collagen synthesis

  1. B

    Mast use before surgery?

    I have a surgery that involves a lot of skin healing and general anesthesia coming up in the next 4 months. My last blood test came back and my estrogen is way too high, and my test is not in the range I want it in (I'm only on test now) I have been considering running 1:1 test masteron as a...
  2. T

    Testosterone and Collagen

    I’ve been researching this for a year and I still can’t find an answer. If someone runs high testosterone, say around a gram a week, some people say: 1- Super-physiological Test levels impair collagen production, which is why it’s a good idea to combine high Test with collagen improving...
  3. M

    Testosterones negative impact in collagen synthesis and how to counteract it

    Testosterone in high doses have been shown to inhibit collagen synthesis. This is bad not only for skin health but also for joints and tendons, which increase risk of injury. I’ve made some research on this subject, and find the pathways of which high testosterone inhibit collagen synthesis and...