
  1. acetate jake

    LOW LIBIDO, Pls Help

    I think i crashed my estrogen by taking a little too much aromasin this week. My libido got crushed + super limp dick, and terrible timing too with my new girl. I'm on 500mg Test Cyp / week, I ceased use of Aromasin + finasteride (.25mg ED) and got ultrasensitive e2 bloods yesterday. I also...
  2. uncodedmind

    First Homebrew fucked!

    Hello guys, this time I decided to cook TEST E -200mg / ml (500ml) Test E 200mg/ml - 500ml 102g Test Enam 8g BA 47.5g-BB [8.5%] 342.5g GSO I heated up to around 40-55 ° c Everything went well, but after a while TEST E started to get cloudy / crashed, I tried to add a little more BB and...
  3. M

    Weird thing: crashed the fuuuugh out of my E2, now need less AI despite same blast dose

    Hey y'all! Good morning. Happy motherfucking Saturday ya bastards!@ I have been sleeping like a king lately (which means for me, a solid 7.5 hours of sleep and I wake feeling like a million bucks) after battling fucking wicked insomnia for the last several months. I finally figured out a...