realise how much it was screwing with you until after you’re off it. And you’re like “wow I was a fuckin idiot when I was on that shit” ."
"I used to work sales when I was into body building. Didn’t notice tren changing my behavior when I was on it. Did notice I went from doing pretty good consistently to not selling anything at all whatsoever ."
"Took me around 3 years and 3 relationships to realize that it [trenbolone] was making me a cold blooded maniac with no concern for anyone's well being especially the people that cared about me ."
If you decide that trenbolone is worth the risk, please keep these words of caution from other bodybuilders in mind.
Find out how your body responds to steroids first before adding trenbolone. Most suggest that your first cycle should be testosterone only. Then, once you know how you respond (e.g. how it effects your blood markers) you can start thinking about adding other compounds like trenbolone.
Trenbolone is an extremely powerful drug, and as many have told me, ‘the devil is in the dose’. Trenbolone side effects increase dramatically with dosage and the duration of use.
"If you do decide to give it a try guys, you don’t need much ."
"If you’re going to use it [trenbolone] make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row, financially, relationship wise, everything is like spot on, like nothing is like in the middle of being fucked up, because if you throw tren in when you are like in the middle of financial hardship or your relationship is iffy, the tren is going to make it much worse, and you’ll get super paranoid and in your fuckin head about it. It’s going to blow something up probably, or maybe not. But I mean it’s definitely not going to help. It’s very unlikely that if you are facing any emotional turmoil that throwing tren into the mix will have zero impact on it ."
Bodybuilders will sometimes suggest individuals start by using the shorter ester trenbolone (trenbolone acetate) so that if side effects are experienced use can be discontinued and the side effects will subside more quickly than they would with the longer ester (trenbolone enanthate).
Most bodybuilders I have spoken to would recommend monitoring health before, during and after trenbolone use. While much of the health monitoring advised for trenbolone is the same for all anabolic steroids, some of it is specific to trenbolone. For example, trenbolone will produce unique effects on blood that need to be kept in mind whilst monitoring health:
"When you take Trenbolone for example, if you use ECLIA, electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, that's the normal testing methodology for blood tests, if you use that for estrogen when you're on Tren, it'll give you a really, really high response, which normally you would say right, I've got to take a heap of aromatase inhibitor. … But if you get it tested with LCMS, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, you'll find that the results will be accurate [Bjorn]."
Some bodybuilders will also suggest specific harm reduction strategies such as adding more cardio exercise, or drinking more water, to counter the effects of trenbolone.
Trenbolone is the most powerful anabolic androgenic steroid that is commonly used by bodybuilders. But this power comes at a cost. You could be lucky and pay only a little. Or you could be unlucky and pay a lot. The thing is you can’t know in advance.
We don’t know how common negative side effects from trenbolone are. They seem to be very common but maybe those who experience few or no sides just don’t speak up as much as those who are suffering. My research is the first to explore the human experience of trenbolone. As my research is qualitative it can’t tell what percentage of people who use trenbolone have negative experiences. Qualitative research is great for exploring topics that haven’t been studied before as it is good at scoping issues. My research has demonstrated the range of experiences of trenbolone. Now we need quantitative data so we can see how many people suffer as a result of trenbolone use, and how many remain relatively unscathed. The experiences described in this paper can form a foundation for this much-needed future research.
IP, E. J., BARNETT, M. J., TENEROWICZ, M. J. & PERRY, P. J. 2011. The Anabolic 500 survey: characteristics of male users versus nonusers of anabolic-androgenic steroids for strength training. Pharmacotherapy, 31, 757.
PERRY, P. J., LUND, B. C., DENINGER, M. J., KUTSCHER, E. C. & SCHNEIDER, J. 2005. Anabolic Steroid Use in Weightlifters and Bodybuilders: An Internet Survey of Drug Utilization. Clin J Sport Med, 15, 326-330.
YARROW, J. F., MCCOY, S. C. & BORST, S. E. 2010. Tissue selectivity and potential clinical applications of trenbolone (17β-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one): A potent anabolic steroid with reduced androgenic and estrogenic activity. Steroids, 75, 377-389.
About the author
Mair Underwood is an anthropologist who explores body cultures. She has been living in online bodybuilding communities for the last 6 years (she has even been inspired to start lifting). Through forums and social media she has learnt about bodybuilding culture. She has been particularly focussed on enhancement drug use, and she works to increase understanding of, and support for, people who use enhancement drugs.
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