An article on the Psychology Today blog by Steven Kotler asked the question, “what makes a drug performance-enhancing?” It cites the WADA rules for banning performance enhancing drugs. According to the World Anti-Doping Code, three substance categories govern the chemistry of cheating—1) It has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance 2) It represents […]
Sports Supplements as a Gateway to Anabolic Steroid Use
I asked Dr. Jay Hoffman, Professor and Chair of the Department of Health and Exercise Science at the College of New Jersey, about the theory that sports supplements are a gateway to anabolic steroid use. He replied in an email: I do not believe that this is the case. There really isn’t any documented evidence […]
Gatorade a Gateway to Anabolic Steroid Use in High School Athletes?
Many people believe that dietary supplements, specifically sports nutrition supplements, are a “gateway” to anabolic steroid use. It is the steroid war’s version of the “gateway drug theory.” While I agree that teenagers should not be permitted to purchase or use stimulants and steroids sold as dietary supplements, I do not subscribe to the “supplements […] and Controversial Anabolic Steroid Content
Elite Fitness published an article today discussing the implications of Liberty Media’s acquisition of a controlling stake in Many people have already heard that the world’s largest bodybuilding company,, sold a huge controlling stake to Liberty Media, parent of QVC, for $100 million dollars. However, what some people don’t know is that there […]
Taking Anabolic Steroids and Syringes on an Airplane
With all the steroid hysteria, it is not difficult to forget that anabolic steroids are legal and have therapeutic uses. Many assume it is forbidden take injectable steroids and syringes/needles on board a domestic airline in carryon luggage. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration), there is nothing illegal about taking […]
Teenage Cheerleader Uses Winstrol and Becomes Suicidal
I know it is not popular to express skepticism at claims that anabolic steroids lead to suicide or suicidal behavior. But the media has once again embraced a story of a teenager who blames steroids as the cause of his/her psychological state without question. A former cheerleader and gymnast admits to injecting Winstrol ever other […]
Difference Between Growth Hormone and Testosterone
Many people seem to assume that growth hormone and testosterone are both anabolic steroids. The media has shown very little interest in distinguishing the two throughout the entire war of steroids or the steroids in baseball fiasco. (Never mind the fact that there are dozens of different steroids with differing effects and side effects within […]
Roger Clemens and Bad Legal Advice from Attorney Rusty Hardin
We’ve learned a few things from the Congressional hearings on Roger Clemens and anabolic steroids. Roger Clemens is not very smart. And his attorney Rusty Hardin is an idiot. From the very beginning, I thought that Hardin should be fired. Hardin allows Clemens to wait several days before responding to allegations of steroid and growth […]
Congress Shows Partisan Support in Roger Clemens Steroid Debate
Several commentators noted the partisan debate at the Roger Clemens versus Brian McNamee Congressional steroid hearings. Republicans supported Clemens; Democrats supported McNamee. After reading the transcripts, I agree. Mike Fish of ESPN noted: Committee members from the Republican side of the aisle at times fawned over the seven-time Cy Young Award winner and tore into […]
Jersey City Police Officers Linked to Lowen’s Pharmacy Steroid Scandal
The New York Police Department (NYPD) turned over the names of over two dozen and maybe as many as forty Jersey City officers to the internal affairs unit of the Jersey City Police Department (JCPD). They are under investigation for improperly obtaining anabolic steroids from Lowen’s Pharmacy. The NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau launched an investigation last […]