
  1. Kobrah

    Is 500mg /ml Test even possible ???

    I've been told by "The guys at the gym" that it isn't possible to get 500/mg in a CC of test, and that if it was possible anything over 300ish would fucking hurt. I tried to research it just out of curiosity.. Here's the only real links that have people actually talking about it. Would love to...
  2. T

    Virgin Cycle!!!!!!

    Hi everyone. After a year of consideration I have finally decided to run my first cycle. I am 6'0 , 190lbs , and 20 years old (with 6 years lifting experience). My cycle would include - Test E , 250 per pin , pin 2x's a week , 10 weeks. My pct would be clomid 100 daily for first week, 100...