Part One of this article explained the impact of calories and dietary protein (PRO) on endogenous testosterone (T) levels. As promised, this continuation will focus on the role of dietary carbohydrates (CHO) and dietary fat on modulating T production. The role of CHO on T production is indirectly addressed when discussing the role of PRO or […]
Anabolic Steroid Articles
Our steroid articles provided detailed, practical information on how anabolic steroids are used to build muscle size, strength and otherwise improve physical performance. They cover topics such as the history of steroids, steroids in baseball, the medical uses of steroids including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the side effects of steroids and how to manage steroid side effects.
The Effects of Diet on Testosterone Part 1: Calories and Protein
This article will be divided into two parts. Part 1 presents an overview of how testosterone is stimulated in the body, shows how calorie balance affects T production, and discusses how dietary protein intake affects circulating T levels. Part 2 explains how carbohydrates and fats impact testosterone synthesis and circulation, and then puts it all […]
The History of Drug Testing in Sports & How Athletes Beat the Drug Tests (Part 3)
This is Part Three of a three-part article. The first part focused on the formal process of drug testing in sports, primarily at the international level. The second part continued with the formal process of drug testing. This part presents anecdotal stories and discusses the tactics used by athletes to avoid drug detection. The article reflects the personal and […]
The History of Drug Testing in Sports & How Athletes Beat the Drug Tests (Part 2)
This is Part Two of a three-part article. The first part focused on the formal process of drug testing in sports, primarily at the international level. This part continues with the formal process and part three will discuss the tactics used by athletes to avoid drug detection. The article reflects the personal and cumulative experiences of […]
The History of Drug Testing in Sports & How Athletes Beat the Drug Tests (Part 1)
This is Part One of a three-part article. This first part will focus on the formal process of drug testing in sports, primarily at the international level. Part two continues with the formal process and part three discusses the tactics used by athletes to avoid drug detection. The article reflects the personal and cumulative experiences of […]
Shooting Blanks? It May Be the Tamoxifen
Effect of chronic administration of Tamoxifen on fertility in male bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata). Researchers: Rao AJ, Ramachandra SG, Ramesh V, Krishnamurthy HN, Jayaraman S, Gopalakrishnan K, Juneja HS Department of Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Source: Andrologia 1998 May-Jun;30(3):129-32 Summary: Administration of Tamoxifen via the Alzet pump at […]
Oxandrolone Offers Relief to Spinal Cord Injury Patients
Treatment with an anabolic agent is associated with improvement in respiratory function in persons with tetraplegia: A pilot study.Researchers:Spungen AM., Grimm DR., Strakhan M., Pizzolato PM., & Bauman WA. Work originated at Spinal Cord Damage Research Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY; and Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury Services, Veterans Affairs Medical […]
Taking a Closer Look at the Muscles of Steroid Using Athletes… A Really Close Look
Title:Effects of anabolic steroids on the muscle cells of strength-trained athletes. Researchers:Kadi F, Eriksson A, Holmner S, Thornell LE Department of Integrative Medical Biology, Umea University, Sweden. Source:Med Sci Sports Exerc 1999 Nov;31(11):1528-34 Summary: Athletes who use anabolic steroids get larger and stronger muscles. How this is reflected at the level of the muscle fibers […]
Medical Supervision of Individuals Using Anabolic Steroids for Muscle Growth (Part 2)
In part I of this series we discussed the effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) use on the heart, the blood, cholesterol, and the liver. We also suggested some treatment options for the physician or health care provider. In this final installment we will discuss the side effects of the endocrine system including the testis, as well […]
Medical Supervision of Individuals Using Anabolic Steroids for Muscle Growth (Part 1)
Since the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 became law on November 29, 1990, physicians have struggled with the ethics of becoming involved with patients using anabolic steroids. There are serious repercussions for doctors’ accused of prescribing anabolic steroids to patients for physique augmentation. In addition, most doctors know very little about anabolic steroids and tend […]