Nalbuphine hydrochloride dependence in anabolic steroid users.
Researchers:Wines JD Jr, Gruber AJ, Pope HG Jr, Lukas SE. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center, McLean Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Belmont, MA 02478, USA.
Source:Am J Addict 1999 Spring;8(2):161-4
Nalbuphine hydrochloride, a nonscheduled opioid agonist/antagonist analgesic also known as Nubaine or Nubain, is currently approved for the treatment of pain. Recently, nalbuphine dependence was reported in three anabolic steroid users in Britain. To further document this phenomenon, investigators conducted interviews on eleven subjects who reported nalbuphine use. Eight subjects were clinically dependent on nalbuphine, and seven of the subjects who were asked about tolerance and withdrawal with nalbuphine acknowledged these symptoms. Eight subjects, who had never used drugs intravenously before, reported using nalbuphine by this route. Nalbuphine-related morbidity was extensive and included medical complications and psychiatric symptoms. Nalbuphine users also exhibited a high rate of comorbid Axis I disorders, including other substance misuse. Virtually all subjects described widespread nalbuphine use in the gymnasiums they frequented. These observations, together with the recent increase in nalbuphine-related articles in the lay press, suggest that nalbuphine may represent a new drug of abuse among athletes, especially those using anabolic steroids, and that nalbuphine’s scheduling status may need to be re-evaluated.
It could be argued that I come across as “pro-drug” when it comes to performance enhancement, but using hormones that facilitate muscle growth and using narcotics to get numb are two completely different issues.
Anabolic steroids are not “recreational” drugs. You don’t throw a party and have everybody sneaking to the back room to take a hit of Deca or Sustanon. Although some have argued that steroids cause “Roid Rage”, closer examination will show that what was actually observed was “Jerk Rage”. The steroids simply gave the individual the nerve to act out on her aggression. Nubain on the other hand, is very much a mind/mood altering drug. Although prescribed for pain, it is used on the street in the same spirit as morphine, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.
The use of Nubain appears to be wide spread although not necessarily common. You will find Nubain on product lists of more than one steroid/drug distributor. Guys will take a shot of Nubain before working out to mask the pain. More often than not, this can hide injuries as well as the pain of exertion. Later as the drug wears off you are left with even more pain in addition to psychological and physical withdrawal from the drug. Not a good way to reach your goals.
Studies have shown that recreational drug users are more likely to use steroids than non-drug users. It would be a shame to see this relationship turned around. The sport/culture of bodybuilding definitely doesn’t need a bunch a drug addicts adding to the difficulty of legitimizing the sport in the eyes of the general public as well as the sporting community.
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