The Salem Statesman-Journal reports the cause of death of former IFBB pro bodybuilder Shelley Beattie (“Farewell to one who beat so many obstacles,” March 10): Shelley Beattie was an inspiration to the deaf community, overcoming her disability to become a professional bodybuilder, a television personality and a competitive sailor. “The only thing I can’t do […]
European Authorities Seize 384 lbs of Winstrol Depot
A 33-year old German man living in Austria was arrested today entering Hamburg Airport in Germany as part of an investigation into the trade of illegal doping substances such as anabolic steroids. Authorities confiscated significant quantities of Winstrol Depot (stanozolol) and generic Viagra (sildenafil). Raids on his former apartment, the office of his tax adviser, […]
Steroids in Our Supplements is More Important Than Steroids in Baseball
Uber-lobbyist to the supplement industry, Loren Israelsen, recently forwarded selected remarks from an editorial by Rob Eder of Drug Store News to members of the United Natural Products Alliance. I was dismayed to see Rob Eder (and by extension Loren Israelsen) rave about the good job the supplement industry does at policing itself. “As I […]
Steroids in Our Drinking Water is More Important Than Steroids in Baseball
The non-medical use of anabolic steroids by mature, consenting adults, whether for appearance- or performance-enhancing purposes, is one thing that doesn’t particularly trouble me. The voluntary consumption of steroids by consenting teenagers is more problematic. But it still does not represent a public health crisis. According to a recent AP probe, there are steroid hormones […]
Jose Canseco Called “Juicer” at the Arnold Expo
Former baseball player and anabolic steroid advocate Jose Canseco was hired as a spokesman for a supplement company appearing at the company’s booth at the 2008 Arnold Classic. Testosterone Nation reports that Canseco is working with MVP Nutrition since he spent so much time talking to world fitness champion Michele Levesque. So, you admit to […]
Unintended Consequences of War on Athletes Using Anabolic Steroids
The federal government’s obsession with eliminating anabolic steroids from Major League Baseball is compromising state law enforcement efforts to fight drug dealers and violent criminals thereby jeopardizing the public safety according to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Brouchard. “While Congress focuses on the need to eliminate drug use from baseball, law enforcement is struggling to get action […]
Steroid Fact Checking at the Toledo Blade Newspaper
I would expect that most journalists would have a basic understanding of anabolic steroids given that the topic has been a major news story for several years now. But journalists still fail to perform their “steroid fact checking” when writing stories on the topic. The Toledo Blade Newspaper out of Ohio published a story about […]
Government Strategy to Use Barry Bonds’ Head Size as Proof of Steroid Use
The government rarely pursues perjury cases in federal court. But when it comes to professional athletes who lie about steroid use, they go all out in their efforts to prosecute them for perjury e.g. Marion Jones, Tammy Thomas, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens. The government is purportedly going to prove that Barry Bonds and other athletes used […]
Roger Clemens Steroid Witchhunt Targets Fitness Professionals in Houston
The New York Times reports that IRS Special Agent Jeff Novitsky is making inquiries about several fitness professionals in the Houston area in an effort to substantiate the use of anabolic steroids and growth hormone by Roger Clemens in a possible federal perjury case. They have asked a former employee about Houston fitness guru Shaun K. Kelley, […]
Human Growth Hormone Legislation Could Harm Children
In a typical kneejerk reaction by Congress, it appears that they are on the verge of expanding the Controlled Substances Act to include non-addictive human growth hormone. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sponsored the legislation in response to the Mitchell Report’s on performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids and growth hormone in […]