It does NOT appear that Chris and Jennifer Navoy distributed anabolic steroids and/or human growth hormone in connection with the bodybuilding research chemicals sold via their website at This is contrary to a citizen complaint and police and media reports alleging that the couple sold and distributed steroids and HGH online.
The drugs that the couple actually distributed were openly advertised as non-scheduled “research chemicals” for several years on their websites. Federal authorities seized drugs that are the active ingredients in brand name drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, Dostinex, Clomid, and Arimidex from their home in Roswell, Georgia.
The media is now calling these “steroid-related drugs” rather than admit this does not appear to be a steroid distribution case.
Police also seized two bottles of testosterone cypionate “prescribed” to Christian Navoy; human growth hormone was not found anywhere. Agents discovered used syringes, vials, and an empty Component T-H (trenbolone acetate 200mg) box – all consistent with personal use – in the trash outside the Navoy’s home over the course of a three month investigation. One hundreds vials of Livzon brand human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is not an anabolic steroid or growth hormone, were seized by customs officials arriving from China.
The small quantities of testosterone and trenbolone suggest that these anabolic steroids were solely for personal use (bodybuilding purposes) and not distribution.
The only charge listed in the criminal complaint is the “unlawful distribution of sildenafil citrate” also known as Viagra.
This case could very well establish the precedent for legality of the sale of “research chemicals” that are of particular interest to the bodybuilding community. The research chemical niche has thrived for several years on the internet.
About the author
Millard writes about anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs and their use and impact in sport and society. He discusses the medical and non-medical uses of anabolic-androgenic steroids while advocating a harm reduction approach to steroid education.
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