anastrazole dosage

  1. S

    Dosing of Arimidex powder

    Hey guys, So I have ordered 10g of Arimidex (Anastrozole) powder from Qingdao Sigma Chemicals. Due to my own stupidity I haven't considered how I will dose the powder. There are varying sources talking about different amounts to take ranging from 0,25mg every other day to 1mg every day but I...
  2. E

    High E2 on cruise, help me with the dosage of AI

    So i'm on cruise for about 6 months at 180 mg of test C x week. Checked with bloods my E2 level and it's very high. The range for males is 20-55 pg/ml, i got 130... In the past i blasted at 500mg x week, done bloods and never had the E2 this high. Also currently not having noticeable sizes like...
  3. J

    What's Best HCG and Anastrazole Protocol?

    Hey, what's up guys, sorry this might be a little bit long! Just FYI, I'm not new to using juice, I've just never used HCG on cycle, or Anastrazole before, because I haven't done any juice in like 5 yrs, and I used tamoxifen! I got my gear, other ancillary drugs, and everything needed for my...