benzyl alcohol

  1. A

    Why do some pharma test e not use any solvents?

    I have been seeing some pharma test e with just oil + hormone, not containing any BA or BB and also recently another pharma test e only containing BB and no BA. Are there benefits to removing the solvents altogether? Less pip for people? From what i've read BB is used to make the oil thinner...
  2. S

    Continuous bad pip + new issue flakes appearing in solvent ba,bb,eo before and after adding gso and test e powder while heating at around 40c.

    Hi guys I have a load of test e that hurts to hell. From what I can tell everything I used was sterile I am aware that this may not be the case, however I will run you through my current situation I may miss some info on my phone it’s hard to type. I have brewed about 3 or 4 batches for...
  3. Bradybomb

    Water based Benzyl Alcohol percentage

    I’m planning on making some water based winstrol and concerned about infection since 95% of infection comes from water based gear. I obviously will use sterile vials, filter the water and winstrol with .22um filters, and swab the top with alcohol every time before drawing. I was wondering what...