
  1. I

    Stopping HGH - selling 15 vials of TP blacktops (225iu) Uk only

    Hi guys, I ordered a large batch of TP blacktops about 7 months ago and they worked great for me. Exactly what all the reviews say, they are an amazing generic. Now I’m stopping HGH (and all steroids but I’m keeping this specific to the HGH forum) and am selling 15 vials I have left. It’ll be...
  2. Eman

    Blacktop / Meditrope ~ IGF-1 Test Results

    I've been running blacktops for probably about 6 months now... Greys before that. I take 6iu per day split morning and night, I was taking 8iu for a while but backed off to 6iu a few weeks prior to this test. The morning of the test, I pinned my normal dose of 3iu and bloods were drawn about...