
  1. G

    Ball shrinkage

    im wondering if there are any reasons that my balls haven't really shrunk despite knowing for sure that my gear is legit? Haven't heard of anyone else's having this happen
  2. FutureMrO

    Acne on pct

    hey guys :) I'm on my last week on pct and have got some acne on my back little bits on my back and they're little red ones but lots of them around my lats delts ect, Also have a little on my face. My balls are feeling okay not as good as I was on cycle but definitely not 100% recovered I can...
  3. RandallNowan

    HCG "gainz"

    With continued use of HCG is it possible to get your balls bigger than they used to be / bigger than 'natty'? I wouldn't mind an extra ml or ten, lol. Cumming like Peter North would be a bonus...