TRT and low dose primo - new change for me


Post gym mood of endorphins figured I’d share some random shit.

Recently saw a body building coach share his blood work/protocol

TRT with an AI vs TRT with 30-70 primo.
(Primo depends on your tolerance with e2)
his labs shows more of a hit on his cholesterol with the AI and other slight issues etc.
took labs on very low dose primo and they were better than on an AI & his estrogen was in better control.

So I decided to take that for a spin since I have copious amounts of both & I’m not worried about wasting any.
And I’m tired of popping my AI. I forget so much.

Typically I’m a high aromatizer. 200 a week of test c, put my e2 at 99+ (with no AI)
So I’d take exemstane to control that. But always felt like I have been off with it, and labs were decent. So I just didn’t want to experiment more and pay for multiple sets of labs to dial my estrogen in at a “perfect” level for me.

Fast forward to now!
It’s week 5 of 200 Test 30 primo

Monday - 100mg test 30 primo
Thursday - 100 test

I feel great and amazing. Nothing has been affected. Except maybe slight libido decrease from the primo (does that to me). I just don’t think about sex or the female body as much on primo. I’m pretty neutral in the mind on primo.

Worth a shot yall if you can dial it in.
I’ll have to pull labs to see how I’m doing again.
Post gym mood of endorphins figured I’d share some random shit.

Recently saw a body building coach share his blood work/protocol

TRT with an AI vs TRT with 30-70 primo.
(Primo depends on your tolerance with e2)
his labs shows more of a hit on his cholesterol with the AI and other slight issues etc.
took labs on very low dose primo and they were better than on an AI & his estrogen was in better control.

So I decided to take that for a spin since I have copious amounts of both & I’m not worried about wasting any.
And I’m tired of popping my AI. I forget so much.

Typically I’m a high aromatizer. 200 a week of test c, put my e2 at 99+ (with no AI)
So I’d take exemstane to control that. But always felt like I have been off with it, and labs were decent. So I just didn’t want to experiment more and pay for multiple sets of labs to dial my estrogen in at a “perfect” level for me.

Fast forward to now!
It’s week 5 of 200 Test 30 primo

Monday - 100mg test 30 primo
Thursday - 100 test

I feel great and amazing. Nothing has been affected. Except maybe slight libido decrease from the primo (does that to me). I just don’t think about sex or the female body as much on primo. I’m pretty neutral in the mind on primo.

Worth a shot yall if you can dial it in.
I’ll have to pull labs to see how I’m doing again.
Please update us on your E2. Primo does that to my libido also. My equipment is ready to go randomly throughout the day (too often lol), but my desire isn’t there.
I just started something similar. I added 50mg a week of mast on top of 150mg of test since I’ve been dealing with high SHBG. I was expecting some low E2 symptoms, but honestly, I feel better than ever on it. I’ve heard primo can drop libido for some - do you think the decrease is from the primo itself, or possibly e2 being too low? Curious if you’ve felt any changes in strength or recovery too
I just started something similar. I added 50mg a week of mast on top of 150mg of test since I’ve been dealing with high SHBG. I was expecting some low E2 symptoms, but honestly, I feel better than ever on it. I’ve heard primo can drop libido for some - do you think the decrease is from the primo itself, or possibly e2 being too low? Curious if you’ve felt any changes in strength or recovery too
200 mg of Test Cyp per week with 100 mg of Masteron and I feel amazing.....libido through the roof and erections all day long.
Which as I sit here. My joints are pretty achy / dry
Could be from training hard. But typically 2 days off is enough to recover from 4 heavy movements

Really hope 200 test / 30mg primo isn’t wrecking my E2
Labs are next week.
Is low dose deca/npp no option?
Is low dose deca/npp no option?
Deca/NPP made me into an emotionless mess with similar terrible thoughts haha.

Plus I’m trying to keep my E2 down on TRT and not have to worry about another compound that can effect my e2
250 Test and 200 Primo is my go-to cruise/TRT. At 150-200 Primo keeps E2 in check, makes me feel good and doesnt crush my lipids
What are your test levels if you're doing 250 test during a cruise/trt? Also, what do you bump it to on a cycle?
What are your test levels if you're doing 250 test during a cruise/trt? Also, what do you bump it to on a cycle?
usually 4-6x so that dose would put someone at 1000-1500

250 is not trt, 100 is more closer to it

we only produce about around 5mg test a day with diet and everything perfect so accounting for biological processing etc. 70-100mg is good trt dose

Anything more than that is a cruise and a beyond it’s a cycle
And I’m tired of popping my AI. I forget so much.

Do you mean you forget to take it or that it causes a decline in memory?

One of the things I dislike about both Arimadex and Aromasin is that they make me feel foggy as hell, and I can't really work without pretty fast recall. I suspect the first, but my experience matches both. The switch to subq injection fixed any e2 problems I have on heftier doses. I feel like I got off lucky since a lot of people here don't have that response.
Do you mean you forget to take it or that it causes a decline in memory?

One of the things I dislike about both Arimadex and Aromasin is that they make me feel foggy as hell, and I can't really work without pretty fast recall. I suspect the first, but my experience matches both. The switch to subq injection fixed any e2 problems I have on heftier doses. I feel like I got off lucky since a lot of people here don't have that response.
So yeah I just forget to take it, and or don’t keep it routine. So my levels are probably all over the place give or take.

Only thing I truly paid any attention to is my sleep being either great after taking it, or if my e2 went low. I’d sleep like crap.
Also felt more flat in the gym the next day or two after taking my AI. Which all could just be me overthinking it.
So yeah I just forget to take it, and or don’t keep it routine. So my levels are probably all over the place give or take.

Only thing I truly paid any attention to is my sleep being either great after taking it, or if my e2 went low. I’d sleep like crap.
Also felt more flat in the gym the next day or two after taking my AI. Which all could just be me overthinking it.

right here brother, subq
usually 4-6x so that dose would put someone at 1000-1500

250 is not trt, 100 is more closer to it

we only produce about around 5mg test a day with diet and everything perfect so accounting for biological processing etc. 70-100mg is good trt dose

Anything more than that is a cruise and a beyond it’s a cycle

That's what I thought, which is why I was surprised when he called it cruise/trt. I know everyone likes to cruise at different levels, just curious about his take on it.
You personally run that? I’ve seen it before. Just wasn’t sure how I’d do on that dose combo.

Guess I’d find out trying it haha
Muscle candy has his own blend that has I believe double the exemestane same test and I use this yes sir mc is more expensive but there products are also good
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