blood test

  1. L

    1 year blood work.. How does it look?

    M 38, 6'3", 204lbs, Pinning test c Mon/Thu 0.35/250 (175/week). Diet is clean. Bloods done on a Monday before pinning. My first blood showed FT at 164 and TT at 15.4. I feel good with no symptoms. Any suggestions / recommendations?
  2. FatherFit

    Blood work result quite surprising

    Hi, two weeks ago I started my first Testosterone C cycle. I am 45 years old, male. I train 5 times a week and on a diet (30/30/30 around 2'200 cal). This blood test was done before starting the cycle but the doctor was super late and I got the results today. What surprise me most is the...
  3. @ozymandias

    Looking for Aussie Blood test service $$$

    Looking for Australian blood test labs that offer help with TRT, if I can get my levels close enough i'm able to be prescribed through my doctor. Looking for any help or information. 30 YEAR OLD MALE 183CM 90KG. Only train constantly in winter during sporting seasons but looking to get serious...
  4. Impono

    UK blood tests

    Hello lads Can anyone recommend a UK company for blood tests? Be handy if they have an app as well for results and no capped results like some I have seen. Thanks in advance!
  5. Tinknocker

    Blood test advice please help

    So here’s my details. I am 37yo. I started my first cycle at 30. Due to rather poor advice early on, I never got baseline bloods. I also extended blast length for wayyy to long over different time periods early on without knowing enough. I ended up doing blast/cruise although that wasn’t my...
  6. J

    New Member!

    What’s up MESO! New to this sort of scene, been working out for roughly 5 years now just looking to cross to the dark side. Biggest thing I’m curious about is what kind of bloods I should get done before I start out on a cycle? Does it differ depending on what I’m taking? If they are covered by...
  7. E

    DEUSCHEM sells underdosed/bunk gear, my bloods results after 6 week on.

    So as title says, i bought from them 3 packs of TESTOMED C 250 and did 6 weeks on 500mg x week. After 6 weeks did bloods and these are the results: Natty On their gear: So i went from 1000 ng/dl natural to just 1100 ng/dl on gear. Basically i was on an unwanted TRT and didn't know. Here the...
  8. D

    Reference range for all the biomarkers?

    Is there any place where I can find all the reference range for all the biomarkers? I'm trying to find a reliable for different age groups and gender so that I can reference from that instead of the clinics that consider total testosterone of 200 ng/DL as normal for a 24 year old Singaporean who...
  9. M

    Check LH from blood tests while on Gonasi

    I started my TRT about three months ago (I'm supported by a doctor) and two weeks ago I asked him to start using hCG (500UI x 2 times in a week) in order to try to restore my testicles size and to increase my LH (obviously, at the moment, my LH is zero). Should I see a raise on my LH and FSH...
  10. L

    Need help interpreting blood tests

    Ok, so I started TRT about a year ago 200mg pw test c split in two injections, after a month or two on it I added arimidex cause E2 was too high, then noticed I crushed E2 and reduced dosage to 0.25mg twice weekly, then E2 still crashed and reduced to to 0.25mg once weekly and still kinda...
  11. B

    Bloods: Pareto 30mg/day MK677 After 3 Months

    + 500mg test C per week while mostly on cutting/maintaining cals and macros. Were pulled at 12pm after about 11 hours fasting. Took MK pre bed empty stomach ED.
  12. Hungrymofo

    Blood work- Odin Test E

    Odin Test E purchased from 24hr a few weeks ago during the sale. (Did not come in original Odin box). No PIP. 350mg/ week Test E:100mg EOD 875iu/ week HCG: 250iu EOD (opposite days) 1968 ng/dL Bloods were drawn 24hrs post test injection and 6hrs post HCG. Disclaimer... Okay this was day 9...
  13. M

    HGH Biomarkers and HGH vs Peptides

    Howdy y'all. It's good to be back! I got to thinking over the last couple days about an IGF-1 blood test I had a few years back. I was taking 375 mcg of Ipamorelin and 300 mcg of MOD GRF nightly. I know, it's a big dose. I would actually feel it hit me a few minutes after SQ injection, like I...
  14. ChiCubbie86

    Blood test results for 700mg test cyp a week cycle?

    What up guys, I just got the results of my week 10 blood test. What’s the normal test/ng range for a cycle at 700mg test cyp a week? My test is currently at 1700/ng...Is that where it should be? Thanks y’all
  15. Powerlift12


    Hi, My derm wants some blood work done before starting accutane. She has also sent me to an endocrinologist. (I am a female and I told her I hadn't had a period in a while which made her send me to one) They both want me to get the following tested: •E/LFT- ELECTROLYTES/LIVER FUNCTION TESTS...
  16. FutureMrO

    Blood work

    So Iv started a test e 500mg a week 250mg twice a week... Iv done my 3rd shot so I'm not really into the cycle and I didn't get blood work done :/ when can I get it done 6 weeks or post ? And what do I ask for what blood tests
  17. Mr_Nobody

    Going to hit the waves.. Should i get PCT while im down?

    Soooo.... This is my first post before I start a proper first cycle of Test-E only... Anyways I'm going to Rosarito Beach to hit the waves that the Supermoon is going to bring this weekend and I am just wondering what everyone's opinion is on getting PCT out there? Is it garbage or would it be...
  18. S

    15 week test e/EQ cycle with blood work results

    Ran my cycle at 750mg/wk test e with 600mg/wk of eq. Split my shots into sun/wed and took arrimidex mostly around 1mg daily. Gear I was using was Logics, local around my area. My stats: Height 6'4, Starting weight was 207lbs and finishing weight was 218. My goal was to add some lean size which...
  19. N

    Blood work Australia

    Has anyone used or had any luck with a good doctor that knows about security or privacy of test results? Want to know that my blood work is all good but don't want to have it permanently displayed on my record. Any Aussies out there with previous experience would be helpful!!
  20. RandallNowan

    Blood Results from EQ and TC cycle

    Hi, folks. I wasn't able to draw bloods at 48 hours, it was an abnormally long time at 90 hours post pin (wouldn't normally even be that long between pins, but... Circumstances beyond my control). Weeks 1-3 300mg EQ E3D and 300mg TestC E3D Weeks 4-6 500mg EQ E3D and 500mg TestC E3D. These...
  21. Bill lane

    Blood Results for ASHOP.IN

    Had blood taken at 11 weeks for 750mg Test C. cycle. split pin every WED. And Sat. 4 weeks before blood i bumped it up to 1500mg for 2 weeks went back to 750mg the two weeks before the test. Blood was taken 48hrs after last pin. Let me know what you guys think about the numbers... Thanks