
  1. VandTuica10Lei

    Say Hello to my little gear (and PCT)

    My first cycle. 30ml Test e (500mg/week 3.5 day pin, currently at week two , yesterday was my third shot) , Arimidex in case of high E2 , and PCT.
  2. guyzcool

    Testicle size, regeneration

    I've been off cycle for over 2 months now, I've been using clomid and Nolvadex @ 100/100/50/50, 40/40/20/20 I've got about a week and a half of pct. I can tell my testes have increased in size tremendously, I have no loss on libido, and I went from 189 to 186/187 so no real weight loss and I...
  3. guyzcool

    Clomid quality question

    So I need to pick up a bit more clomid, it looks like I didn't order enough. Just a small error, I've got 4 weeks before I start pct, and I was looking at either Geneza's Clomid or Alpha-Pharma's Promifen. I just want some input on shipping times on both, prices are pretty cheap either .8 a tab...
  4. guyzcool

    reliablerxpharmacy how reliable is it?

    Hello, a new pct/ancillaries pharmacy had come to my attention. It looks they have a good amount of things and are out of India, I've seem some chatter on here about it, I was wondering if anyone has ordered from them and shipped into the US, I know the europharma on this site is said to be...