Introduction All too often athletes are looking for a food or diet that will increase their performance “during competition”. This is a misguided approach. The key role for nutritional intervention is during the training period. Nutrition will have the greatest impact on “performance” if it is used as an adaptive facilitator after appropriately periodized training […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
Are Steroids Your Key to Preventing Andropause?
Long-term suppression of leydig cell steroidogenesis prevents leydig cell aging Researchers: Chen H, Zirkin BR Division of Reproductive Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, 615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. Source: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999 Dec 21;96(26):14877-81 Summary: Based […]
Ask Dave Palumbo #9
The “Secret” to Getting Huge Revealed; Growth Hormone Vaccines; Micronized Water-Based Steroids; The Ultimate Precontest Stack for a Competitive Bodybuilder; How to Kick My Nubain Addiction; How Do I Use Synthol?
Ask Bill Roberts #18
Questions Regarding 2-On/4-Off; Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production; Zinc Supplementation; Usnic Acid and Dan Duchaine; DHT Derivatives; Selective Gains on Legs
Planet Estrogen Part 3: The Menstrual Cycle and Athletic Performance
While the participation of women in sports has increased significantly over the last several decades, research of women in sports has lagged behind that of men. This is particularly true in matters related to reproduction and menstruation. Up until even recent years, women were cautioned not to partake in sports while pregnant or during menstruation […]
The Demonization of Anabolic Steroids, Part 2 – Modern Society’s Love-Hate Relationship with Strength and Muscle
The class of illicit drugs known as anabolic steroids, or more accurately referred to as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), is subject to a general “catch-all” definition. Although the laws of prohibition specifically name certain steroids, this general definition specifically excludes certain steroids from the scope of those laws. The single characteristic of a steroid which allows […]
Steroids in the United Kingdom – Criminal Law Regulation of Anabolic Steroids and Other So-Called Performance Enhancing Drugs in English Law
The criminalisation in English law of anabolic steroids (AS) represents the use of a powerful regulatory and socialising machinery against a statistically insignificant group of people. It is perhaps important to realise that the people most likely to be affected by a proscriptive use of the criminal law would be those who are not actively […]
“Natural Bodybuilding” – Modern Oxymoron?
Excessive drug use by strength athletes at the competitive level is widespread. Hardcore bodybuilders today are using sophisticated arrays of anabolic steroids along with human growth hormone, insulin, thyroid preparations, and intravenous diuretics, often in staggering dosages. The obvious health dangers associated with such practices have spawned a backlash movement called “natural bodybuilding.” But while […]
Creatine – The Ergogenic / Anabolic Supplement
Overview Scientific studies indicate that creatine supplementation is an effective and safe nutritional strategy to promote gains in strength and muscle mass during resistance-training. Moreover, that creatine supplementation may be an effective alternative to other less effective and/or potentially dangerous nutritional and pharmacological strategies that athletes have used in an attempt to increase strength and […]
Making Sense of Research
What Do You Believe? One study indicates that a supplement works and another study claims that the same supplement resulted in “no significant differences,” or in other words, it didn’t work. A few weeks later, you read in the newspaper that the lead investigator concludes, “More research needs to be done in this area.” With […]