Maricopa County Medical Examiner Vladimir Shvarts, M.D. has added anabolic steroid intoxication as a contributing factor in an accidental fatal drug overdose. The cause of death for Aaron Michael Achley was originally attributed to an accidental overdose of the prescription drugs Xanax (alprazolam) and Oxycontin (oxycodone) in addition to the recreational drug Cocaine.
The family of Aaron Achley, ABC15 Investigative Reporter Josh Berstein and Arizona state investigators pressured the Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner to change the official cause of death to include steroids. The medical examiner repeatedly refused to conduct additional testing for steroids. However, the medical examiner apparently relented once Doreen Achley, the victim’s mother, paid to have tissue samples tested by an independent lab (“Autopsy amended to include anabolic steroids,” October 24).
The amended “pathological diagnoses” on Aaron Achley’s autopsy identified the drugs responsible for the accidental fatal “Combined drug intoxication.” This time anabolic steroids (allegedly testosterone obtained from Revolution Medical Center) were a contributing factor to the death.
A. Alprazolam 0.35 mg/L.
B. Oxycodone 0.16 mg/L.
C. Blood is positive for cocaine and cocaine metabolites.
D. Abnormal testosterone/epitestosterone ratio (78).
The Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner has established precedent for anabolic steroid intoxication as an official cause of death in cases of accidental drug overdose. The Maricopa Medical Examiner has become politically guided in their practice of medicine rather than scientifically guided. Certainly, the basis for a fatal steroid overdose is the product of Hollywood, television and emotional steroid hysteria rather than science. We can laugh at the silliness of ridiculous television shows that incredulously tell us characters died from steroid overdoses. But it is no longer funny when the medical community tries to convince use that steroids can cause instant death from a steroid drug overdose.
About the author
Millard writes about anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs and their use and impact in sport and society. He discusses the medical and non-medical uses of anabolic-androgenic steroids while advocating a harm reduction approach to steroid education.
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