bpc 157

  1. P

    Question about injection site for BPC-157 & TB-500

    So I've had these nagging injuries that come and go for years now. Typical stuff like lower back pain, neck pain, etc. Most recently I've injured my foot. I don't exactly know how it happened but it's been bad enough that I can't really train my quads very well for the last 2 weeks. I can do leg...
  2. Y

    BPC 157 and TB-500

    What's everybody's experience with either of these peptides? Dosage, healing, timeline, etc? My experience with it so far has been pretty effective. I started with 250mcg of bpc 2x a day for 10 days. My rotator cuff injury improved significantly in those days while doing rehab work 5-6x a week...
  3. RandallNowan

    BPC-157 and physically large injury

    Chaps. I displaced rib and it's fucked all the connective tissue up something awful. I clunk when I breathe now and I can't lift for shit without pain. Time is a great healer... But so is bpc-157 by all accounts. The injured area is from my sternum, all the way round the rib to my spine...