
  1. S

    Dosing of Arimidex powder

    Hey guys, So I have ordered 10g of Arimidex (Anastrozole) powder from Qingdao Sigma Chemicals. Due to my own stupidity I haven't considered how I will dose the powder. There are varying sources talking about different amounts to take ranging from 0,25mg every other day to 1mg every day but I...
  2. InjuredGorilla

    Do you use AI with Primo?

    So im on 500/500 Test/Primo and currently no AI, don't have any sides tbh, maybe some water weight but im also on 4iu HGH so could be from that. Gonna get bloods in the next couple of weeks but figured ill see what the majority of people do while they use Test X Primo, do you need AI or not.
  3. K

    Loss of Gains - no PCT and gyno during cycle

    Hello, I've been on an Anadrol 50 mg/daily, Sustanon 250, Durabolin 250 stack for 12 weeks but without any estrogen blockers. Unlike previous cycles my first cycle or two, my gains have been less and my muscle mass is not hard or firm like in the past. My appetite has been less (the Anadrol...