aromatise inhibitor

  1. S

    Dosing of Arimidex powder

    Hey guys, So I have ordered 10g of Arimidex (Anastrozole) powder from Qingdao Sigma Chemicals. Due to my own stupidity I haven't considered how I will dose the powder. There are varying sources talking about different amounts to take ranging from 0,25mg every other day to 1mg every day but I...
  2. C

    HELP, can I start test enanthate after one week of only dbol

    Hello, This is my first cycle, I have cycled SARMS a few times before but have not done anabolics until now. I wanted to see how my body would react to dianabol without getting started with too much else in my system. I am fairly happy with the results so far, I have been on 20 mg or dbol ed...
  3. TuTriX31

    Daily First Cycle Thread

    Hey guys, I'm aware these posts are a constant stream but I wanted to check my planning and make sure I'm set before diving into my first cycle. I'd appreciate your input. Planning a 12 week test e cycle at 500mg injected twice a week. During my cycle I'm going to be running tamoxifen (20mg...
  4. T

    Which AI for my first cycle?

    Hello all, I'm planning my first cycle as I've recently transitioned into the world of competitive bodybuilding coming 3rd in my last competition. I'm not looking to blow up as quick as possible so the cycle isn't going to be as "hardcore" as some of you may suggest, plus if my first cycle is...