
  1. FatherFit

    Second blood test - Testosterone C. 350mg/week - High E2

    Finally I have the blood test and I need some feedbacks. The change is there but I skyrocket my E2 and need to act. I have the following products with me: - Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml - Arimidex 0.5 mg - Novaldex 10 mg - Anavar 10 mg I have shot 250mg/1ml every 5 days which is kind of...
  2. Bradybomb

    Finasteride/dutasteride use for pct?

    Has anyone ever used finasteride or dutasteride in pct for the purpose of increasing testosterone levels? People use aromatase inhibitors to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen to increase testosterone levels. High DHT levels have been shown to be suppressive to gonadatrophin FSH...