cycle opinion

  1. B

    Summer cycle after vacation

    Cycle plan Test e 250mg Tren e 400mg Mast e 400mg Clen 40mcg 0-2 weeks (keep bumping it up 20mcg every 2 weeks till i reach to my max dosage at week 10 than drop the compound Winny 25mg 0-2 weeks Winny 50mg 2-8 weeks My current physique is 5’10 188lbs 15ish body fat% kind of just doing a...
  2. danieleisit

    Steroid cycle

    Can anybody advise on taking 500 mg of primo and anastrozole as a cycle support? This is for six weeks as well then PCT with clomid only and maybe hcg
  3. D

    Progress opinion.

    About three weeks into test tren cycle 450 test prop 220 tren ace Tren suspension 50mg Ed Working with a injury left wrist has a plate three screws locked into place so can't rotate it up or down I know chest has to be worked on insane and legs. shoulders nd ams coming along. surgery wrist...
  4. R

    I am debating if I should use Tren on my third cycle.

    First cycle was a test only cycle. This was kind of an experiment to see how I react. My second cycle was 600 mg of test C 300mg 2x per week and 40 mg of Dbol. I did get stronger and I did gain some mass. I did PCT with HCG. On my third cycle, I decided to get Tren but I'm having second...
  5. M

    Cycle with Oxandrolone: how many weeks

    Hi to all, I'm running my first cycle with Oxandrolone (I also inject 250mg testo E/week). I started with 20mg of oxandrolone per day and after 25 days I raised it to 40 mg and I finally started to see some small results. I'm at the moment at my thirty-fifth day and I had my blood tests and my...
  6. C

    Cycle Planning and 1 Week Vacation - Ideas?

    I‘m planning my first cycle for next year as follows: -16 weeks (in order to use all 4 10 ml vials 200mg/ml) Test C 250mg E3,5D+ HCG 250 iu EOD. I searched for other posts but I found only one with no suggestion actually... As just in the middle of the planned cycle I‘m going on holiday for...
  7. jimheath

    First cycle questions

    I just want to say I'm new here... so please take it easy on me lol. My first question would be about the test e dosage. It seems that all the gym and forum bros recommend 500mgs a week, but I've also seen a lot of people recommending only 300ish test per week. As someone who has had experience...
  8. M

    My planned sustanon only cycle and PCT plan what do you think?

    This will be my first ever cycle Since i only trust pharmacy products my only option is sustanon and primobolan. But i plan to use only sustanon The plan is like this week 1-12, weekly total 500 mg sustanon, it will be 2x250 mg in the week so 2 injections week 1-12, EOD (once in a 2 days)...
  9. M

    3rd cycle experiment. Test Prop. Test Cyp. Deca. Opinions please :)

    Hey fellas, I'm new to this forum, but am rather experienced with anabolics. My first cycle was with test cyp alone for 10 weeks. My second cycle was with sus for 12 weeks. Week 1-4 of oral dbol. I'm on my 3rd cycle right now. I'm 5 weeks in. The gear on hand is Test Cyp, Test Prop, and Deca...
  10. O

    Feedback please...

    I've dabbled in HRT the last year or so, but found it to be mostly a waste of time due to the low dosage (200mg/week). After reading a Bill Roberts article on Masterone I thought I would cycle it with Test - 250mg/wk of each. Plus anastrozole and HCG during the cycle and Clomid after. Had...