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Maybe I have Stockholm syndrome bc I would still use him for AAS over SSA. His products have always been great. I was using him over QSC oils the second half of last year. I even had back to back orders at the end of last year get caught up in the reship issues. But I did eventually still get them. Now that the other vendors mentioned they all use EO in all vials, I'm really curious if GA does too. Because that's enough to keep me from buying anyone's oils
My sentiments exactly. His gear is better than other Chinese sources, including SSA. I ran out of GA gear last month but decided to extend my cycle since I had essentially the same compounds on hand from SSA. The only difference was I had to use Test E as opposed to Cyp. Right away I noticed much harsher pip with SSA oil. I also noticed my strength decline a bit and my overall energy levels took a dip. I doubt that has anything to do with switching Test esters as I've always had similar results with both. I have also been running SSA Anadrol for two weeks and it's nothing like the GA Anadrol I ran last summer. Not even close. I recognize this is all just "feelz" and anecdotal... ha- but they're my feelz, damn it! Plus, SSA has never thrown in 50 - 100 free amps (I missed out on the 500 free amp promo by 1 day) and other freebies when times are good for them. Marcus does that shit and overfills his vials.

GA has definitely run into issues and Marcus handled them poorly, especially after jacking up prices as high as he did. I also think some guys were piling on. Shit, I'm pretty sure I was guilty of the same at one point. If he can continue producing excellent gear while lowering prices back to normal, I'm sure he can win back most of his customer base. His gear is really good. It's that simple.

I will say, my most recent order during the EQ promo proved to be a frustrating process. I made payment and sent a screenshot with all the pertinent info which is how I've always done it in the past with Marcus, and every other vendor. Apparently "Jennifer" doesn't click on screenshot's. It's my fault for not checking my email and a week went by before I discovered the screenshot was no longer enough. They wanted me to get on the block chain, look up the transaction, and type it out. That's all well and good but, 1. I'm a contractor in my 40's so I'm not exactly proficient at that sort of thing. 2. Turns out after another week of back and forth with Jennifer the bitcoin hash ID they were looking for was in the initial screenshot I intially sent them. I couldn't copy n paste it so it was typed out. So it took over 2 weeks just to verify payment and get shipping started. This is partially my fault for not checking but my gripe was with the fact they couldn't be bothered to click on the screenshot despite the fact that's how it's always been with them and every other vendor. This is the first time I had to find the block chain and type it out... at least now i know what GA wants for confirmation. Again, no biggie but a bit irritating since shipping delays are already expected.

Unfortunately for me it looks like that package has been in customs for 9 days so there's a good chance I'll need a reship. If so that makes this the 2nd package I've had seized since December. Ha- it's been a month already and could be another month before I get this order.
My sentiments exactly. His gear is better than other Chinese sources, including SSA.
i can’t speak for any of the popular 3 letter Chinese labs, but i’ve ran GA’s Test for long enough now to know it’s quality as well.

thanks for the feedback. SSA tells me that their Test will be ready to ship soon. their price list is super attractive, and I can vouch for their peptides, but i’m going to leave their oils alone.
I just wanna say i told you all so, when GA raised his prices to take advantage of the shortage speculation and the shills defended it saying it was legitimate and the regular users said it would be temporary. idea why someone would buy chinese gear at these prices, not to.mention the shipping cost
I just wanna say i told you all so, when GA raised his prices to take advantage of the shortage speculation and the shills defended it saying it was legitimate and the regular users said it would be temporary. idea why someone would buy chinese gear at these prices, not to.mention the shipping cost
I hope he reconsiders soon. He was my go to guy prior to the shortage, but I've had to try other places since the prices went through the roof.

