Anabolic/androgenic steroids display a wide range of physiological effects. Androgen receptors are found in numerous body tissues including skeletal muscle, skin, scalp, liver, heart, prostate, brain and nervous system, bone, adipose and kidney tissue, and consequently these drugs, as our endogenous androgens, have numerous activities in the body aside from just building muscle. Although often […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy Part 1 – Hormone Balancing for Men
In this two part series, I will be giving an overview of my approach to hormone replacement therapy. I call my approach “hormone balancing”, which is based on the principles of keeping your sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone) at the same levels that they were at in your mid-twenties. In addition to sex hormones, […]
Clenbuterol and Spot Reduction
Can Clenbuterol locally destroy unwanted fat? It is rather tricky to use Clenbuterol to increase muscle mass. In order to loss bodyfat, Clen usage is much simpler. But is it the best fat loss drug of its category? Is it possible to improve its effectiveness by stacking it with other drugs? If Clen can help […]
Clenbuterol and Muscle Growth: A New Approach for Bodybuilders
I still remember when Clenbuterol was the new wonder drug. “You know, my rat seems to respond very well to this new stuff.” “Oh, which one?” “You know this new stuff, Cle something.” “Clenerol, … no, Clenbuterol. I don’t know why I cannot remember that name” The friend talking to me was in the habit […]
Obesity, Health and Metabolic Fitness
Fat. F-a-t. Perhaps no other word in our language is despised as much, nor focused on so intensely. Americans are obsessed about fat–body fat–and how to get rid of it. We have been conditioned to view health and fitness in strictly black (fat) and white (fit) terms: A “fat” body cannot possibly be fit and […]
Testosterone – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
One of the most infamous hormones around is Testosterone. You hear Clueless news anchors about it on the evening news. You hear about it in the gym. You even read about it in the “growing older with style” magazines. Depending on who you talk to, it is both the good, the bad, and the ugly […]
Protein, Part 4: Amino Acid Kinetics and Adaptations
The previous three parts of this article series have discussed a variety of topics related to protein and amino acids (AAs): digestion, protein quality, requirements and many others. To help readers better understand some of the mechanisms that regulate protein and AA metabolism in the body, it is necessary to develop a model of AA […]
Protein, Part 3: Individual Amino Acid Requirements
In Part 2 of this series, the topic of protein quality was discussed, including examination of the major methods currently used to rate protein quality. For a variety of reasons, most of the currently available methods to rate proteins are deficient, especially when they are applied to an active population. Continuing with that discussion, this part of […]
Protein, Part 2: Protein Metabolism
This article is the second in a series of articles discussion the details of protein metabolism in bodybuilders. Part 1 addressed some basic concepts and definitions regarding protein, digestion of different forms of protein as well as total protein requirements for athletes. Part 2 of this article series builds on Part 1 with a discussion of protein digestibility and […]
Protein, Part 1 – Definitions and Technical Background
If you ask 10 bodybuilders what the most important nutrient is for putting on muscle, you will most likely get 10 identical answers (a rarity in sports nutrition). That answer is, of course: PROTEIN! Every bodybuilder knows that, no matter what else you do, if you aren’t getting enough protein, you won’t grow.