
  1. C

    How to sterilise this part?

    Hi guys, I'm using a all glass bottle top filter which support 47mm filter membrane, like this: How to sterilize the mid part: I don't want the pores in this mid part to get clogged up in the process of washing(After which I sterilize it). My sterilisation process: How do you do it...
  2. Qualityoflife86

    EQ / Equipoise / Boldenone brew question

    How does everyone get the EQ out of the package or bottle? Do you freeze it so it crystals? Turn the bottle upside down? Use a tool to scrape everything out? Cut top of bottle off?
  3. K

    Easy dianabol recipe??

    hi all, I've researched for ages in prep to brew a 50mg/ml dbol injectable but there is so much old info on here that I wondered if there is a definitive working recipe anyone has? Can I brew like other gear using ba,bb and cso or gso rather than going into using eo or other carriers without...
  4. Anavarnarian

    Tren A/Test P/Masteron with MCT -- What EO %?

    Looking for advice on the % of EO that should be used for brewing this particular blend. Oil will be MCT: 50mg Tren Ace 50mg Masteron 50mg Test Prop Just looking for BA/BB/EO % recommendations for this formulation. I've seen extremely high EO ratios in the recipes floating around out there...