
  1. O

    Comparison: Exemestane (aromasin) powder vs Anastrozole (arimidex) powder

    So, I have two bags of white raws. 1) is a fine, white powder. Very small grains. Looks like white chalk or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). 2) is a sugar-like (medium size grains/crystals) powder. Which one is exemestane/aromasin and which one is anastrozole/arimidex? Thanks in advance
  2. Hadron

    First cycle for injury?

    So I’m fresh off of TRT because the clinic I went to doubled their rates. It was flat out too expensive so I’ll be doing it myself for 1/4 or less the cost. Pretty sure they water down their stuff anyway. I’m looking to add something to it for a bit to help with a back injury. It isn’t skeletal...
  3. gacela

    Advices for my off-season cycle?

    Hey guys, this off-season summer I am going to do my second cycle and I would like you to give me your opinion, criticize me or give me better options, the cycle that I am going to do is: week 1-10: testosterone propionate 500 mg/week (every day injection) week 1-8: Anastrozole 20 mg/day week...
  4. G

    First Blast of Blast and Cruise, Help?

    Hello all, lurker of many forums here. First time poster. Background: ~8-9 Years of lifting, ~4 Years of serious diet and programmed lifting. Age 23 I’ve been on “TRT” for the past 4-5 months (I was in the double digits for total testosterone from age 20 up and I had done no PED, drugs, ect. to...
  5. L

    Insomnia from A.I.

    Anyone get insomnia from anastrozole even at really low dose?
  6. D

    Seeking input on bloodwork & current protocol (Clomid Mono + Adex)

    Quick background: I'm 49 & secondary from Accutane's version of PFS (post finasteride syndrome) for past 6 years. But this thread is not about that...plenty of that already discussed elsewhere. Purpose of this thread is to mainly seek input on optimizing E2 while on clomid monotherapy. I have...
  7. H

    Question about taking anastrozole alone.

    If I were to take anastrozole by itself could I expect a boost in musical mass?