Hi William, what are your thoughts of using growth hormone during PCT? A: I think it is certainly a viable option, though the main focus is preserving lean body mass and not increasing the return to homeostasis with androgen production. The main support for this use of GH came from a study published in 2001, […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Steroids + Narcotics = Fuzzy Math
Just when you thought social control agencies had run out of ways to demonize anabolic steroids, along comes a new study out of Stockholm, Sweden. Funded in part by grants from the intensely anti-steroid World Anti-Doping Agency (although the authors allege that “WADA had no further role in study design; in the collection, analysis and […]
Do Antidepressants Lower Testosterone Levels?
Q: Is it true that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Paxil decrease Testosterone? A: No. I do not know of any evidence that Paxil or for that matter antidepressants decrease serum testosterone levels. The antidepressants as a class do affect sexual function. Epidemiological studies indicate that sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction in particular are […]
Should I Take Dianabol in a Single Daily Dose or in Divided Doses?
Bill , Ii recently purchased a bottle of Dianabol and have enough for a 6-week cycle of 25 mg per day. Should I be taking all 25 mgs at the same time or should I split my dosage and or should I be increasing my dosage. Im a 30 year old male who has been […]
Do You Recommend Testosterone Only Cycles?
Q: I have two 10ml bottles of testosterone enanthate (200mg/ml). Is this enough for a cycle? I read that you should always use testosterone as a base, but that you need to stack it with other drugs too. How do you feel about a testosterone only cycle like this? A: Two bottles of testosterone enanthate […]
Definition of Androgen Deficiency and the Role of SHBG
Q: Why do we need SHBG? What would happen if we lowered SHBG too much? Can lowering SHBG be used as a form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy? A: Total Testosterone (TT), BT and DHEA-S decreased with age; 0.2, 0.7 and 1.2%/year respectively. SHBG showed an increase with age of 1.1%/year. Clinically if an individual is […]
Can I Avoid Polycythemia while on TRT?
Q: Is there any way to avoid Polycythemia when doing TRT? I know that injections are more prone to causing this. I recently switched from shots and am currently doing 25mg T cream and 100iu HCG every day, but I am still getting elevated hematocrit and RBC. It looks like I might need to do […]
Is One Gram of Testosterone Per Week Excessive?
Hi Bill, you’ve talked about a gram per week of testosterone. Isn’t that ridiculous? What about say 200 mg? A: It is my view that the farther one is from one’s natural, untrained state, the harder it is to gain more muscle. There comes a point where the body essentially finds a new balance and may […]
What is the Difference Between Proviron and Masteron?
Q: What is the difference between Proviron and Masteron? I heard they are both DHT derivates and one was really just an oral form of the other. Could I use Proviron instead of Masteron for contest prep? I lost my source for British Dragon Mastabol. A: Proviron (oral 1-methyl-dihydrotestosterone) and Masteron (an injectable form of […]
Why Use Both Clomid and Nolvadex Together for PCT?
Q: I have read that Clomid and Novadex are very similar products. Is this true? If so why would you need to take both? A: The administration of antiestrogens is a common treatment because anti-estrogens interfere with the normal negative feedback of sex steroids at hypothalamic and pituitary levels in order to increase endogenous gonadotropin-releasing […]