Q: “Can I ever tell if anabolic steroid tablets are fake without having to send them off for analysis? Is there a way other than just noticing no results from them?” A: There actually is a simple way to do this. It will not tell if the correct steroid is present, and in some cases […]
Analytical Laboratory Testing for the Identification of Anabolic Steroids
Q: “I’m considering using an analytical lab for steroid testing. I see there are various kinds of test like HPLC-UV and GC/MS. Can you tell me about them, and which should I use?” A: In contrast to colorimetric tests (Labmax), which show some chemical effects when mixtures are applied to them, HPLC-UV and GC/MS attempt […]
Labmax Test Kits for the Identification of Anabolic Steroids
Q: “What do you think of the Labmax anabolic steroid test kits? Can I really trust the results?” A: I have not used these test kits myself but from knowledge of analytical chemistry and information that is available about them, I can give you some further information. These are colorimetric tests, where some rather general […]
AOD-9604 Peptide for Fat Loss
Q: “What do you think of AOD 9604? I like the idea of promoting fat loss without the possibility of causing GH belly or nerve pain. Is it legit?” A: AOD-9604 (HGH residues 177-191 with a tyrosine added to the N-terminus) certainly promotes fat loss in rats and mice. So far as is known, it […]
Are Recipients Harmed by Blood Donations Made by Anabolic Steroid Users?
Q: “I’ve always been a blood donor. It’s something worth doing for others, but also I understand that men really have very little mechanism for eliminating excess iron from the blood, so it’s probably good for my health as well. I’ve always read that blood shouldn’t be donated while on a cycle. Truth or myth?” […]
RAD-140 – Finally a Worthwhile SARM?
Q: “You’ve previously written that SARMs such as Ostarine are more hype than reality. They imitate the name of SERMs, claiming to be “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators” to have a name that might go over better with the public than “anabolic steroids” does. Well you didn’t say exactly that but that was what I got […]
The Benefits of Boldenone Propionate When Compared to Other Short-Acting Steroid Esters
Q: “I ‘m interested in boldenone propionate. What advantages could it give me compared to other short acting esters? I don’t want to use trenbolone acetate again, as at even 50 mg/day I’m really a bastard to my girlfriend, even more so than usual. More importantly, I don’t sleep well. And I’m not a fan […]
Two Week Cycles Utilizing Anadrol, Anavar and/or Dianabol
Q: I am very interested in your 2 on 2/4 off cycles since I hate long PCT and protracted recoveries. The compounds I mostly look at are Anadrol, Dianabol, and Anavar. In an oral only cycle should I run 50-100mgs Anadrol or 50mgs Dianabol per day along with 50mgs Anavar or would you change something […]
What Are the Real Problems Associated with Trenbolone Use?
Q: “I’m very interested in trenbolone because of all the positive reports on it, and you obviously are a big booster of tren. But I’ve also seen many accounts of the problems it can cause: relationship problems, aggression problems, anxiety problems, and sleep problems! What are the real problems and what is my likelihood of […]
The Half Lives of the Most Popular Anabolic Steroids and Bodybuilding Drugs
Q: “I would like to know the real half lives of the most popular anabolic steroids, T3, clenbuterol, and anti-estrogens. Can you post the half lives, because there are so many different half-lives in the Internet?” A: It’s common for published values to be different, because pharmacokinetic studies are often performed on only a few […]