bac water

  1. M

    How long can you keep BAC water for?

    I have like 20 unopened 30mL bottles of BAC water from various peptide orders (they just gave them for free). Some of them are set to expire over the next few months. From what I can tell, as with most things, the expiration is just an FDA mandate. However, is it possible the benzyl alcohol is...
  2. X-BODY

    How Long Does Bacteriostatic Water Last for Once Opened. With and Without HCG

    Hi I have 30 ml Bac Water (rubber stopper) from Hospira. But i need 5ml for each HCG batch. If i store my bac water in refrigerator, how long can i use opened bac water itself? Some people says its lasts 3 months, others a year. Im confused :) And After reconstituting HCG with bac water, it will...